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Somethings Not Right (part 2)

Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2013 @ 10:20pm by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Commander Tressa Brislan

1,107 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: sickbay

The Major and Colonel arrived in sickbay with T'Lyn in really bad shape. Things have gotten worse for the Major on the way here. She has become raged and trying to get away, "I have to leave," she yelled trying to get away from the Colonel.

Doctors Campbell and Brislan looked up as the pair entered the Sickbay. Cambell caught the Colonel's eye and moved in to help him restrain the struggling Vulcan as Tressa grabbed a hypospray. They only managed to keep her still for a few seconds, long enough for Tressa to administer the muscle relaxer.

"Will you help her to the biobed please?" the CMO asked the Colonel. Major T'Lyn was conscious but visibly weakened. "Major, how are you feeling?" she asked, scanning her vital signs.

After she was helped on the bio bed "Do I look fine!" she growled. as she tossed around a bit. "No I am not fine, stop this" she said as she closed her eyes.

Tressa ignored the outburst; she was accustomed to emotional reactions. The woman's vitals signs were erratic. She pressed a hypo to her arm, extracting deeply-red venous blood. Tressa gave the sample to Campbell, said something to him very quietly, then touched T'Lyn's face gently. The doctor suspected what was wrong, and the blood test would confirm or deny.

"Do you know how long she has, felt this way?" Tressa asked the Colonel carefully. She didn't want to compromise the woman's privacy but the more she knew the easier it would be to treat.

"Doctor, as far as i know, she has been like this for at least two day's, and possibly longer." He then added, Doc, she told me herself she was going through the Pon'Farr."

She continued to lay there while the Doctor looked over her, she was out of it. She just wanted this to go away. "Make this stop," she cried out.

A young man looked around the corner. "Doctor?" he asked. Tressa looked up, and the young man nodded. "Early stage, maybe a few hours," he added.

The doctor retrieved another hypospray and applied it to the woman's hip. "Monitor temperature," she said, watching the woman's reaction.

"Ninety-four point two degrees Doctor Brislan," the computer said. She checked T'Lyn's pupils, watching her heart rate on the screen behind the bed. "Ninety-two point six degrees," the computer said again.

She just looked at the doctor, "please make this stop," she cried as she didnt want to feel like this anymore.

"Colonel, may I ask you to leave us alone for a few moments?" the doctor asked politely.

Looking at the Doctor, the Colonel replied, " Yes Ma'am, i shall be right outside the doors should you need my assistance"

Tressa watched him walk away, then smiled at the young woman. "You have experienced Pon Farr before?" she asked softly.

She looked at the doctor, "yes, 5 years ago I am going through this again too early please make it go away." T'Lyn stated as her breathing became erratic like she was hyperventilating.

"I've given you the first of a series of hormone inhibitors, Major, you should be feeling better in a few minutes. Computer, dim lights to thirty-five percent." The lights dimmed within seconds. "close your eyes, that will help. I've given you a muscle relaxer as well."

She closed her eyes and laid there quietly.

"Your early onset could have been triggered by a hormonal imbalance. Also if you did not receive the full series of hormone inhibitors the last time and didn't mate your endocrine system may have cycled prematurely." The doctor waited a moment, watching as her temperature continued to decrease towards normal.

"I dont remember to much of what had happened the last time," she said feeling very weak.

Tressa watched her for a moment; the hormonal storm in her body was calming slowly. "Mating is an option as well, Major," the doctor said softly. "If you do not have a mate we can make arrangements, very discretely of course. It will be less stressful for you than the hormone inhibitors."

She looked at her for a moment, "No, I don't want to mate." she stated as she closed her eyes. Then something else happened that was out of the blue, she started to seize. Tressa quickly dropped a surgical anesthetic cover on her and looked up at the vitals' screen; her heart rate had tripled. A thin rivulet of blood ran from T'Lyn's nose as she slipped into unconsciousness.

"Campbell, are you still running the sample?" she asked her colleague.

"Yes, standard panel. Nothing out of the ordinary so far."

"Run an infectious diseases panel, her hormones were leveling then she went into shock." Tressa paced between her patient's biobed and the minilab as every Vulcan and Romulan ailment she could think of raced through her mind. Was she exposed to something? Irradiated? Poisoned? She shook her head; it wasn't adding up.

"Tres? We've got something," Campbell said. He moved aside so that she could see the screen.

"Looks like, protists?" she said softly. "But they were only on Earth and they were eradicated... What are her mast cell counts? Oh my goodness!" the doctor exclaimed. "It's an allergic reaction, violent enough to have upset her endocrine system."

She rushed into the treatment area and removed the surgical cover; the Vulcan was still unconscious but her body had calmed.

"Computer, I need 40cc's of artemisinin. Prepare the second dose of hormone inhibitors as well." When Tressa reached the replicator the hyposprays were ready. She closed her eyes for a second, then applied the artemisinin to T'Lyn's left arm. The woman was beginning to stir.

"Where am I?" she said as she jumped up.

"Please, remain calm. You are in Sickbay," Tressa said soothingly.

she nooded "what happened? All I remember is being in the holodeck then started pon farr but thats all I can seem to remember." she stated.

The doctor watched T'Lyn for a moment. "You were... exposed to a microorganism, and your body had a severe allergic reaction. The reaction in your immune system triggered an endocrine response," she said slowly.

she just nodded, as she now understood what happened. She laid down to rest as she still was very weak.

"I just gave you an injection to disable the microorganism, that should mitigate the Pon Farr. I would recommend continuing the course of hormone inhibitors. This has been known to happen in Vulcans but it is rare. I cannot be certain but the inhibitors should correct your hormone cycle back to every seven years."

"Thank you doctor," she she stated as she feel asleep.



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