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Sergeant Brax

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2016 @ 7:25pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

978 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Jackson's Office
Timeline: MD4, 0945hrs


Sergeant Mikhail Gregori Braxton stopped and looked around. He'd just come off the shuttle and he was sore and hot and damned riled up. The ensign sitting next to him talked too much. For someone who only spoke when the need arose it was overwhelming. Not to mention that he Ensign was Betazoid and when he'd found out that Brax was part Betazoid ohhh! The mind and mouth chatter. It gave him a headache.

He did grin a bit at the thought of seeing Hades. They hadn't seen each other in months. The last time he'd seen him was in a catatonic state on Vulcan. He was very happy that Hades was recovering.

Brax was told to report to a Jackson. He didn't know rank title whatever. He was irritated and he debated going to his quarters first but this wasn't the going to be like his former CO Sticky Nicky where you do what you want. He raked his hands through is hair, he needed it cut. He sighed and headed to Jackson's office.

When he got there he took a moment to slam his usual cold bastard look on and rang the chime. He figured his CO would give him good talking to considering he looked like Grizzle Adams. Sticky Nicky insisted that his Marines had long hair and facial hair. He was hoping this CO wasn't like that. He really was tired of the wolf look his previous CO insisted on.

Jackson was falling behind on his paperwork due to his away missions near the Neutral Zone, and the Double Asylum case Doc Hades threw him into. Still, a chime is a chime. "Come!"

When the new Medic walked in, he thought to himself that this man looked more Naussican than Betazoid. But to each, their own Jackson thought.

"Sergeant Mikhail Gregori Braxton, aka Brax, reporting as ordered. Medic," he said revealing that bit of Cajun twang. It was a strain to even say that. He gave a proper salute and stood in attention.

Jackson returned the salute. Hearing the word "Medic" made him punch up the Sergeant's 201 file immediately. "At ease Sergeant. And have a seat." He scanned through the service record as he spoke, "You are a sight for sore eyes. I have been requesting for a bunch of them for months now. Tell me about yourself."

Oh Gods of Betazed! A talker...another one. He sighed. He would have preferred to stand but when your CO says sit you say yes sir and plant your rump where they tell ya. He sat, rigidly. "Well Sir, glad to be here. I requested this post, they call me Brax, or Doc, I've been working as a medic for years. Got a lot of my advanced training from Dr. Hades, I believe he is assigned here as well. I am not much of a talker they refer to me as the silent one or dark one on the count of the fact that i'm so big and well scary according to my last CO Sticky Nicky. I do my job. Hope to someday be a full doctor doing some long distance studying. Seen battle lots of times, My skills are considered very advance. Like my job...and ..." his sense of humour coming out...because he was tired, "This is the most I've talked in months."

A few things did catch Jackson's eye on the file. "Okay Sergeant Brax. Here is the situation. Since you are the highest ranking Medic to report here, along with you being certified for surgery, you will be placed in charge of the division medics. But in deployments, you will still be utilized as a medic. Most of your needs, like Aide Bags, emergency medical equipment, and your office, can be found in the Division Aide Station on Level 41 of Marine Country. Other items can be coordinated with the Medical Department. Your side arm can be drawn from the Marine Armory, as well as your Personal Protective Equipment. You are a Medic, so no rifle for you unless things get really dicey. Any questions Warrant Officer?"

Brax raised his eyebrow in a flawless gesture that would have made a Vulcan jealous. "Um...Sergeant Brax I'm not a Warrant officer."

Jackson did not even look up from reading when he answered,"First, you are running what should be a platoon to company sized group of medics. Second, you are qualified to be appointed as a Warrant Officer in my division. Third, this is my division. Any more questions Warrant Officer Brax?"

Well put that in your pipe and smoke it, he thought. "None at this time." What was it that the counselor had told on his last assignment. Oh yes he had to be more pleasant. His bedside manner...or lack there of was why he entered this side of things. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I look forward to working with you sir." That was nice...wasn't it?

"Thank you. Take the rest of the day off to get settled in. Then report to the Division Aide Station tomorrow at 0600. Dismissed."

"Thanks. I could use the time to de-fur."

Jackson chuckled with that last comment.

He ended with a salute grabbed the bag he'd dropped at the door and headed out, his 6'5 frame moved a bit slow today. When the door closed he stopped and let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Not bad. He had a sense about people...being part Betazed and all and he liked this one. Just felt like Jackson talked to much...then again Brax talked little so...might work out.

Jackson only smiled. "Part Betazoid, and borderline introvert. He will do just fine," he said to himself.


Major General Thomas Jackson
1st Marine Division Commanding Officer


Warrant Officer Mikhail Braxton
Marine Medical Officer

Starbase 400


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