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Betazoid Connection

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2016 @ 9:23pm by Splendora Sage & Lwazanda Ral Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed
Edited on on Thu Aug 11th, 2016 @ 7:54pm

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Station
Timeline: MD04 --Early morning Before the 'Something Fishy' post


Splendora decided to grab a bite to eat before she went to Tom's for those things he called camel onlys...or something like that, the sweet cream pastries that would get her through the day with just enough sugar to bee too much. She'd just finished her conversation with Cole and gotten rid of that damned box. As she walked to the public replicators she started thinking of Lwazanda the woman from last night. She'd felt bad for running out, for judging the woman, it had been 11 years since she run from her family and chances where this woman didn't even know them although...she was from the fifth maybe...She shook her head and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry ...I..." She looked up and there she was. Ms. Ral herself. Splendora's empathic shields went up but her kind nature won out. "Ms. Ral I am so sorry about now and about last night."

Taken by surprise, Lwazanda blinked and immediately reached for her turban. "Quite alright. I understand a busy lifestyle quite well m'dear." The older Betazoid couldn't help but sense the mental blockade put in place by her young companion. It was unnerving. If Betazoids didn't trust eachother, who could they trust.

"Would you allow me to buy you breakfast and coffee as a way of apology?"

Despite the early hour, Lwazanda had other things in mind. "A drink would be lovely." she said, with a fresh smile.

Splendora smiled. "Alright a drink it is." She let Lwazanda lead the way. When they had arrived at their location both sat and ordered. Splendora went with an iced tea and dessert. She had always wanted to have dessert for breakfast. It was Lwazanda who led the discussion.

"So what business is it that brings you to the station?" Lwazanda asked while pourinmg a glass from the decanter of Vulcan Port.

Splendora sighed. "I have a healing centre here. It's not fully open yet but I hope to have it open this week ma'am."

"A healing centre? What exactly are you healing child?" The older woman half laughed as she spoke. Lwazanda was not know for her tact.

Splendora smiled. "I do Crystal, aroma, and sound therapy. Also I offer counseling services and naturopathic medicine and meditation classes." She looked at Lwazanda. "The sound therapy is my favorite...and the crystal therapy. It's so relaxing. I just have to find a receptionist now."

Lwazanda blinked three times precisely and sipped her Port. clearing her throat, she put on her, serious face. "So, Miss Sage, to which House of Betazed does your family belong?" This was her type of business talk. Houses and Family.

Splendora's lips twitched. This was always the question she dreaded. She was part of a large house giving that information didn't necessarily narrow down her family line. Lwazanda was from the 5th house, the house of Nobility. Splendora was from the Twelfth House called the house of balance. "My mother is from the Twelfth House." That house was known for producing ambassadors. One of which was her mother. She wondered how involved Lwazanda was.

Lwazanda smiled. "I suppose balance is a good trait to possess in your field of work."she sipped her drink again, and sovoured the taste.

Splendora let out breath that she'd been holding. She gave a nod. She had to know though...she had to assess the risk. "So you're from the Fifth House, a house of Nobility. Are you in Diplomacy?"

Lwazanda nodded. "Yes, as I started to say last night, I served as a Federation Diplomat for a number of years all over the Quadrant."

"And you're still a diplomat?" She asked trying not to be obvious.

Topping up her glass of port, Lwazanda shook her head. "I recently retired to the station." She held up her glass and then took a long sip.

Splendora let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She smiled. "Well happy retirement. If you'd like I'd love to have you come to the healing centre. We do a great crystal therapy session that you might enjoy. It's relaxing and healing."

Lwazanda pondered as she sipped. "Did you have any family in the Diplomatic Corps, I seem to remember a Ambassador Sage who was serving when I was."

She sent up prayers to whatever divine force was listening asking to melt into the floor and be swallowed up by space. She didn't lie. To say no would be a lie, to say yes would risk Lwazanda contacting her mother and telling her that she'd seen her and that would open a whole lot of can of ....something unpleasant.

" was my mother." She sighed. She didn't like to lie but quickly added. "We haven't spoken in 11 years." She hoped that would let Lwazanda know that contacting her mother was a no no.

"I see." Said Lwazanda. "Are you close with either of your parent's?" She asked, feeling a sudden pang of guilt for bringign it up. She couldn't even imagine not speaking to her children for that long.

"No." Splendora said softly. "Not even my siblings."

Lwazanda downed the last bit of port in her glass and filled it again. It was sad for her to think about the difference in family dynamics accross the Great Houses. "My Deities, you mean to say you have no family that is close?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No. It's just me." She finished her drink. "It's been like that a while, the lady that took me in Eviess is like a Mother to me. She took me in off the streets and we are very close." Splendora sighed. "I'm sorry I used a telepathic block on you Ms. Ral. I've just ben running for a long time and It's hard to know who to trust."

"What on the Deities Heavenly Plain could you have to run from dear?" Lwazanda's face conveyed a motherly concern.

"My family." She said sadly. Her eyes shifted to the view port. "Well I should be getting to work. I would love it if you come by the centre sometimes. And...thank you for today and for listening."

"Oh, I see." said Lwazanda, polishing off her bottle. "I'm happy to dear child. stop by my house if you ever want to talk again."

Splendora smiled. "Thank you." She headed towards Tom's Restaurant. She wanted to get some sweets.


Lwazanda Ral Daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed.

Dr. Splendora Sage
Business Owner


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