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Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2013 @ 9:45pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator Airlock - Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 400
Commanding Officer
USS Venator

***** USS Venator Airlock - Starbase 400 *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi looked down at the male Ensign security
guard who was decidedly intimidated by her presence since she was what
some would describe as an 'Amazon' woman'. To her the statement was
utterly ludricrus as she sighed softly while he got her clearance.

The second security guard was a female Bolian who simply smiled at the
commander as if they shared something in common, which honestly, they
did. "Ensign... I'd like a word please."

"Me sir?" the Bolian responded.

"Yes... you."

"Of course sir." as the human male Ensign stammered something at her as
he handed her a PADD, Torilla had to really hold onto her temper as she
took the PADD from him. "Thank you Ensign, In the future please note that
if you fail my next suprise inspection, I will not like you, also this
ship is my command, this means I am to go aboard as needed and without
delay, is that clear?"

"Uhh yessir. I'll see to it."

"See that you do." Torilla responded as she turned and walked through
the airlock which opened with a soft hiss at her approch, the nubile
Bolian woman following her, once they were aboard the Ensign inquired.
"Premission to come aboard Captain?"

Yamaguchi turned as she looked at the Bolian. "Granted." and with that
the Bolian crossed through the open hatch and onto the Venators deckplates.
"You are wondering why I wished to speak with you.

"Yessir.... Umm may I speak freely."

"I recomend you make it a practice with me Ensign Dvald." she explained.
"I don't like my officers feeling caged by protocall and the like." she
commented. "I prefer a more democratic approch, letting my officers bring
ideas to the table without asking premission because sometimes, we have
no time."

"Oh...I'm sorry sir, I had no idea."

"No reason you should Ensign." Yamaguchi explained. "I tend to be unusual
in my command style but while I might be new to the job but I like to think
I had several good teachers, including my husband."

The Bolian smiled. "I understand sir." she paused. "Why not Ensign O'Ralleigh?" she inquired.

"Because I wanted someone who isn't intimidated by me, I tend to do that in
others.." she smiled as if expecting the question. "Walk with me.. Lets tour
the Venator together and see how my new crew are doing, for now, you are my
third in command, pending approval by Admiral Bremer."

The Bolian woman smiled as she walked beside the larger woman. "Sir.. I have
to wonder.... do you think we will face war?"

"Yes." Torilla's response was blunt, uncompromising and brutal. "I think we
need to build up our strength and prepare. We are surrounded on all sides and
if we do nothing... then my dear, we face nothing less then our complete and
total destruction."

The Bolian woman was rendered speachless as the two women entered a turbolift

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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