Previous Next had to be leaches

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 9:13pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon
Edited on on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 9:15pm

1,390 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hades' Office Medical Bay
Timeline: MD04 1100 hours


Hades headed into his quarters to change and then back to the office. His stomach was a bit more settled.

He entered his code and headed into his quarters. "Computer lights." He waited until the lights went up. Walking over to his bedroom he pulled out a brand new uniform and headed back to the office.

When he got to the office he headed to his personal replicator and ordered a mint tea and as it shimmered into existence he threw off his old uniform and put on a fresh one.

Bending down he picked up his old uniform pants and shirt and tossed them in the laundry bin in his bathroom. He shrugged into his new Jacket and just as he was about to pick up his old jacket he noticed a stain on the back.

He sighed and looked closer only to see that it was no stain. It was .....a Cardassian leach! He quickly dropped the jacket and backed way.

Hades started to sweat, his breathing became irregular. "Damn!" He was having a panic attack. Shrivol would have had to bring out leaches! He backed up and hit the way. His head began to spin. He stumbled and fell unconscious.

Ah but that was not the end of his trial. The little leach began to move towards his face.

Shrivol was sterilizing the leaches but realized something was wrong. "Nurse, did anyone open this container after I sealed it?"

"Yes I did, but dropped it accidentally. I'm sorry doctor I sealed it back up." The nurse replied.

"It's okay, but I am missing two." Shrivol said puzzled. "Thankfully they aren't dangerous but we need to find them before someone panics. Go search the area I had the jar but don't inform Dr. Hades." The nurse left, smiling slightly.

Shrivol and the nurse searched and it wasn't until Shrivol saw a small slime trail leading to a place he didn't want it too, Hades office. "Damn." he blurted out and walked in.

It took him a moment to see Hades unconscious on the floor. "He will never forgive me." Shrivol said. He knelt down and removed the leach off his face by gently rubbing the leaches back. He then grabbed a jar and placed it in then a cool cloth and checked Hades, Shrivol wiped the slime off of Hades face, thankfully the leach didn't latch onto Hades. Shrivol applied the cloth gently to Hades face and started rubbing his shoulder "Doctor...can you hear me, wake up." The shaking became more intense with each moment Hades didn't respond.

Hades heard a voice calling him...he couldn't know where it was from. All was dark. Slowly he fought his way to the light and memories started to come back...His eyes flew open and he backed towards the wall shaking violently. "Get it out!" He managed to call out.

"It's out." Shrivol said putting the small jar into his pocket. "I'm sorry Hades, a nurse dropped the jar and the lid came off." Shrivol felt extremely guilty at these events.

Hades nodded. His stomach turned and he crawled into the bathroom and again was sick. He felt a hand on his back. Damn! He'd just thrown up three times in front of the department CO in one day. Could he be any more embarrassed.

Shrivol came in helping Hades as much as he can. "I haven't had to do this since graduation and one of my female classmates was extremely drunk." he said, right now wishing he hadn't. "I don't think the mint is helping."

He groaned pathetically.

Shrivol went to the replicator. "Andorian Blue sea tea, chilled." he ordered and set it down, then went back to Hades to help him. "I really am Sorry."

While Shrivol got the tea Hades washed his face and mouth and went back to the office. He sat on the floor with his back to the wall. "It's okay. You couldn't know." He didn't want to thank about the days he'd developed that phobia.

"Try this, its a bit more powerful than the mint but it helps upset stomachs and well what you are going through." Shrivol handed Hades the blue liquid and sat next to Hades. "are you okay?" He asked after Hades had the first sip. He was genuinely concerned about Hades, something that seemed off for a physician, something that was closer.

Hades took another sip and closed his eyes leaning his head against the wall. "I'm okay... It just..." He didn't know why he was opening up to Shrivol he hadn't talked about this to anyone. "Remember when I told you about the days when I was in that weird living dead state?"

"Yes, I do." Shrivol replied, looking at Hades with compassion.

"Well when I first passed out when I was out for over a month and I woke up on Vulcan the doctor...he was a mean Vulcan over 200 years old. He had a love of leaches. I woke up covered in them chest, arms, neck. I couldn't move I couldn't talk but I could feel them. My brother saw the leaches and he kicked the doctor out and got rid of them. I couldn't do anything...I was ... unable to move and since then I can't stand leaches."

"He used a Vulcan leach right?" Shrivol asked knowing that most leaches from Vulcan can cause intense paralysis on non Vulcan beings.

"Yeah. The big ones." He glanced over at Shrivol on the wall just beside shrivel was a second leach. Hades let out a screech and jumped back pulling Shrivol with him. "Look out!"

Shrivol lost balance and struck his head damaging an Antenna when he connected with a bulkhead. Shrivol's vision became blurry and he couldn't stand up. He stretched toward the leach and managed to grab the leach and awkwardly put it back into the jar.

Shrivol stayed on the ground, finding himself too dizzy to move at all. "You...okay...." Shrivol said trying not to vomit all over himself, Shrivol could feel that his right antenna was seriously injured which along with what he suspected a concussion was the cause of his dizziness.

Hades noticed notice Shrivol wasn't okay. Forgetting the leaches his doctor senses started kicking in. Still nauseous he grabbed his bag and pulled out a tricorder. "Damn! Don't move." He headed out into the main bay and was back within a moment. He pressed a hypo to Shrivol's neck. Helped him stand and guided him over to a chair. "That should help with the dizziness. Geeze Shrivol I'm sorry." His hands shaking he looked over the antenna. "Okay It's not bad. Just a bit bruised and a mild concussion. Dang are you trying to get out of that lecture tonight?" He said trying to lighten the mood.

"I might..." Shrivol said smiling as the medication kicked in, he noticed Hades hands shaking and he grabbed them. "I am fine." he said "You know how us Andorians are extremely sensitive when we injure our antenna, it takes us a minute. But I want you to understand something else, the leaches only eat bacteria, these can't even break the skin." he said with smile.

Hades sighed. "I think I'll take you up on that offer and go home early." He said, something that was odd for Hades. He never admitted needing rest. He realized he was holding Shrivol's hands he pulled them away his face slightly colouring. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Shrivol said before clearing his throat awkwardly. "I should be sorry, I was the one that grabbed your hands." he cleared his throat again, something of a nervous twitch that he picked up when he was younger. "Get some rest."

Scrambling for some semblance of professionalism. He gave a nod. "Thanks Doctor. I'll see you tonight. We can meet back here and then go from the lecture."

"Of course, Doctor Hades. I am looking forward to being with you the lecture of course." And just like that Shrivol turned purple. He was embarrassed, so much so he quickly walked out of the office still a bit uneasy after the concussion.

Hades all but ran out of the office.


Dr. Shrivol Thr'elanon, CMO
Dr. Hades, ACMO

Starbase 400


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