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Meeting with the Doctor

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2013 @ 7:07am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commander Tressa Brislan

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: SB400 Medical Bay

"Doctor?" she asked as she looked around, she wanted to talk to the doctor in private about her treatment plan. She then noticed her, she seemed to be busy with another patient so she sat in the waiting area and waited for the doctor.

"General?" the duty nurse asked politely. "Would you come with me please, Doctor Brislan wanted to speak with you in her office."

She followed the nurse into the CMO's office and made herself comfortable. A moment later Tressa entered.

"General, good to see you again," she said, extending her hand. The two women shook hands and sat down on the couch. "Tell me, how have you been feeling? I know the diagnosis was a lot to digest."

"Something I wish was just a bad dream," she stated looking at her. "My mother had the same thing, but hers was caught to late." she stated taking a deep breath. "Right now I am feeling alright, I want to get treatment underway. I know what treatment will involve and it can make me very sick. Also, surgery might have to happen to get biopsy or a transplate if necessary." She stated looking at her.

"There are several treatment options available General. We previously discussed whole-bone transplant coupled with targeted chemotherapy," Tressa said. "This is our best treatment for your specific cancer. It is time consuming, and we must consider your age and relative health as well."

"Understood, Doctor I am ready for whatever treatment plan you feel is best." She said as she looked at her.

Tressa retrieved a padd and sat back down next to the General. She pulled up an image.

"You can see the damage that has been done in the femur, here," the doctor said, pointing to the screen. "What I would like to do is a whole-bone transplant of the right femur and patella, then we'll inject a chemical treatment which will target this cancer where it has metastasized here, here, and here," she said, watching the woman's face for her reaction.

She listened to the doctor carefully, she was more shocked as she didn't know the extent of the cancer.

"We're looking at four to six months in total, including recovery. I cannot allow you to work during this time, you will need to rest and heal. The process is draining, General, it will sap your energy."

"No need to worry about me working Doc, as I have retired." she stated looking at her. "I understand all of it, when can we begin?" she asked looking at her trying to fight back the tears she had bottled up.

Tressa put the padd down and reached for General Dartt's hand.

"This is an unusual cancer, the result of exposure to a combination of cosmic rays and gamma radiation. I have a bed ready for you so that we can sample your bone structure and begin to build your new bones. We will use that information as well as the biopsy to replicate your targeted therapy." Tressa held the General's gaze with her own. "Our plan is to fight. I'm not giving up, and neither are you."

She smiled, "I am a marine I don't plan on giving up," she stated. "I am ready whenever you are." Jewel added.

The doctor stood and motioned towards the door. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," she said, leading the General out the door.

She nodded and walked out of sickbay she be back in a few days to begin the treatmemt plan.


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