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A Short Visit

Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2013 @ 5:36am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

540 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Harrison Quaters - Starbase 400
Timeline: Current

After Deela took a shower and rested, she went to Alex's quarters to get her kids. Alex was on the floor playing with Raivyn when she heard the chime. "Enter" she called out to who she figured was Deela. Deela walked in and smiled at the cute sight, "Hi Alex. I came to retrieve my kids and take them off your hands."

"I figured. I was enjoying playing with her. It makes me realize how much I missed out with Paul." Alex felt sad at the thought.

Deela sat on the floor with the both of them, "It's not too late to have a child you know."

"Lee and I have discussed it. We've already decided to have one. At first, I wasn't sure but after thinking about it, I liked the idea more and more." She played with Raivyn a little more tickling her, making her laugh. "Brandon is in Paul's room. He's playing with some toys Paul got him for when he comes here."

Deela went in to heck in on Brandon. He was playing just as she said. Brandon turned and saw his mom. He continued to play and didn't seem much interested in leaving. So Deela thought that since no one was home that she'd hang out with Alex.

Deela joined Alex once again on the floor, "So how is Paul doing? This is all so new to him, it must be hard for him to adjust."

"I'm not sure how he is. Ever since he found out that his dad didn't tell him that I had been writing to him. He just filed them away a folder on the computer. Here he is, thinking that his mother didn't want him and hating me for it."

"You really should have Paul talk to someone and help him get over his anger. It can't be healthy to bottle all this inside."

"I know, I know. Rachael has been good for him. She's only twelve but she acts more like she sixteen."

"Oh yes, Yamaguchi's daughter. She certainly does that. Do you think that they are serious about their relationship?" Deela inquired.

"I don't know that either. They spend a lot of time together. He's almost sixteen so I worry about him doing something that he isn't ready for. I guess it's time to have that talk with him."

"I would say so. But he has a good head on his shoulder Alex."

"He does. I'm counting in it."

Brandon came in where they were, "Can we go home? I want to play with Earl."

Deela stood up and Alex did the same. Raivyn stood up and held onto Deela's leg. She picked her up, "Yes we can." Deela smiled at Alex, "I want to thank you for agreeing to watch them on such short notice."

"Naah, it was great. We all took a nap, had something to eat and played together."

Deela smiled back, "Good. I am glad that they weren't any trouble."

Alex walked them to the door, "We should do lunch sometime."

"That would be nice. Thank you again Alex. I appreciate it." The door opened and they left. Alex put the toys away, then sat on the couch, waiting for Paul to come home.


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