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Somthing Fishy

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 3:40pm by Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Good Fellas
Timeline: MD4 0845hrs


Splendora smiled at the bartender. "Okay so another cranberry juice please, twist of lime, twist of lemon. Also...can I order something sweet please?"

"That's a lot of sugar ma'am." The bartender said, but he went ahead to get what was ordered.

Tom walked up, he'd also heard the order. "Everything okay?" He asked Sage.

She smiled at him. "Mr. Vercetti! Yes. No..Maybe...I don't know." She looked at the bartender. "Make it a double on the sweet."

The Bartender looked at Tom who smirked and nodded as to say 'Go ahead'.

"What's troubling you?" Tom asked Sage.

Splendora drained the last of her juice. "There has been some odd stuff happening. And I don't know what to think. I'm a bit...OCD with things and..." She thought for a moment. "Okay watch." She moved the glass. "If I put this here and let's say I was to leave and come back. If that glass is even 2 millimetres moved I'll know. It's weird but it bugs me. Now picture that on a massive scale."

Tom looked at her for a moment. He knew about OCD, his mother struggled with it. "Perhaps you need to talk to a Counselor. There are treatments."

She sighed. "I am a counselor. I actually like my OCD. We're friends, my OCD and I. But the problem is this...ability tells me when things are off." She gave a smile to the bartender when he put a plate of sweets in front of her. She picked one out Chewed. "Oh my Gods of Betazed. This is soooo good." She pushed the plate towards Tom. "Have some. Anyway," She went on. She lowered her voice, "Mr. Vercetti things in my office, in my quarters....things have been moved. It's not obvious but little by little I notice things moved..and...well it feels like someone was there. I'm either loosing my marbles...and if I haven't so far I don't think that's the case, or someone has repeatedly been in my office and my quarters."

Tom cocked his head to the side. Sage was definitely an interesting person, but this did sound serious. "Have you spoken to security? I'm sure Commander Lokran wouldn't mind having someone checking things out or even keeping on eye out on your shop."

"Well nothing is missing. Things were just moved around. If something does go missing I guess I can contact this Lokran." She polished off the dessert and pushed the plate towards the bartender. "One more sweet. What is it that people say..." She closed her eyes a moment. "Oh yes, hit me again....with the dessert."

She smiled at Tom. "I went to Lieutenant Cole by the way. Thanks for suggesting her."

"Missing or not, it sounds like someone was in there looking for something, and trying not to make it look like it. Tell you what, give me a key, I'll look around to see if they left something or if there was a pattern to their search." Tom replied.

"You are really a sweetheart." She pulled out a little notebook and pen from her messenger bag and wrote down a couple of combinations. "The top is quarters and the bottom is from the centre." She handed him the paper.

"Vito and I will stop by and look around, we'll make it appear that we're customers. I'll come back after closing to keep an eye out." Tom replied. "Don't move anything til we stop by."

She smiled. "I really appreciate it." She looked at Tom. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" Tom replied.

She thought a moment and smiled. "Well two things. One, can I buy some of those pastry things will the cream filing to take with me, I think you called them Camel Onlys...or something like that. And Second...are you sure I'm not bothering you with this. I know that you're busy ....I don't want you to not get something done just cause you're helping me. I don't want to impose."

Tom nodded to the bar tender to go get the pastries. "No no, it's fine." He replied.

She smiled. "I really appreciate this Tom. My quarters you can go in anytime. Phoenix is not there she's at the Vet and I won't be back till late. I'll be in my office at the centre very late so you and...Vito? can be there anytime." She paused. "Now you must let me thank you for what you are doing" She was shocked at her boldness she was never this bold. "Can I buy you dinner?"

Tom smiled. "Let's get this sorted out first to see if I earn it." He thought for a moment, "We'll be there tonight, you might want to make plans to stay somewhere else tonight."

She tried to keep her disappointment hidden about the dinner. "Sure. I'll stay with my new receptionist tonight. She could use the company. I should be out of the office by midnight." She finished the last of her juice and took her time doing it. She finally got up. Thanked the bartender and put a tip in the tip jar. "I should go." She picked up the pastries and headed out.

From the back of the restaurant a figure stood. When Splendora exited it followed. Once outside the call was made on a secure coms. =/\=She's moving towards her quarters. Better get out of there.=/\=



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Comments (1)

By on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 7:03pm

Intrigue builds. Can't wait to see the next episode