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Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2016 @ 12:48pm by Splendora Sage

2,156 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Merah's Shop
Timeline: MD4 0830hrs


Splendora would be hosting Merah at her healing centre tomorrow but today she would be getting a new dress. She was excited but a bit worried. She looked at herself in the mirror. She'd never seen her own beauty. Others had told her that she was pretty but she didn't see it. Years of hearing the opposite made it easier to believe.

She sighed and headed out. Within minutes she was strolling towards the shop. She stood outside for a moment and then entered.

It was the early in the morning and the lounge at this time of day was closed. Always needing something to do, Merah had purchased the small shop next door that had held a peddler of nick knacks for a few weeks before he went belly up. Merah had tried to give him advice, but he had ignored every piece. With fashion on her mind, Merah purchased the space, but didn't give it a name or post hours... it was more of a private shop.

So when Splendora arrived, Merah's face blossomed into a huge smile. It was time to work her creativity.

"Splendora, welcome. I'm so glad that you came. Would you care for a glass of springwine, or champagne? Maybe brunch?"

Splendora smiled. "Just a glass of water would be good thanks." She laughed. "I'm sorry I left so suddenly the other night."

Merah poured her a glass of cool water and added a touch of lemon to it for flavor. She handed the glass over to Splendora and then feigned ignorance.

"Whatever do you mean?", she asked innocently.

Splendora smiled. "Betazoid, remember. I can sense you know I left. The lady that joined us was Betazoid and I try to avoid contact with anyone from that area." She hoped Merah didn't probe anymore.

"Hmm", said Merah, probing more. "I didn't know that about you. I guess that I hadn't considered it since you have hazel eyes. Are you full Betazoid?"

Now Merah had heard things, mind you, about telepaths on Starbase 400, but they were just unverified rumors. Now, verified rumors... that was information.

Merah poured another glass of water and took a sip. "I thought that Betazoids had a pretty open culture since they were telepaths... no need to hide anything." Merah tried to remember something that Lwazanda had explained in her abnormally long greeting.

"I take it you are not a fan of the 5th House, then?"

Splendora smiled at Merah feeling completely at ease with the woman. "I'm part El Aurian actually so that's where the eyes come from. It's not the fifth house it's anyone who has a connection with Betazed. I left there when I was 16 years old. My family is there and I can't risk them finding out where I am."

She hadn't confessed this much to anyone but she really liked Merah. She'd been so closed around people all these years that she yearned for a friend, a real friend to confide in.

Merah took another sip and set her glass down. Splendora's explanation now made the other night's actions more understanding now. "Well, I know about hiding from family." Changing the subject, Merah went on to a happier topic. "So about that dress", she said motioning for Splendora to join her. "I have several different designs and textures, but I was thinking something flowing like this."

Merah show her a flowing strapless dress that was black underneath and embroidered with red flowers. Up toward the bust they were packed in, but as the dress when down the flowers had an effect of floating away. The flowers were sewn on with metallic thread that glittered in the light.

"I think that that dress would accentuate your shoulders and neck very well. What do you think?"

Splendora's eyes widened. "It's so beautiful. You are so gifted." She smiled "I will buy it!"

Merah clucked her teeth. "Oh I'm not going to charge you honey. This is a gift."

Splendora was speechless. "I... I don't know what to say." She walked over to the woman and gave her hug. "Thank you!"

Merah accepted the hug. "Well, don't think me yet, we need to get you fitted for it. Off the rack never fits as well as a tailored dress." Merah handed her the dress and clapped her hands. Two of her assistance came out from the back with measuring devices.

"It shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes or so. Shall I order us some brunch?"

Splendora smiled. "That would be great. You have to come to my center and let me treat you to some sound, aroma, and crystal therapy. It's soooo relaxing." She leaned into Merah so that only she could hear. "What you said about hiding from family. If ever you want to talk, I'm here for you. Not as a therapist but as a friend."

"I will definitely take you up on it" said Merah and Cleo and Jax began to run their various equipment all over and around Splendora. Use to their was a lot of fondling and wrapping the client up in little strips of measured cloth, but the computers were more accurate. Merah had learned long ago also to never use their bios that they gave her... their height and weight scales were always "adjusted".

"And I guess I used the wrong words... hiding out isn't what I meant... more of", Merah paused while searching for a more correct phrase. "Outcasted. That's the correct word. So let's get some food." She picked up her communicator and typed on it and then set it down. "Food will be here in a few moments... none of that replicator nonsense. Actual produce and meats that were breed and grown."

Jax and Cleo finished their measurements and took the dress and made their way to the back room, leaving Splendora and Merah alone.

"So why, may I ask, are you hiding from your family?"

She sighed. "It was hard for me growing up. I was, as you say, an outcast. The punch line of jokes that were cruel and mean. Then at 16 my father decided I would marry someone to link our two families. I ran away. But...I know they won't let that sit. When I tried to leave Betazed I was almost killed. Thankfully things worked out."

"Well their loss is our gain." Merah paused while the food was delivered. She selected several of the strawberries from a pile and small danish. "Eat up", she said, taking a bite of the danish. She chewed for a few minutes, enjoying the flavors of the food.

"So, if I may ask, how is business going? I bet you have some interesting clientele."

She smiled as she swallowed her bite. "So far two clients and I'm not officially open. I won't open until I hire a receptionist. I have a few more interviews before I make a choice. But it should be interesting. I'm hoping for a lot of clients." She looked at Merah. "So can I ask you something?"

Merah took another sip. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"This might sound nutty but....How did you get to be like you are? You're confident, fun, flirtatious, beautiful..." She smiled, "Sassy, and so strong. I've always marvelled at people like you. You have the confidence of an arrogant man, which is not a bad thing, and the delicate nature of a flower. I could never find the balance. I hope you don't find what I've said offensive. It's meant as a compliment."

"None at all, but it isn't a pretty story either. Let's start with my looks. You probably haven't noticed many people that look like me. I'm half Cardassian, half Axanar, which sounds like it should work, but I guess if you try hard enough it does. Well, let's just say that once my parents died, I was really left alone and had to care for myself. Because of my looks, many people approached me like a pet, men really but some women. I was something to own and didn't have a personality. I had to learn to be strong and stand up for myself. I'll be honest, some of what you see is really just a thick shell of armor and I always have my shields up.

anyway, I used to be a cold heartless B*t@#, but then I met this little girl. She was a mongrel like me, just different heritage, and was dying of... well really, her two halves caused some major Biological incompatibilities. We were both alone and I took care of her until she passed. It made me see that while I was alive, I really was dead and here was this girl who was dying, but living more than I ever had."

Merah paused to wipe a tear from her eye.

"So I decided to let down the shell and drop the shields again. I started several businesses... most legitimate... some... not so much. So now, I live for both me and for Talia."

"So I get my inspiration and drive from a dead little girl who never had a chance."

"Oh Merah." Splendora placed a hand on Merah's arm. "Nobody should go through what you did. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through and for the loss of your friend. You, my friend, are a strong woman and truly an inspiration of a strong spirit and soul."

"Thank you. That is kind of you to say", said Merah. She picked up her sandwich and then put it down... she had kinda lost her appetite for lunch. There was a rustling behind her and Jax and Cleo were back with the finished item. Merah beamed and took the dress from them. She hung it up on a rack and then bent over, looking at the seems and the beading, giving it her strict evaluation before handing it over to the client. Shoddy workmanship was not tolerated. After a few minutes, she stood and smiled.

"Splendora, here is your dress, why don't you go behind those curtains and try it on."

Splendora smiled. She put her sandwich down and cleaned her hands. Going behind the curtains she was changed in no time and she came out to stand in front of the mirror. "!" She said beaming. "I actually...the dress is amazing. It actually makes me look kind of pretty!"

Merah snorted. "Sorry Splendora, but you have always been pretty. Whether it is intentional or not, you just don't see it. But you know who does see it?" Merah asked with a bit of playfulness in her voice. "I bet Tom sees it. You remember Tom, right. the owner of Good Fellas... Free drinks... flirting... etc... etc... etc.."

Merah made it a point to drag out each of the ETC to get a reaction from Splendora. You didn't have to be telepathic to see the energies at play with those two.

Splendora blushed. "Oh Gods of Betazed! He's not interested in me. He's really nice to everyone. He's a very handsome man and men like that don't look at..." She waved her hand over herself.

Merah just smiled and kept silent, watching Splendora go through her "frantic denial". She arched an eyebrow...

Splendora spun around. "This dress is amazing. You have to come to the center and let me treat you to Aroma therapy, or sound therapy, or even a crystal treatment." She looked a the dress. "You are amazing Merah!"

"Thank you, Splendora. I fully intend to take you up on that offer. Getting back to Tom, though", said Merah. She wasn't one to let a topic go. "He's at the window staring in at you. Tell me that he isn't interested."

Although she was Betazoid and should not have fallen for it she did. She looked towards the window somewhat disappointed when it was empty but she tried to hide it.

"Yep", said Merah. "Someone's got it bad. You should go have dinner with him... not at his place though. Come to the Sparrow and have some fun. Check it out and see there is something there.

She smiled. "Maybe. I mean I will come to the Sparrow for sure. If it's okay maybe I can come tonight. You and me. Girls night out."

"Sounds great. Let's meet at the Sparrow at 1800 hours for dinner... and wear the dress. I'm sure that you will catch some young male's eye... possibly a female's eye or two as well." Merah's badge pinged and she looked at the time. "I did have a wonderful time, Splendora, and I will see you tonight, but I have another appointment that I cannot miss. If you will excuse me?"

Merah waited for Splendora to leave and then she made her way back to her Lounge. At this time of day, the Sparrow was closed, which meant her meeting would be safe from prying eyes.


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