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Getting Some Lunch

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2013 @ 5:28am by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

2,121 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Promanade
Timeline: Current


After making sure Major T'Lyn was going to be okay, Col. Hurd decided that he was going to get some lunch before filing his report. Walking swiftly, he soon arrived at the replimat on the promanade. While trying to decide what to order, he spotted, out of the corner of his eye, a woman approaching him. Turning to face her, he noticed the rank isignia she wore. He snapped to attention, and with a voice slightly laced with menace because he felt that he was about to be replaced, Col. Hurd said, simply,, ''Ma'am''!!

She looked up after arriving on the Promenade, "Colonel," she stated then continued to walk, she had other things on her mind that distracted her. "If you like to talk to me join me for Lunch if you like." Jewel stated as she looked around trying to find her favorite place. "Ah their it is," she said as she looked at the skyline lounge her favorite spot to eat.

Col. Hurd said, still a bit stiffly, ''Yes Ma'am'', and fell into step beside her as the walked to the Skyline Lounge. Although Col. Hurd had never eaten here, he had heard the food was good. But right now he had other things on his mind. Standing at Attention, Col. Hurd said once again, ''Ma'am, may i enquire as to if the nature of your visit to Starbase 400 is to relive me of command?''

She looked at him for a moment and raised an eyebrow, "Colonel at ease, I am not here to take over your command," she stated as she took a deep breathe as they sat down at a table in the restaurant. "As you can see I am in civilian clothes with one Brigadier General Pip on instead of the normal two one on each side. I am retired, I had to retire..." she stated as she took a deep breathe, "I now reside on Starbase 400 as my new home as a civilian." she stated as she was not yet used to this fact. "I was the Commanding Officer of the USS Cairo." She added.

"Your probably wondering why I choose Starbase 400 as my home instead of going to Earth. I have family here which I am sure you know who they are as my Sister is Janice Fultian-Bremer and my brother-in-law is Admiral Mike Bremer. I wanted to be here with my family, while I undergo 4 to 6 months worth of treatments." She stated as she looked at him then looked down for a moment to collect her thoughts.

Relaxing, and something deep inside of him breaking, he said, ''Ma'am, i am sorry for what i said earlier.'' Pausing for a moment, looking at her, and his voice softeing up, he also said, ''Ma'am, i am sorry for what you are going through.'' Quickly he added, ''If there anything i can do to help you, i will.''

"Ya so am i," She stated as he quickly ordered her meal, "Thanks, but I don't know what you would be able to do to help me. But silly me I forgot to introduce myself how rude of me." She stated with a slight smile. "Name is Jewel Dartt and your name is?" she asked looking at him.

Smiling at her he said, Ma'am my name is Lt. Col. David Hurd Sr First Marine Division CO, and Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Saratoga, an Akira-Class Heavy Cruiser''.

"No need for formality David, please just call me Jewel." She added with a smile. "Its nice to meet you," she added. Their food arrived and she smelled the aroma, "Smells good," she added.

"I have a rare type of bone cancer," she stated as she took a bit of her food.

Looking down at his food, David was momentarily at a loss for words. He had seen what cancer can do to people, having lost several close friends over the years to it. Trying to collect his thoughts, he said, in a meek and sad voice that was uncharacteristic for him, ''Jewel, is it.....'' And after that, he felt a single tear slid down his face, and hoped that the General had not seen it.

She looked up at him, "no its not terminal." she stated looking at him. She seen the tear run down his face. She placed a hand on his gently, "it will be ok, I am a marine do you think this will kill me thats funny!" She said trying to cheer him up a bit.

Laughing a little bit, David said, ''No Jewel i don't, we Marines never die, we just go to.. well you know the saying.'' Looking at the hand she had placed on his, David thought to himself, that this just felt nice, because he generaly avoided any form of contact with any one outside of work. He looked back up at her, and smiled, running his other hand across the scar than ran down the entire left-hand side of his face.

She just looked at him and smiled, she removed her hand and went back to eating. "Thanks for keeping me company," she replied with a smile.

Smiling back at her, and going back to eating himself, he said, ''It is not problem Jewel.'' As he ate, he was thinking to himself how easy it had become to call the General by her first name. Before this, he would have always adressed a superior officer, retired or not, as Sir or Ma'am.'' As he was eating he also became aware that acutely aware that his his heart was beating alot faster than normal, and that his face was feeling red hot. He also had no doubt that he was blusihing. He knew why, but he hoped that Jewel did not notice, not that she minded if she did, but rather it would be kind of hard to explain.

She looked up and noticed he was red, "Why so red?" She asked as she smiled she had a feeling she knew why but it didn't seem to bother her. Their was something about him that she liked. She wouldn't mind seeing him again.

Almost choking on his food, David cleared his throat and began to explain. ''Jewel, i know we have only known each other at most 45 minutes, but...''' He paused as he struggled to tried to find words to explain. '' Jewel in all my years, i have never had these kind of feelings twards someone. He continued, ''Jewel, i must admit that i am atrracted to you...'' He lest his words trail off, sure that he had just made a fool of himself.

She smiled, she hadn't found anyone since her ex left her, but yet again she been to busy to even look. Now that she was retired, she was ready to settle down with someone special. She felt attracted to him as well. "It's alright David, I feel the same way about you." she said as she looked at him and smiled. "Would like to see you again," she said as she wanted to get to know him more and she needed someone to be their for her.

His face turning even reder, he looked Jewel and said, at a loss for words, ''I would love to see you again.'' Pausing for just a split second he continued, ''Jewel, i am, to be honest, very happy that you feel the same way as i do do. Taking another small bite of his food, he said, ''You know if you need someone to be there for you, i mean besides your family, i will be, you have my word as a Marine.'' He sat there smiling intently at here before he added, still smiling, ''I just wonder though, if we get into a relationship, how Admiral Bremer will take it''.

She chuckled a bit, "He be fine, I am a big girl," she stated laughing. "And I'd appreciate it a lot if you would. I know Mike is busy and I know Janice would be to with the children and she doesn't handle stuff like this very well. I know when I tell her she going to take it hard, so I would need someone to be their with me." she stated looking at him.

Chuckling himself, David replied, ''Jewel, i sure hope, at least on the Admiral's part he does, because while not very many things make me, i guess fearfull, although i am not not afraid of him'' . When were you planning on telling General Bremer?''

"Probably tomorrow ill let both of them know, I haven't told Mike yet either." she stated looking at him. "I wouldn't worry about Mike," she stated with a reassuring smile.

Smiling yet again, David said, ''Ok, i will take your word on it.'' Looking at her he added, ''I saw the Admiral about 1 Hour ago, heading twards his office, and General Bremer was with him.'' I dont know for sure Jewel, but from the looks on both of their face's, they are worried about somthing.''

"Its hard telling," Jewel said as she finished her plate and and then took a drink of her wine she loved. "So, tell me about yourself." She asked looking at him.

Taking a drink of the 'Mountin Dew' he loved, David said, ''Well as you can probably tell, i love this old earth beverage'', he said holding up his glass. ''But besides that, what do you want to know, and feel free to ask anything, i am an open book.''

Smiling, "everything," she said as she really wasnt good at this its been 10 years since she was with someone.

Smiling, he said, ''Well, i have been a Marine for a rather long time.'' Taking a drink he continued, My service record ecompasses everything from the attempted Duras coup all the way though the Dominion War and to the present.'' I love to read, write, i has earned a Blackbelt, third degree in Karate, Jijitsu, Te'kwan'do, and have earned a high rank in Kick Boxing, I Have practiced Bat'leth traing on the Klingon
homeworld, under master Ken'thakx.'' Pausing for just a second, he continued.

''I am also one of the very few humans able to do the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.'' ''I speak Human, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, and Andorian.'' He took another drink, and said, touching the scar on his face, ''If you wonder how i got this scar, it was During the Dominion War, On AR-558.''

She smile as she pulled a very rare Klingon Dagger from her side to show him. "This is my favorite weapon. Janice gave this to me a few years ago, I can use all Klingon weapons with ease. this is my preferred weapon of choice." She stated. "As like Mike I am 1/4th Vulcan, 1/4 Klingon, 1/2 Human. My mother was Klingon/Vulcan and my father is Human." she added. "You see Janice is my half-sister, we share the same father who I dont talk to." She stated.

David nooded, and said, '' I do not talk to either of my parents either. Sliding his Hand down to the holster on his hip, he un-did the flap and pulled his Family heirloom, a M1911-A1 Colt .45 ACP and handed it to Jewel. '' This has been in my Family for hundred's of years, ever since 1939, my Family have been, for generations, Marines.''

She handled it with care, "nice, its in excellent condition." she stated looking at it with care then handed it back. "Also, just to let you I do have a set of twins that are twins. there ten years old. there named are Liberty and Jay." she said. "right now there living with my aunt on earth." she added. "I hope that wont bother you?" she asked.

Sliding the pistol back into it's holster and snapping it shut, David replied, ''Jewel, it does not bother me in the least, i love kids, just never have had the chance to have any of my own.''

She smiled looking at him, "well would you like to have dinner with me tonight in my quarters?" she asked looking at him and we can get to know each other more." she asked looking at him.

Looking at her, smiling, he said simply, ''Yes, and i shall come in full Marine Dress Including Officer's Sword

She laughed a bit, "sounds good," she said as she stood up and bowed slightly. "I look forward to the dinner. I am going to get some rest." She asked looking at him

Looking at her, he said, ''It's a date then.''


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