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Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 2:49pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon

1,708 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 4 --0900 hours


Shrivol was exhausted, he had to perform three additional surgeries on two of the Romulans. At times he wishes their physiology was more like Klingons. The staff cleaned the surgical bay and Shrivol was at a sanitary station cleaning up and removing his surgical garments. "And I remember when we thought studying would be the worst thing in medical school." he said outloud but not to anyone in particular.

After speaking with the Admirals and helping Lai'lira settle in Hades had headed back to sickbay. He'd had to talk to the CMO anyway and he was told that Shrivol was in Surgery. He waited until he saw the patients wheeled out and then entered just in time to hear Shrivol speak.

Hades chuckled. "The studying and the tests are the best part of medical school. This, this is the hard part."

"Always has been for me. Its the standing." Shrivol said with a smile. " I thought you were off today?" He said as he walked toward a replicator and ordered a coffee. "Do you want anything?"

"I was suppose to be off but you know me. Rest is not something I do easy. I took care of a few personal errands, ribs still kill a bit but we've got a sickbay full of Romulans so I figured we can work to clear them today and then I have to talk to you. ACMO to CMO." Hades said grabbing gloves and his doctor's coat. He picked up the blue one with swirl patters. He'd always liked that one.

He watched Hades grab his garments "Okay, but why does my nervousness increase when someone brings up rank and position." Shrivol said with a chuckle.

Hades smiled and shrugged. "It happens to everyone. But it's actually about a new program we could do." He said to Shrivol as they headed out the door.

When they reached the main sickbay there were several Romulans in the bio beds. Hades sighed and looked at Shrivol. "Ready?"

"Of course." Shrivol said inhaling deeply. "I think they are at improving, especially their temperament."

Hades smiled he headed towards the first bio bed. It was a young woman who'd broken her leg and had it set in transit. He smiled at the young woman. "AEfvadh. Naruihu maenek Hades arhem." (Welcome, My name is Dr. Hades.)

The woman responded with a burst of Romulan. Hades smiled, answered her explained that he was going to use an osteo-regenerator to help heal the break in her leg. He also scanned her and explained that he'd have to reset the bone as it wasn't set properly in transit. Hades gave the woman a Hypo for the pain and set about the work. All through it he chatted with her and kept his voice soothing and calm. He wondered how Shrivol was doing.

Shrivol had a smile that could best be described as Andorian. His patient a Romulan in his late twenties was not responding well to pain medication. "Feeling a lot of pain?" All the Romulan did was point where. "At least we can understand one another." Shrivol said still smiling as he read the readings from the biobed. Shrivol gave a puzzled look before heading to the medication dispenser and started programming it. A moment later he removed the vial and plugged it into a hypospray. "This ought to do it." he pressed the hypospray to the Romulan's neck and injected him. In moments the Romulan was resting with no visible signs of pain.

Hades next moved over to a bio bed that held a burn patient. He'd managed to fix 90% of the burns. He looked at the nurse. "Continue treatments."

He continued chatting and smiling and keeping the spirits of the patients up. When he go to a mother and son the little boy had been treated for an ear injury, not easy on Vulcans or Romulans. Hades did a scan. "Good as new.....and...Oh what's that?" He asked in mock worry. He reached behind the boys ear and pulled out a coin. The boy laughed and so did the mother. He signed the discharge papers and headed on to the next patient.

This one had been rough. It was an old Romulan woman. "Hello hru'nanov (grandmother). How are you feeling today?"

She smiled, spoke to him in Romulan. He nodded his head. "Dr. Thr'elanon I could use your help here."

Shrivol was there in an instant "Whats wrong?" the smirk on his face gone after Hades requested assistance.

"We're going to have to clean her leg wound. It's infected. None of the medication took." Hades spoke gently to the old woman. Soothingly. He squeezed her hand and told her that all would be well. Keeping his voice in a soothing tone, as she couldn't understand Federation Standard, he spoke to Shrivol. "Can you clean the wound We need to manually suture this wound."

"Yes, but this is a different type of infection I have seen it a few times. Nurse, go grab a metal canister that is near the right side of my desk." A few seconds later Shrivol had the canister and opened it. "I don't know how she will respond to this, but these are Cardassian sea leaches. They don't harm the good tissue, but it's the best way to clean this type of infection. Can you make sure she looks only at you?" He said.

Hades looked horrified for a moment. "Leaches?" He wasn't sure but he sat on the bio bed so as to block her view a bit and spoke to her in Romulan. He asked questions, she answered. She didn't seem bothered by the leaches...but Hades was.

Shrivol applied the leaches around the infected area and let them perform their task. They worked quickly but were loud as they devoured the infection. "Good that is working they will be done in a couple minutes I think..."he looked at Hades face. "Doctor, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Peachy." Hades said. He turned back to the woman and explained that they were cleaning the infection. He swallowed so as not to throw up. Dear God! Leaches!

Shrivol saw Hades turn more shades of green than most Orion's do. He cleaned up after they were done feasting and placed them back in the canister, in a moment the leg was sutured. "All done." he said with a typical smile. "Are you going to be alright?"

He gave a weak smile. He spoke a few words to the Romulan woman who thanked him and then said thank you to Shrivol. While the CMO moved on to another client Hades headed towards his office. He swayed on his feet a bit and then entered. The moment he was in his office he ran to the little bathroom and proceeded to loose his lunch. "Leaches..." he said miserably.

Shrivol finished with the last patient who was healed from his injuries. He was concerned after what he saw from Hades. He went to Hades office and walked in hearing him getting sick in the bathroom. He waited for him to return. "I apologize I should have warned you beforehand."

Hades had washed his hands, face, and rinsed his mouth with mouthwash when he came out. He dropped down in the chair. "I'm sorry. I just...I haven't thrown up since Med school."

"It happens unfortunately." Shrivol knew what that was like. "Unfortunately it happens I should say. Take a breather, the patients are pretty much caught up and are recovering."

"Yeah. I did want to talk to you about an idea I had." Hades said still green and still feeling ill.

"Go ahead." Shrivol said trying not to chuckle at Hades misfortune.

"Okay so I think that we can have on call shifts where we can book two doctors one to stay in sickbay and then one to do house calls. It would also allow us to open a training facility and bring medical students so that they can have their hours here and work with our doctors. It will benefit the as there is more they can learn on a Starbase then on a ship. It will also allow us to treat small issues out of sickbay and save time."

He thought for a moment "I like that idea, in fact I think that's something that the Bajoran Medical school and others are looking for. Their dean is scheduled to be here in a couple weeks." Shrivol kept thinking. "I really like it and who wouldn't want a good old fashioned house call."

Hades smiled. "We could even have Starbase 400 Medical bags made up to give to the med students. I still use mine from the Academy. In fact it would...." Suddenly an image of leaches popped into his head. He groaned and ran for the bathroom heaving out his breakfast too.

"Don't forget the decoder rings." He shouted as Hades ran to the bathroom. "Leaches have been used for millennias, what about them makes you sick?" Shrivol didn't know how to shut up at times, and this was one of those times.

Again, he washed his face and mouth and hands. He came out with a wet towel around his neck and went to the plant on his desk, a mint plant. He picked a leaf and chewed it visibly shaking. "Long story."

"Take the day off. Your shift is almost over I believe anyway." Shrivol said, sounding a bit stern.

"I'm good." He sighed.

Shrivol rolled his eyes "If you say so, just take it easy. If it gets worse then I will order you to take the rest of the shift off and tomorrow on top of it."

Hades smiled. "You have a mean streak in ya don'tcha?"

"You have no idea." Shrivol said "Unfortunately it's most likely from my species as a whole."

He smiled. "I'm okay now, really the Mint did it's job although If you're okay with it I have to go see Admiral T'Lar a moment then I'll be back."

"Of course. Just keep me updated." Shrivol turned and walked out. He made a mental note to not use leaches around Hades, at least for the time being.


Dr. Shrivol Thr'elanon

Dr. Hades

Starbase 400


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