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Giving bad news

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2013 @ 11:59pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Quarters, SB400

She arrived back at her quarters after her lunch with David, she rather liked him and couldn't wait until their dinner date this evening. She took a deep breathe and decided she send a message to both Mike and Janice about her condition. She thought she would let them know, just wondered how they take it.

She sat at her computer and started writing the message.

======Begin of Message======

TO: Admiral Mike K'Wor Bremer and Janice Fultian-Bremer
FROM: Brigadier General (ret) Jewel Dartt
SUBJECT: Reasoning behind my resignation

Hello Mike and Janice,

I know I have not told you the true reason why I have resigned has Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Cairo. The reason why I didn't want to tell you right off is because I wanted to make sure the arrangements have been made, which they have.

I have a rare type of bone cancer, the same one my mother died of but her's was caught at the last stage and treatment didn't do her any good. But they found mine early enough where treatment will be a success. I have already been down to see the Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Brislan and we have a treatment plan in place.

The treatment will include biopsy, bone transplants as well as a chemical treatment. I start treatment in a couple of days, and treatment will take between four to six months. It will make me weak, so I decided to resign to take care of myself and get the proper treatment that is needed.

Also, Jay and Liberty my children have been sent back to Earth to reside with my aunt until I am 100% better. I don't plan on giving up, so there will be no need to be worried. I love both of you and will talk with both of you soon.


Jewel Dartt

=========End of Message========

Once she finished she sent the messages to both Mike and Janice. She then shut her computer off and headed to her bed and laid down for awhile. She was tired and needed to get some rest before her dinner date tonight. She wanted to be refreshed, she had her maid start preparing the dinner meal she had picked out as she wasn't up to cooking herself.

Tag: Mike Bremer


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