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Feeling Different

Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2013 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

439 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: After meeting with Admiral Bremer

Jewel had left the Admirals Office as she took a deep breathe, she knew she needed to tell him why she is retiring and giving up her Command and Career but right now was not the best time. She would let both Mike and Janice know once she knew it was the best time. She had a lot on her mind and she wanted to see her sister.

She walked out of the turbo lift after it reached it's destination she headed straight for her sisters quarters. She sat in her sisters quarters for awhile visiting and once she was done she walked out. She stood outside the Bremer's quarters for a moment with tears running down her face. She hated herself for not telling Janice what is really going on but she just wasn't ready for it at the moment.

A few moments went by and she compiled herself and headed towards where her quarters where. Once she arrived she entered and looked around, she was going to have her children go back to Earth to live with family for awhile. Right now with the condition she is in she was in no condition to take care of them. Aria was going along with them for protection. She had scheduled the first transport to Earth for them to take.

She sat at the computer and turned it on, she sent a message to everyone on the USS Cairo that everyone is to disembark from the Cairo and await reassignment. She thanked them for their service and told them she enjoyed serving with the crew. Once the message was sent she turned the computer screen off and got up.

Her belongings would be sent to her quarters later that day, in the mean time she ordered a comfortable civilian clothing and put them on to replace the Uniform. She placed one star instead of the normal two stars on that was on each side of the collar on her uniform. She placed that one star on her clothing to identify that she was retired. She also let her hair down more then usual.

She took a deep breath as she looked at the uniform that she hung up in her closet. She knew it was a tough decision to make but with the condition she was in she had no choice. She then walked out of her quarters and headed down to sickbay to talk to the Doctor about the treatment plan.

After a few moments she arrived at the stations medical bay and entered and noticed a few patients their she then looked around for the Doctor.



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