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Much Needed Down Time

Posted on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 4:32pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Captain R'nard Lokran & Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant Commander Rachael King
Edited on on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 4:33pm

865 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 79 - Triangle
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

Deela needed some down time. She contacted a few of her crew for a much needed drink and conversation.

She sat down and waited for them to arrive.

R'nard was the first to arrive. He had spent some time in the brig area with the prisoner until relieved.

"Good evening," Tressa said, walking up to the table. "How have you been?"

Deela nodded and smiled, "Hi Tressa...R'nard. I'm glad you all could make it. I haven't taken enough advantage of this Starbase and its amenities so I thought, why not now."

The waiter came by and brought Deela her Long Island Tea. He stood there, waiting for the other two to order their drinks.

Andrew spoke to the waiter as he walked up to the table. "I'll have a ginger ale, please. 5% proof, please. If you have the old English drink Crabbies on then that's what it will be."

"Hello everyone", he entoned chearfully, which considering he was going stir crazy took some doing.

"Hi Andrew. Thanks for joining us. I asked Rachael too but I'm not sure if she is coming." She continued, "I wanted to update all of you on things."

Andrew sat down, "I hope it's good news, Admiral."

R'nard ordered some herbal tea, and waited on the Admiral's news.

"Not really. First of all, it looks like the Essex will be out of commission. Looks like they purposely damaged the main deflector dish and the sensors. There was also some hull damage in that area as well.

The waiter brought the drinks and Andrew took a sip of his. "I've being talking to the engineering staff. They did a good job on us alright."

R'nard shook his head. Why would they want to sabotage the Essex like that?

"I believe that when Hurd was on the ship, that they somehow were able to contact the other ship and decided to grab Hurd. In order to do that, they needed our sensors down so they could decloak and intercept him."

"I've also been informed that we have a new Chief Counselor. Bremer informed me that she'll be talking to all of the senior staff."

Andrew didn't say anything, he didn't really want to be talking to any counselors right now, he wanted the Essex back in operation.

"Then there is Major Hurd." She took a few swigs from her glass, "The Avenger is searching for him. I wish I could be there but because the Essex is out of commission, looks like I'll just have to sit on my hands." She lowered her voice, "Captain Harrison's team is on their way to find Clark as well. She's very good. I should know, I trained her."

Andrew continued to quietly sip from his glass, he was deeply envious of the Avenger right now, but he knew they would be out there soon enough and taking the fight to the pirates.

Deela turned to R'nard, "R'nard, have you met Captain Harrison yet? She used to be one of my security officers and the former Chief of Security of SB400."

"Not yet, Admiral." said R'nard. "I've been busy with a prisoner that Admiral Bremer and I caught."

"Ah yes, I heard. Good job by the way."

"How long will the Essex be in the yard?" Tressa asked. "Is there nothing we can do to help them find Major Hurd?"

"Admiral Bremer is going to get things sped up so it should be ready in a week or less. As for Hurd, the Avenger crew are very good. They'll find him, I'm sure of it."

Deela turned to Andrew, "You're pretty quiet. Anything wrong?"

Andrew shook his head, "I'm alright Admiral. Just getting bored with sitting around". He smiled ruefully, "Sorry for the long face, everyone. I'm not used to having nothing to do".

Rachael had been busy in the Infirmary trying to catch up on the going ons. There was more going on there, than there was on the Essex. She walked to where everyone was at. "Sorry I am late," said Rachael.

"Hi, glad you can join us. Andrew here is bored with nothing to do." Deela turned back to Andrew, "You really should be careful what you wish for, you just may get it."

Andrew laughed, "Yes, I've run into that problem before, Admiral. I would be much happier if we were out there looking for Major Hurd, but I'll settle for being bored and the Avenger bringing him back. I'll be going back on board tomorrow to see if I can help the repairs move along a little quicker". He winked at everyone and took a sip of his drink. As he sat there he wondered why he was so on edge, this was not like him at all. It was as if the sky was darkening just before a big storm. He mentally shook himself and focused on the conversation.

The conversations were enjoyable. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the little get together but the time was getting late. Deela stood up, "Well, I need to get back to business. As soon as the Essex is repaired, I'll let you all know."

They dispersed to their various places.


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