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The Great Escape

Posted on Sat May 21st, 2016 @ 11:22am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain R'nard Lokran & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain Jack Solomon & Major Patrick McMichaels & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Wayne

2,772 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 91 - Bremer vs Bremer
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD1 1950hrs, Following 'Last Minute Details'


After leaving Admiral T'Lar's Office, K'Temoc walked through Ops and into the turbolift. Just before the door closed, Roebuck quickly stepped in.

"Commodore, do you have a moment?" Roebuck asked as te doors closed.

K'Temoc nodded. "Docking bay, Pegasus." He looked back at the Commander. "Go ahead."

"I request permission to assist." Roebuck bluntly said. "I don't know the details of why Fleet Admiral Bremer was arrested, or what you have in mind, but it's clear something is going on and I owe it to him to help."

K'Temoc thought for a moment then nodded.

A few minutes later, the doors opened and the two headed down the access way to the Pegasus. As they walked, K'Temoc's commbadge beeped.

"Sickbay to Commodore K'Temoc, sir Lieutenant Takabe won't be joining the Pegasus's patrol. She's been injured on the holodeck. It's nothing serious, but she needs to rest of a few days." A Doctor explained.

"Understood." K'Temoc said as the closed the channel.

Jack was working in his quarters in Main Engineering when he received his orders to report to the USS Pegasus at once. He also noted that the orders were for a routine Patrol mission and this was something that he recognized as not being a normal function for the Starbase's Flagship. Not being fully aware of the current situation on board the station, he immediately packed his tool kit and belongings from his office and headed to the Pegasus Docking area.

Something gave him a feeling that this was not just going to be just another patrol mission and mentally reminded himself to speak with Deela and find out what was going on. He felt that he owed her some genuine downtime and also a chance to see how she was doing.

R'nard also got his orders to report to the Pegasus at once. He didn't hesitate, but packed what he could and went to the docking area himself. He guessed that it was not a routine patrol mission, and was ready.

Jackson was ready for the trip, having sent his things to the Pegasus, he wanted to bring an insurance policy with him in case something went wrong. He got to the comm panel, and he made a call. "Computer, open a channel to the Kaleb III MTD." Captain Abrams, the Depot's Garrison CO appeared on the screen. "Captain Abrams here General." Jackson then spoke, "Captain, I need you to send relay a message to Colonel Hurd, and Captain McMichaels to return to SB400 ASAP, and to board the USS Pegasus with a platoon. They can report to me on board the ship. Got that?" The Captain's eyes widened after hearing the message. "Yes Sir, I will notify them immediately." The screen then went blank. Then Jackson tapped his commbadge, =/\=Jackson to the OIC, have the QRF platoon board the Pegasus ASAP/\= Jackson made sure he had his side arm, and left for the Pegasus.

Upon arrival to the star base, the two officers headed to the Pegasus.

=/\=Lieutenant Camisa-Roja to Colonel Hurd, we have a platoon from Charlie 2/22 already aboard the Pegasus for you.=/\=

Hurd simply said, in a monotone voice, ''Acknowledged''

Patrick followed Colonel Hurd. "Why do suppose; Colonel, if I may make an inquiry, that we're being ordered back to base? I was just starting to have fun in there" he said, trying to break the ice.

Hurd said, in a flat voice, ''I have no clue, Captain''.

Patrick surmised it must extremely important for the HMFIC to recall them during CR. He also surmised he hadn't exactly made the best impression on Lt Col Hurd.

''Is there a problem, Captain?'', Hurd said shifting his pistol belt around.

"This just seems very ........ I don't know ... hush, hush ... kind of. Don't you think? Why they need the 2 of us and a platoon to board another ship and not know where we're going? Something is hinky" Patrick said, hoping he didn't sound like a fresh off the course recruit.

Hurd fixed his ice cold glare on the Captain and said, ''Marines do not ask questions, we go where we are told to go, do what we are told to do, and fight who we are told to fight, is that clear?''

"Perfectly Sir" Patrick replied. Hurd's response made him suspicious as to his involvement in all this.

Jackson was waiting for them at the ship's gangway.

Patrick saluted Jackson. "Reporting as ordered, General" he said as he boarded the gangway to the USS Pegasus.

Hurd snapped off a salute, and said, in an ice cold voice, ''Sir''.

Jackson returned the salute. "Glad you gentlemen could join me. Please follow me, I will fill you in." Jackson said. He led them to his guest quarters. "Have a seat please."

After the trio was situated, he briefed them. "This briefing stays with you, and only the senior officers on this ship are privy to our mission, for now. Due to "mitigating circumstances" surrounding Admiral Bremer's arrest, it has been deemed necessary for us to violate a few Star Fleet protocols. Something just did not feel right to us regarding Star Fleet Security's recent actions and behavior. Officially, the Pegasus is going out on a patrol. Unofficially, this ship has two tasks. The Fleeters are liberating Admiral Bremer. Our role in this phase of the trip is strictly just in case we are needed. Nothing more. Colonel Hurd, you might actually take interest in this ship's second mission. For Task 2, the Fleeters are going to borrow the Mirror Bremer from the ship that is transporting him. For now, and I mean for now, our task only consists of being a marine presence on the ship in case things go sour, AND we are to detail one of our three squads to sit on Mirror Bremer in Security, once the fleeters snatch him up. He is a very dangerous man, so feel free to frequently check on that squad."

''Sir, i can handle sitting on him myself, 24/7 if needed''

Jackson knew Hurd would appreciate this phase of the mission. "Your discretion Colonel, but do not damage the goods, unless you have a good reason to."

Jackson was confident to know that a squad of Infantry, and Hurd had a good chance of staying alive if Mirror Bremer tried anything. Then came the unknown factors of this voyage. "Now if things go sour, or if anything else develops that require marine operations, both of you will take charge of each of the two remaining squads. I am not saying this will be needed, but it is always good to be prepared. Plus their platoon commander is off to Camp Archer for school, and I have a gut feeling that I would need my best officers i the mix anyway. Now, I have to ask this, strictly as a courtesy. If any of you two are uncomfortable with the conditions of our trip, please tell me now"

"I'm all in, Sir. As Colonel Hurd informed me earlier: Marines don't ask questions. We go where we're told and fight when we're told" Patrick said, knowing he would probably face disciplinary actions later.

''Sir, i am a Marine, and no matter what the mission i will follow it through to the end, no matter the outcome''.

"Outstanding Gentlemen.", Jackson said. If anything else comes up, I will let you know immediately. Get settled in, then stand by with the Platoon. Phase 1 will happen within the next couple of hours.

''Understood Sir'', Hurd said as he hefted his gear and weapons trunk back onto his shoulder. Nodding to a nearby room, Colonel Hurd said, ''Captain McMichaels, come with me, i need your help unpacking this thing, and there are things in here for you as well''.

Patrick gave a surprised to Hurd. The Lt Col seemed full of surprises. "Yes Sir" he replied and helped his superior officer with his gear. "I apologize for my sarcastic remark Colonel" he said as two walked.

''Its alright, just help me get this in that room over there''. Hurd said pointing. ''I have some stuff in yjis trunk for you''.

Patrick helped him move the trunk. He wasn't sure what to make of this but he wasn't going to disrespect or dishonor the Colonel by refusing.

Hurd said ''Thank up'', and the moved the trunk. Setting it down a few moment later, Hurd pulled outa key and said, ''Open it, McMichaels''.

Patrick unwrapped the bundle from the bag. He picked up the combat survival knife. It felt good in his grip. "Thank you, Sir" he said.

''There is more in there for you''

Patrick felt another, larger bundle. He pulled it out and opened it, revealing an almost pristine Glock 22. "Colonel Sir. I'm honored. Thank you" he said, shaking the man's hand.

''That Gun belonged to a USMC General named General James ''Mad Dog' Mattis.'' ''It has a lot of history and legacy, and now its yours, treat it with care and the honor it deserves, and most importantly carry it as a backup weapon, you never know when a phaser will fail''. ''The replicator pattern for the ammo is under McMichaels 44 beta Charlie''

"This is priceless, Sir. You think I'm worthy of such a weapon?" Patrick asked holding the Gock like it was gold.

''Yes i do, Captain.'' ''You have proven to be a fierce warrior, dependable, honest, and most of all by your actions you have earned the title Marine'' Pausing for a moment, Hurd continued. ''You have also earned my trust, which is very, very hard to do, and you are a Marine i would trust with my life, and to have my back in a firefight.'' ''Also, as i just said, you have earned the title Marine, a very hard title to earn, and something earned can never, ever be taken away''.

Patrick grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you Sir. Maybe some say I can return the gift" he said still mesmerized by the Glock.

Lee was in his office, he had just finished sending a few messages out to family announcing the coming birth of Alex and his child when he got the summons. He rose from his desk then headed out of his office and towards the Pegasus.

Once on board the Pegasus, Jack had made his way to Main Engineering on the Galaxy class ship. He ran through checks with all of the Engineering crew on board and made sure that the ship was ready for depature. He wasn't sure what was going on still, but Jack made sure that the Pegasus was ready to go at a moments notice.

He marvelled for a moment as he looked around the Engineering section. Getting a chance to run this department has a dream come true and he intended to excel at it...

A short time later

Once everyone was aboard the Pegasus, K’Temoc stood from the Command Chair and walked up behind Branson at Flight Control. “Chief, take us out, nice and easy. Once we’re clear set course for the Triangle. Full impulse til we’re clear of the system then take us to warp eight.”

“Aye Sir, how long will we maintain that course?” Branson asked.

“Until we’re outside the Station’s sensor range.” K’Temoc replied.

“That’ll take about two hours at that speed.” Branson replied.

Moments later, the big Galaxy Refit released her moorings, backed away from her docking bay, turned and left through the giant space doors. Several minutes later, she blasted off at warp.

In Ops of SB400, Cobb stepped off the turbolift and looked around. Seeing T’Lar he walked over as he called across the room.

“Admiral T’Lar, where is the Pegasus going?” Cobb’s tone was one of anger and concern.

Deela wanted to scold him for doing so. Instead, she spoke in a calm manner, almost Vulcan like, "Where the Pegasus is going is no concern of yours but if you must know, I have sent them on a patrol mission along the Triangle."

Deela leaned back in her seat, "So...unless you have come to inform me that there has been a horrendous mistake and that you are releasing Admiral Bremer, I believe that we have nothing to discuss." Deela stands up, "Now, if you don't mind, I have a great deal of work to do. Afterall, this starbase isn't going to run itself." She wasn't afraid of Cobb so she had no problem dismissing him.

Cobb's face shown his unhappiness with the answer. "My ship will be leaving within the hour to take the prisoner to Earth."

Two hours later

Without further word, Cobb had Bremer taken to the Kuznetsov. Minutes later, the Interpid class ship departed Starbase 400 on a direct course for Earth.

Pegasus, Bridge

“They’re outside Starbase 400’s sensor range.” Roebuck said from the Intel position.

K’Temoc stood from the Command Chair. “On screen.”

The view screen flashed and shown the Kuznetsov’s aft section. As he grew larger on the screen, Branson tapped a few commands into his console. “We’re within transporter range and we’ve matched speeds, warp nine point two.”

“Cloak?” K’Temoc said aloud as he faced back to Roebuck.

“They can’t see us.” Roebuck replied.

K’Temoc walked up the ramp and stood behind Wayne and Stark at Science One and Two. “Alright, you’re on.”

“We’ve cut power to all non-occupied areas of the ship as well as any unneeded systems and routed the power to the transports.” Stark replied.

“I’ve boosted power to the transporter's targeting systems. We can put him right outside the door, we’re ready.” Wayne added.

K’Temoc turned to Pike. “Lee, you’re on. Get into their systems, disable their intruder alert and control systems in the Brig area only.”

Lee nodded then turned to his console and worked the controls as quickly as he possibly could also being careful. After a couple minutes he turned back around "Control systems and the intruder alert are disabled."

“Roebuck?” K’Temoc asked.

“I’ve got him. He’s in their primary brig along with two Security Officers.” Roebuck replied.

K’Temoc turned to Lokran who was at Tactical. “Commander, make it fast. Get in, neutralize the guards. Don’t forget to have Cobb called down there too.”

"Understood." said R'nard. "They won't know what hit them."

A moment later, Lokran was beamed over Kuznetsov, outside the Brig, in a darkened corner.

R'nard chimed the door to the brig.

In the Brig, Mike was laying down on the bed in a cell. He looked up when the door chime sounded. One of the Security Officers walked over and tapped a command to open the door.

Now was the time when it would be proved why in Special Forces, R'nard was code named Shadow Demon. He struck quickly, paralyzing that Security officer with a pressure point attack. Using his instinct rather than his sight, he quickly bounced in, taking out the other officer as well. It happened so quick, neither would know what hit them.

Mike smirked when he saw the guards fall.

He opened the security field on Mike's cell and put a finger to his lips urging silence. he hit the commlink summoning Cobb there as well. He then hid in a dark part of the brig area, waiting.

A few moments later, Cobb came bursting through the door. "What does he nee..." But before he finished his sentence he saw the guards laying on the deck. As he turned to call out he was greeted with Bremer's fist to his face. Cobb was knocked cold and fell to the deck.

Bremer picked up the unconscious Cobb and a moment later the three was beamed back to the Pegasus's Bridge.

K'Temoc smiled seeing his brother was safe as Mike dropped Cobb to the deck. "Chief Branson, alter our course five degrees to starboard and increase speed to warp nine point five. Maintain cloak. Once we're outside the Kuznetsov’s sensor range take us to the location of the USS Hattori's attack on Leget Doran’s ship. Slipstream speed."

K'Temoc then spoke to Jackson. "General, take our guest here to the brig and let us know when he's awake." He then looked over at Lokran, "Nice work Commander."

Mike looked around the Bridge. "You know you're all going to be in trouble for this, right."

Stark smirked, "Well we didn't want to sit at home bored on a Saturday night again, this seemed like a lot more fun."



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