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That Other Job I Do

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2016 @ 12:48pm by

462 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Sparrow Lounge VIP Section
Timeline: MD 4 - 1000 Hours

The Sparrow was closed and save for Merah, there was no one here. That's how she liked to conduct business... well this portion of her business. True, she had the tailor shop and the lounge and they were both becoming quite successful, but nothing compared to her first line of work.

Which was why they were meeting her here in a vacant and closed lounge.

Transporter beams whirled and then 2 beings materialized in the VIP area. Merah, was behind the counter, getting drinks ready. At the sound of the transporters, she pulled out a small but nasty looking disruptor and held it in her and, just under the counter.

The beings materialized into two males... A human and a ferengi. She recognized both of them, but she didn't drop the disruptor.

"Welcome gentleman, may I offer you a drink?" she said without introduction. "I have several selection of Earth and Ferenginar drinks that I'm sure will meet with your approval."

The men, for their part just nodded and didn't speak. They did, however move to the bar and accept the drinks from Merah.

"I hear that you are in need of finding something", Merah asked, already knowing the answer, but she always started off this way. The human moved to speak, but the Ferengi stopped him. Now Merah knew who was in charged.

The Ferengi male slide across a PADD that had the information of the items that they wanted. Merah picked it up and began to look at the list. It wasn't long... just 4 items, but two of them were very rare.

"Well, you to do have taste, I'll give you that. But these items are very rare. The price just went up by 20%. I am going to need to leave the station to find two of the items."

The Human shook his head and Merah tossed the PADD back on the counter. "Have it your way then. Enjoy your drink and you can be off." She turned to go when the Ferengi slapped his hand on the table. She turned back with an eyebrown raised. "So you do prefer to negotiate?" The Ferengi nodded.

After all said in done, they agreed on a 12% increase in the price of doing the job and she was able to get half of it upfront... and no one was shot.

As the men transported back out, Merah began to look at her schedule. It would be tight and she would have to leave right after dinner with Splendora on her quest to find the 4 items... well, 2 items. She already had the other two items acquired.

"Time to ready my ship, then", she said, finishing off her drink and holstering her disruptor under the counter again. "I must find the perfect outfit for this job."


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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Tue Aug 9th, 2016 @ 1:10pm

ohhhhhhh Love it!!!!!!

Can't wait to see the next one!