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I'm late! I'm late!

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2013 @ 6:37am by Commander Tressa Brislan & Captain R'nard Lokran

577 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay

R'nard had returned from his mission in top form. He was still out of uniform, and so went to his quarters to get his uniform on. He was looking for messages, and one was flashing red. What could be so important?

Then, as he opened it, he saw he was a month late for his annual physical. How could he have missed it? The CMO was going to be very peeved with him.

Since the days of the Academy, he had the McCoy rule drilled into him, never cross the CMO. When it's your time, make haste to get to sickbay and get it done!

His uniform was back on, and he left his quarters in a hurry, running as fast as he could. He hoped the doctor was there.

Soon, he was outside sickbay and sped in. "Doctor, I'm so sorrry. I am late for my annual physical. I hope I can make it up for you."

Tressa looked up from her padd, "Did you get your reminder message two months ago?" she asked.

R'nard sighed. "I prrobably did, but there was so much going on, I forrgot about it. I am so sorry, Doctor."

"Well, you're here now," she said, motioning towards an empty biobed. "How have you been feeling?" she began, pulling up his med file.

"I have no complaints." said R'nard. "I have been working out and meditating whenever I can. I've been feeling well."

"That's always good to hear," Tressa said with a smile. "Let's get a vitals' scan first," she added. The results came up 30 seconds later. "Computer, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular assessments please." The biobed glowed briefly.

"Vitals are within range, you're fat-to-muscle ratio is excellent," she began. "There is some slight scarring here," she pointed to the image on the screen, "Upper left tibia. I don't see an injury mentioned in your file."

R'nard looked at that, and nodded. "It wouldn't be there, as it occured while I was on a classified mission with Special Forces. I'm afrraid I am not at liberty to discuss it even with you without approval.

"Is that injury healed sufficiently?"

She rotated the image and pointed out a small irregularity at the end of the bone. "It has healed but it is slightly overgrown, if it doesn't hurt you then we don't need to be concerned. We will monitor the scar over the coming months. How is your appetite?" she asked, making a notation on her padd.

"I have no prroblems with it." said R'nard. "I eat when I am hungrry, and no other times. I have been taught to seek out good food, and it pleases me no end."

The doctor smiled, "Good food is certainly its' own reward, Commander," she said. "Have you had any complaints; headache, sleeplessness, or anxiety?"

R'nard shook his head. "No complaints, Doctor." he said. "I sleep when I can, but when I go into deep meditation, it relaxes and energizes me more than sleep does, and I come out of it rready for what comes next."

She nodded and made another notation. "Excellent. You are well and hale, Commander. Unless you have any problems I will see you in a year," Tressa said. "But feel free to pop in now and again to say hello," she added with a smile.

"I will, and thank you." said R'nard, hopping off the biobed. "And I won't forrget the next time." He bowed in the traditional Tralazar way and left.


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