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Asylum Continued...

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2016 @ 10:10pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Hades,MD

1,953 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: T'Lar Quarters
Timeline: MD04 0730 hrs


Lai'lira had gotten up early. She took the liberty of preparing breakfast for her and T'Lar. To be honest she hadn't slept well. She'd spent the night crying. She sat at the table waiting for T'Lar to come.

She was lost in thought when Earl bumped his nose on her hand. She smiled and moved to the floor to hug the tiger. "Good morning." She said petting the animal.

Deela watched for a moment, "I have not seen Earl this happy in awhile. He doesn't get much attention now that his friend doesn't come around. He's at Starfleet Academy now. He has been a little lonely and sad." Deela walked up to Earl and patted him on the head.

Lai'lira smiled. "He's such a gentle soul." She saw the look he gave her and smiled. "Okay, okay. You are a mean scary tiger." He let out a little growl and lifted his head as if saying 'you got that right.' She grinned when he laid down beside her. She gave him another pat and then stood up. "I made breakfast...I wasn't sure what you liked so I made a few things."

"Well thank you. It looks good. I have not had a breakfast like this in a long time." Deela plated a few things and sat down, "Join me." Earl moved near Deela hoping to get some food scraps. Deela just smiled and scratched his neck.

Bremer was up early too, he's been in meetings with Commander Tamarith and over subspace with Fleet Admiral Akaar, Federation Councilmember Kren of Andor, Councilmember D'Tan of Vaun'gan representing the Romulans in the Federation, and Commander Donatra of the Free Romulan Forces. They had been discussing the requests for asylum and defection.

Donatra and D'Tan were happy and eager to welcome in more of their Romulan brothers and sisters, and the fact they were bringing in more ships to their fleet was also a major plus. The official Federation stance was also only of support, but Kren did express concern that the Romulan Star Empire and the rest of the Typhon Pact would continue its aggressive stance in this new cold war with the Federation Alliance. It was agreed that turning these refugees away was not going to happen.

"The most heavily damaged ships will remain here under going repairs. I'll have Commander Solomon assign a repair team to each ship to help its crew. Commander Tamarith has already assigned teams from her ship to help as well." Bremer added.

"Very good, however your repair teams' top priority is to get the Pegasus back in service." Akaar replied.

"Understood. At last report, it'll be another six to nine months before she's operational, but I'll see if Chief Blackthorn's team can cut that down some." Bremer replied.

Once the meeting was over, Mike received a request to come to T'Lar Quarters. He and Tamarith headed that way. Tamarith was the only Romulan Mike had ever really trusted, and his one time XO of the Pegasus after the Dominion War held him in high regards too.

"How do you really feel about this situation?" Mike asked.

"I believe it to be good, and honestly something that's been in the works for a while, all the way back to Ambassador Spock's time on Romulus. That said, it is also safe to assume that the Tal Shiar has operatives aboard at least a few of the ships. I've already started anti-infiltration procedures, trying to vet all of the new arrivals, but it will take time." Tamarith replied.

Mike nodded, he agreed with her, and had already asked Draven to do the same from the Federation side.

Arriving at T'Lar Quarters, Mike tapped the chime.

Deela wiped her mouth, got up and walked to the door. When the door opened, Earl watched as if he was making sure that they were safe. He snorted and went over to Lai'lira and sat at her feet. Deela smiled, "Hi, come on in." She moved back to let him in.

Lai'lira had slid to the ground and had her arms around Earl and watched the new arrivals.

Bremer and Tamarith entered, both of them looking at Earl for a moment. Tamarith stood over to the side while Mike took a seat wondering why he'd been asked to come by so early. "Is everything okay?"

Deela shook her head, "Not really. This is Lia'lira. She is from the IRV Verix. Yesterday, when she was in Sickbay, another Romulan attacked her. Fortunately, he was stopped before he could hurt her." That was something for another discussion.

"She is asking for 'asylum from the other defectors.'" She went over to the girl, "Lia'lira, this is Fleet Admiral Bremer." She smiled, "Can you tell him what you told me?"

Tamarith had a look of skepticism, while Bremer was concerned. Why would this person want asylum from the rest of her people that had already defected to the Federation?

She sighed. She'd been through this so many times it all felt like a bad dream. She looked at Tamarith. "I know how you are feeling. If you will give me a chance I can explain."

Tamarith crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side. "Explain."

"I am Lai'lira Te'elis S'Nai daughter of Cy'Kriss sister of Tal'Aura Former Praetor of Romulus. I was...born with the ability to sense things, an empathic ability...." She went on to tell them about her father Velmek who did not believe he was her father because of her senses, about being locked away, about the fact that her aunt was killed and that she was along and locked in her room for three days until Commander T'Sathe and his son and daughter came for her and took her away. She was 13 at the time and told that her family had been marked by the new government and that she had to escape. She told them about the 10 years of running, of the attempts on her life of not knowing where her family was, of S'Ten her bodyguard who'd been killed yesterday an how he'd tried to get her to Hades a friend of his. She told them about what happened in sickbay and when she couldn't talk because of the pain and tears she just sank to the floor and when Earl came up to her she hugged the tiger and said nothing.

Mike looked at Tamarith as the Romulan Commander's expression was one of not totally believing what she just heard. Mike then looked back at the woman while speaking to Tamarith. "Commander, ask Major T'Lana to check into Miss S'Nai's family history. If it checks out," he looked back at S'Nai, "she can remain here."

Lai'lira locked eyes with Bremer. "Thank you Sir." She thought for a moment. "There is one more thing."

Mike looked at her for a moment, "Yes?"

"I..I don't have any money right now. I don't know if I can pay for quarters ...I want to get a job I will do what it takes, i'm a hard worker." She thought a moment and removed her earrings. She hated to part with them they were a gift from her aunt. "I only have these. I know they are worth a lot, my aunt gave them to me." She walked over to Bremer shyly almost as if she was afraid. She put the earrings down on the table. "It's all I have to offer now."

"Keep them." Mike replied. There were several empty civilian quarters on the Station, he was willing to give her one. "What kind of work did you have in mind?"

Lai'lira shrugged. She was about to answer when the door chimed.

Deela walked over to the door to find out who it was. She didn't sense anything from the person behind the door so she opened it.

Hades stood there looking tired and with shadows beneath his eyes. He was tired and in pain but tried to hide it. "Hello. I came for Lai'lira."

"Sure, come on in." Deela moved aside to let him in. "You look worse for wear."

He smiled. "I a little doctor secret between you and me. An osteo-regenerator fixes bones, does nothing for the pain. Don't let any doctor lie to you about that." He smiled and walked in.

"No worries." Deela left the room to check on Jewel's child.

Lai'liar noticed Hades. "Hades!" She threw her arms around him and he bit his lip to keep from showing he was in pain. But she picked up on it. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry."

He waved his hand. He looked around. "Why is it that the doctor always misses the invitation to the party?" He nodded at Bremer. "Sir." Then he noticed the Romulan and shifted Lai'lira behind him.

"Doctor, good morning." Mike replied.

Lai'lira turned back to the admiral. "Sorry I didn't answer your question, sir. Any kind of work. I was looking on the computer...not really sure if I should have done that but I found something that interests me. There is a healing centre looking for a receptionist and I would like to be a doctor eventually...and."

Hades butted in. "No way I hell until I'm sure you're not in danger." Lai'lira's face fell. "But..."

Hades stepped up. "Admiral I might be able to answer some questions."

Mike's eyes narrowed, this didn't sound good. "Go ahead."

Hades pulled out copy of the chip he'd given to T'Lar, he'd made a few copies. "This is information. S'Ten, her bodyguard," he pointed to Lai'lira, "Was a friend of mine. He gave me this before he passed and he entrusted her safety to me. It has all the information about her childhood, what happened after her Aunts murder and all the attempts on her life. It also has all the latest information on what he was able to find out about her family." What he didn't say, and stuff that Mike would find out when he read it was that it told how Cy'kriss, sister of Tal'Aura, had in fact had an affair with Cmdr. T'Sathe and Lai'lira was the product. It also talked how S'Ten was not just her bodyguard but her half brother and how Velmek, her mother's husband had found out and had Lai'lira locked away not just because of her Empathic abilities, which came from T'Sathe's Vulcan ancestry, but also to punish her mother and keep T'Sathe under control.

Lai'lira blinked up at him. "There is information about my family?"

Hades' eyes closed briefly. How would he tell her that all but three of her family were dead? How would he tell her that Raha, her eldest sister, in a bid to make nice with the new praetor had marked her own family? He looked at Lai'lira. "We'll discuss all this but the Admiral needs to see this and check this out." He plopped the memory cell into the Admiral's hand. "Until then sir, and until you decide on her asylum claim believe that she is still in danger and I will vouch for her and take her under my care and protection...with your permission."

Mike looked over at Tamarith, then to T'Lar before looking at S'Nai for a moment or two. "Asylum granted. I'll have the proper paperwork sent off. She'll be safe here."

Lai'lira sobbed with relief. She knelt by the Admiral's chair and clasped his hand, "Thank you! Thank you so much."

Mike smiled, patted her hand. "You're welcome." He felt a little uncomfortable of the closeness, but understood she was happy.

Deela let out a little chuckle as she watched Bremer's face. She was glad to see the girl so happy.



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