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Discussion in Sick bay

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2013 @ 9:32am by Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

1,225 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sick bay

The Vanguard had finally arrived back from their latest mission. The wounded has been transported to sick bay. Maal was one of them transported there. He had received a disruptor wound to the shoulder. He lay there on a bio bed, he had asked someone to contact Saith for him.

Ensign Jones:"Jones to Baratan."

Saith had been sitting quietly in her quarters, her eyes closed, listening to music, when Jones call came through, “ Baratan.” She replied.

"Could you please report to sick bay."

She listened to his request in puzzlement. “Sure, I will be right there. Baratan out.”

Ensign Jones stood there waiting for her to arrive.

She tried to remember if she had missed an appointment or something as she walked to sickbay. She frowned as she was fairly certain she had not. If it was to remind her she was supposed to be doing counseling, she would have been contacted by the counseling department. She turned to the doors and they opened. She saw Jones and headed towards him.

Jones looked at her when she showed up:"Ensign Baratan I was asked to contact you and let you know that Sgt. Maal has arrived back from his mission with the Vanguard and he sustained a shoulder wound from a disruptor."

She barely heard his words. Once she knew she had been summoned for Maal she panicked. Pushing Jones aside she moved into sickbay looking for Maal. “Maal, Maal!” she called not even considering that she was disturbing others. She saw him and rushed to his biobed.

“What happened? How serious is it? When will you be released? How could you let this happen?” she rushed through the questions her voice rising in pitch with each one. Tears filled her eyes, “What can I do? Do you need anything?” She looked around, “where are the doctors? Have they looked at you yet?”

Maal looked up at her:"Calm down I will be fine. Captain Duvall and I got pinned down and as we made our way back to the shuttle I got hit by a stray disruptor in the right shoulder. The doctor already patched me up on the Vanguard. I should be out of here hopefully in a couple days."

Saith took a deep breath and let it go slowly. She leaned over and kissed him.

He then gently slid over on the bed:"Now sit down." He gave her a don't argue with me look.

She sat as he bid, and smiled, "I could always take care of you at my place." Her quarters were small, but they were big enough for two.

He looked at her and chuckled:"Have you forgot already my love that you moved in with me before this mission."

Saith froze momentarily. She actually had forgotten, such was her distraction from her own mission. She didn't say anything she just smiled nervously.

Maal reached over and took hold of her hand:"How did your mission go?"

Letting out a sigh she sighed. "Well, we completed it with few problems, but it wasn't perfect. It was unsettling for me though." She paused looking beyond him in thought. When she looked back she furrowed her forehead, "I was able to use some old assassin codes." she paused, knowing he would understand how unlikely that should be. "my dad's codes."

Maal nodded:"Yea as you can see our mission was a bit hairy to say the least."

She smiled a weak smile and nodded.

"So what is really bothering you my dear?" He looked deep into her eyes.

Saith returned his gaze and considered his question for a moment. Finally, “I had a lot of issues with this mission, and I am still not sure I did the right thing.” Her brow furrowed (as it often did), “the only thing I know, or thought I knew, was that I had to come home to you. Then,” she shrugged as her face flushed, “I did forget that I had just moved in with you. I went to my quarters in the quiet part of the station and sat in the dark. I guess I haven’t made any progress on those issues. And then there is the problem of my father’s codes. Just when I was really low, Ensign Brody came to see me.”

Maal shook his head:"You haven't let go of what happen with your childhood have you? What did Brody have to say?"

Saith gave a small chuckle. "he came to apologize and clear the air." She waved her hand, "it really was unnecessary, but nice. I think he is nice and I can probably work with him."

He nodded:"Yea Ensign Brody seems like a nice guy."

"Are you happy being with me I mean truly happy?" He slowly tried to sit up.

Saith moved away from Maal until he got himself settled. Then she leaned against his good shoulder.

"I am happy being with you. Despite what others seem to think, I am as happy as I have ever been. You keep me stable, and you make me happy. I am just not used to having someone I can depend on. I told you when we started this relationship that I would be the one who was problematic."

He sat there rubbing her hair while they talked:"Am glad that you are happy with me. You make me happy too darling. It's ok enjoy the challenge."

Saith gave a small laugh, "well then you have a lot to enjoy."

Maal just sat there looking at her admiring her beauty:"So....would you like to have kids together some day?"

Saith was quiet for a long time. She had never given any thought to children. Ever.

"I don't know," she began. "I have never thought about children." She looked at him skeptically, "don't you think I would be a horrible mother?" she asked completely serious.

Maal sat there looking into her eyes:"If I didn't think that you would be a good mother then I wouldn't have mentioned the idea of children."

Saith bit her lip. “I . . . I . . . I don't know. Can I think about it?” she stammered. She felt a rising panic.

Maal looked at her and knew she was upset, he nodded:"Sure take all the time you need to think about it."

Finally Ensign Jones came over to them:"You are free to go home Sgt. Maal. You are to be on light duty for at least a week and you need to take things easy."

"I will make sure of that." Saith said smiling as she got up and held her hand out to Maal.

Maal took her hand and stood up slowly then pulled her close to him and gave her a long deep passionate kiss. "Come on let's go home."

She smiled up at him, "sounds good."

Saith felt better to know he wasn't going to push the issue, and that he was being released. Her relief however was short lived as she was summoned to Admiral Bremer's office. Stopping short in the corridor she glanced at Maal, "Favdt. I'd better go; if I am not in the brig afterwards I will tell you all about my dressdown."

Maal kissed her on the lips:"Go on I'll see you at home and don't worry am sure it's nothing bad."


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