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"The Ties that Bind"

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2013 @ 12:29pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

957 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Airlock Sixty / Promenade - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"The Ties that Bind"

Captain Talon 'Valhalla' Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Fe'garren

Rear Admiral Heather 'Sledgehammer' Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Lya Station Alpha

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Commanding Officer
USS Venator
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

Music Soundtrack: Elder Scrolls V - Main Theme

***** Airlock Sixty - Starbase 400 *****

The USS Fe'garren was present orbiting Starbase 400 along with several dozen Federation ships which had all arived in the last few hours and more was ariving all the time, Heather meanwhile was on leave as she was here to viset her sister in law because she had not viseted family in quite some time and now she had the time for it.

Talon had come along to pick her up but Heather would need to make her own way back to Starbase Lya Station Alpha. "I can hear you thinking over there."

"Huh.. what...?" Heather inquired as she looked over at her younger sibling who looked almost identical to her in every respect. "Talon, would you stop pestering me..."

"Why... its so much fun."

"Talon, quit being a pest or I'll have to ask your husband to spank you."

Talon Yamaguchi or rather Talon Hunt as she was more commonly known simply laughed at her sibling, it was hard to beleive that these two were siblings and fully grown women at that as they sometimes behaved little better then children when they were alone and without the husbands and their small army of children.

"So.. think Torilla and Jake will be happy to see us.?" Talon inquired with a wide smile.

"You make my head hurt."

"Good. I enjoy giving you migranes, you need to relax and unwind more... You are so reserved.."

"Its how I survive six children."

"Yes, you have been productive, I though three was a good number so Jerome and I stopped there... besides, it could be worse like Coral or April." Talon commented evenly as she shruged her shoulders. "So?"

"Torilla, yes she'll be happy to see us... I know you're looking forward to
helping her with her training."

"Its always a good idea to spend time with one's student I think, besides.. I've
missed her."

A short time later, the three women were walking down a hallway, one was wearing her duty uniform, the second was wearing a grey blouse with a pair of blue jeans and sneakers while the third was wearing a skirt and a light grey sweatshirt, suffice to say that neither Heather Yamaguchi or Talon Hunt were in uniform which was how both women prefered it.

Six of the riffraff of the base were waiting for them as they approched their
destination as the leader looked at Torilla. "Well.. such lovely morsels." he
pointed at Torilla. "I owe you for the asskicking you gave me last week."

Heather smiled. "Friends of your Torilla?"

"No. we just met.." Torilla responded. "You deserved that asskicking though bub.."

Talon chuckled as she proceeded to crack her knuckles in a show of unmitigated aggression. "Are you boys going to behave or must I teach you some manners..."

Torilla who was wearing her uniform only smiled as she crossed her arms over her chestas the first guy growled as he took a swing at Talon who simply sighed as she deflected his strike and grasped his arm, with a gentle move of her hand, she elicited a high pitched shriek of pain in the leader.

Torilla and Heather both standing there as they watched the leader slap at Talon as he tried to get away from her, clealry in agony as she simply smiled. "Now, will you please go away and leave the three of us alone.... If... I ever see any of you again, I will make you curse your mothers for giving birth to you."

The gang all scattered as they ran away as Talon left the first guy go, he then
turned and kicked at her, Heather sighed as she drove her foot into his chest as she watched him drop back to the deckplating.

Talon looked down at him. "I gave you your one chance... " she reached down and went top pick him up as he scrabbled on all fours to get some distance between him and these three lunatic women.

Talon, Heather and Torilla all shared a laugh as they watched him flee down the hallway. "Right... lets go have that lunch we were promised..." Heather commented as she looked at her elder sibling. "Talon, how long you in for?"

"A day or so, we're being assigned to a big Op, I can't talk about it untill after
is all said and done." she responded. "Jake is here too."

Torilla smiled as she looked at her two sisters. "How are you coping with your
exile Torilla?" Heather inquired gently.

"I do not think about it as my bloodline is all dead, Jake accepted me into his
family and so did all of you guys without hestiation or reservation.. If this is a
punishment then I think in my case that crime does pay."

Talon chuckled softly. "Well, its their loss either way... "

"Indeed... where are you guys staying?"

Heather smiled. "I'll be in some guest quaters, no Admirals QWuaters or VIP for me."

"You always led a very spartan life, comes from having so many kids." Torilla
responded as the three emerged onto the promenade as the three smiled as they looked around. "I see why you like it here Torilla. Plenty of men to hit on and plenty to see and do."

"I miss my husband... but he's generaly assigned to nearby sectors so he's not far away." the taller woman responded as the three moved into the crowd.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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