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Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2014 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

935 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Promenode
Timeline: After meeting with the Admiral

Jewel decided she go to the Promenode to get something to eat and just get away from it all. She had about a million things going on, right when she returned to the station her honor was insulted by her own brother she was still pissed off about that. She wanted a break from everything, on top of everything she was still adjusting to being the new Diplomatic Officer from being a Marine.

Jewel still had a marine rank and wasn't going to change that, she will always be a marine. She was hard headed and stubborn and wasn't afraid to back down from a fight. The last few months have took a toll on Jewel at first it was for the worst now things were looking up again. She hated to give up her command but at the time it seemed, as a Vulcan would say, 'it was logical.'

She walked down and was so lost in thought she ran into another marine, a Major. "Sorry," is all she said still thinking.

Phoenix, in her grey pilot's jumpsuit with the top zipped down and wrapped around her waist, simply nodded and grunted her way past the general. She tended to want to avoid brass like the plague. More so now that she was finally out of the infirmary.

"Is there a problem Major?" She asked turning to her as she was confused as to why she grunted at her. "I have done nothing to deserve that," Jewel stated as things were starting off on a bad note. She thought to herself 'is everyone grumpy around here,' she looked at her.

"It's Phoenix," the pilot corrected as she turned to face the other woman. The manner in which Phoenix shook her head told anyone the exact opposite of her words, "Not a problem at all, General."

She looked at her she knew she was lying out of her teeth and it irritated her to no end, "there better not be, not in the mood to deal with the crap after the last few days I have had since returning to the station." She stated stern. She could tell she was a marine.

"Don't know you... And don't rightly care to," Phoenix shrugged off then pressed on with, "Are we done here, General?"

She raised an eyebrow at the Major, "Yes, if you care to join me for lunch I'll buy." She offered looking at her. "You're different Maj...Phoenix," Jewel stated looking at her.

Phoenix pursed her lips. She loathed being forced into positions where she could not refuse.

"It's cause I aint really one of you shinny, clueless Federation folk. I'm a fringe citizen of the DMZ." Sullivan finally answered with a sigh of annoyance. "No retirement and pension for me, unlike the rest of ya... My retirement is getting blown to bits in a cockpit. Expendable, reformed terrorist, I think is what my official dossier says."

She looked at her, "clueless Federation folk, now that's a new one," Jewel just laughed she wondered why she was even here. "Fine don't join me don't bother me much, since you are not 'really' one of us." Jewel laughed as she walked away wondering if she would follow or not but she wasn't holding her breathe.

"Didn't know Klingons ran away from challenging situations," Phoenix observed aloud. Not that she cared, but Jewel made an observation of Jillian. And Jillian honestly answered.

"Seems you are looking for a fight?" she asked getting pissed off once again, she was trying to keep her cool with this Major but it was coming very hard. "Cause that I won't back down from!" she stated. "Thought I avoid that road." she stated standing there looking at her.

"I'm just curious why you want to sit down with me, even after I explained why I'm not like the rest," Phoenix blinked in confusion. "All active marines know my callsign and reputation that goes with it, General."

"Maybe I am not like most Marines, I have only been on Starbase 400 for a few months and until recently I was retired until I decided to come back as the Stations Chief Diplomatic Officer. So I haven't had a chance to know everyone." She stated, "I'll remember that," she stated as she was annoyed.

"I thought I be nice but if you don't want to, I won't force you." Jewel stated looking at her. "I might be brass as you say, I worked to get there, but I am not going to sit here and be rude to people who I am working with in one way or another." She stated, "But, I made an offer you can refuse I won't force you in anyway to sit down with me if you don't like." Jewel stated looking at her.

Phoenix thought for a moment on her options. Folks were starting to take notice of them. And Phoenix did not want to get out in the brig just yet, after getting out of her captivity in the infirmary. So she gave a reluctant nod, "A meal can't hurt then."

She nodded as she walked down the promenode to the skyline lounge and took a seat near the window, where she normally sits. The very familiar waitress walked up to them, "Ah General, will we be having the same as always?" the waitress asked. "Of course," Jewel stated with a smile.

The waitress looked at the Major, "What can I get for you?" she asked.

They continued to talk while they ate then after they were done they departed ways.


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