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Posted on Thu Oct 4th, 2012 @ 12:49pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Captain R'nard Lokran & Commander Tressa Brislan

1,978 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 79 - Triangle
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: Following 'Engaging Clark'

Bremer was in his office still, waiting for Marine Captain Hammond to arrive. He checked the time again and saw the new member of the Station’s Crew was late…very late.

“Bremer to Hammond.” He said over the comm, but no reply was received.

Annoyed, Mike walked back into Ops. He glanced around and saw everything was status quo. Commander Clifford was just coming out of Admiral T’Lar’s Office and everyone else in Ops looked to be occupied with their tasks at hand. “Has anyone seen Marine Captain Hammond?”

“No sir, he’s not been here.” Came a quick reply from the Second Lieutenant at the Marine Operations station.

Mike walked over and stood behind the young man, “Can you locate him on internal sensors?”

“Aye sir, he’s outside the Marine Armory on Level 32, Section A1. There’s another person with him.” The Young Marine replied.

“I have a visual with internal sensors Admiral.” Came a quick report from Ensign Vortek at Security One.

Mike walked over and stood behind the Vulcan Ensign, a longtime member of his crew. “On screen.” Mike replied.

A moment later, the main viewer in Ops lite up with an overhead view of the corridor. Hammond looked to be confronting a man outside the Marine Armory, then suddenly there was a bright flash and the sensor feed went out.

Mike’s eyes widened, “Security Alert! Commander Lokran report to Level 32, Section A1.”

"On my way, sirr." said R'nard.

“Damage control teams, stand by, Medical Teams stand by to receive casualties.” Bremer continued.

"Aye, Admiral, Sickbay is standing by and Medical is en route," Tressa replied. Her kit was in hand as she left Sickbay with her team.

Commander Clifford, lock the Station down, I don’t want any ships leaving or approaching.” Mike then added.

"Understood, Admiral". Andrew immediately tapped his comm badge and started giving orders.

Bremer glanced over as Admiral T’Lar entered Ops as she heard Mike call the Security Alert. “An explosion outside the Marine Armory on Level 32, Section A1.”

Her expression was that of worry and shock, "What? Clark's doing?"

“It’s a pretty safe bet its Clark’s other guy aboard the station.” Mike replied. “I’m heading to speak to Mr. Pavlik.”

“There’s no need sir, Security just reported in, Pavlik is dead, point blank phaser hit to the back of the head. The Brig officer is also dead.” Archer reported from the Operations station.

Mike looked over at T’Lar. He didn’t need to say anything, they both knew Clark was behind it. Bremer just hoped the crew aboard the Steadfast were close to capturing Clark and his friends.

“You have Ops, I’m going down there.” Mike said to T’Lar as he entered the turbolift and the doors closed.

Deela nodded, "Okay. Keep me informed." She watched him leave.

Andrew noticed that Admiral T'Lar, "Sorry Admiral, I will learn to keep my mouth shut one day".

Without waiting for the reply he turned to the officers on duty, "Put the station on yellow alert and broadcast it to all approaching ships, informing them that they are not permitted to enter the station space. Inform dock control that no ship is to leave the station, and to lock the outer doors" He thought for a second, "Also allow all the turbo lifts to finish their current journey, allow the occupants out then disable them. Finally monitor all manual access between decks, at least we'll be able to see who is trying to go where. Once the turbo lifts are disabled, put a station broadcast out informing everyone the lifts are out of operation. All lift operation on my or Admiral T'Lar’s personal authorization".

Meanwhile, R'nard had cast off his uniform, except for a minimal equipment belt, he was clad only in his fur, which he worked in best. He looked vulnerable in that non-attire, but he was actually more dangerous when he was au naturel. His fur covered what shouldn't be seen. He had been clad like this in clandestine operations and also in his final trial on Procyon III, which was called the Trial of the Thousand Guards, where he was to escape from a prison which was guarded by that many guards. And without anything on him. And yet he succeeded.

He had his communicator, and a few items, and moved quickly and silently. It was the Tralazar one couldn't see that was more dangerous.

Mike had arrived on Deck 32 of Section A1 the same time as Medical. R’nard was already there. Mike looked over at Tressa as she walked up with her Medical Team. They watched the fire suppression system put the flames out.

"Do we know how many people were in there?" Tressa asked.

“Unknown, at least two. Marine Captain Hammond and another man. We watched the internal sensor’s visual feed in Ops, it appeared Hammond was trying to keep the man out of the Armory when the explosion happened.

Chief Blackthorne arrived with his Damage Control team, he’d over heard the Admiral’s comments. “Then Captain Hammond should be given a medal, if that explosive had gone off inside the Armory, we’d have ten times the damage and many more casualties.”

"We need to get in there, Admiral," Tressa said. She turned to Lieutenant Commander Lokran. "I'll need your help."

"I will do what I can, Commander." said R'nard. He was not one to be ashamed or embarrassed the way he was dressed, or not.

Bremer looked down the corridor at a group of people that had gathered, Security was keeping them back. But one man stuck out, Mike recognized him, and the man looked at Mike in the eye. After a moment, the man calmly turned and started to walk away.

“Commander, take charge here.” Bremer said to R’nard as he started to walk down the corridor. As he walked up beside the Security Officer keeping the pedestrians back, Mike looked for the man he’d seen. He was still walking away, at the end of the corridor. Mike grabbed one of the Security Officer’s side arms and checked the power cell in the Type II phaser before proceeding down the corridor.

R'nard looked to Tressa. He wanted to chase the one doing this, but he had his orders from Admiral Bremer. "It looks like we have our orrders." he said. "Let's get this place orrganized."

Looking to the crowd, he said "Please move along. There is nothing more to see, and we need rroom to work here."

Tressa nodded to two of the medics, who began to help her clear a path.

Mike continued to follow the man away from the scene of the explosion. They continued down the long corridor and around a few corners before Mike finally called for the man.

“Westmoreland…James Westmoreland!”

The man paused and slowly turned around to face Bremer. He smirked as he drew a phaser.

Mike raised his phaser, “Drop the weapons, you’re under arrest.”

“For what? That explosion? I didn’t set off any bombs, I’d of been vaporized if I had.” James replied.

“I know you’re helping Clark, just like your traitor of a brother is. I believe you and the guy that set off the explosive outside the armory were sent to shut up Pavlik before he could talk…problem is, he already did. We have Clark’s position and ships are closing in on him and your brother now. It’s over James.” Mike replied.

James shook his head, “He’d only been in the Brig for twelve hours, you really expect me to believe you broke him that fast?” He took a breath, then added, “You have no idea what or who you’re dealing with. This isn’t over, it’s just the beginning.” James replied as he took aim and fired his phaser.

Mike quickly ducked and rolled out the way. As he came to his feet in a kneeling position he returned fire. The phaser beam grazed James on the right shoulder. Westmoreland fired off another quick shot that missed wide as he took off running down the corridor.

Mike rose to his feet and started to give chase. He thought about calling for Security, but this was his fight…it was personal.

As Mike ran by a turbolift, he noticed the panel had the locking symbol flashing, and if the lifts were locked down, that meant Commander Clifford had also secured all Jeffereies Tubes and other access ways…so he knew Westmoreland was still on this deck.

As Mike neared an intersection, he slowed to a stop, peaking around the corner. He didn’t see anyone to the right, or straight ahead. As he turned to look left, James Westmoreland jumped out and tackled Mike to the deck.

James rolled off and went to kick Mike as he lay on the deck, but the warrior caught Westmoreland’s leg and threw him back. Jumping to his feet, Mike charged James. He planted him against the bulkhead, then quickly grabbed his arm as Westmoreland tried to fire his phaser. Westmoreland depressed the trigger and a phaser beam lanced out and cut into the celling and far wall. Mike slammed Westmoreland’s arm against bulkhead twice before Westmoreland dropped the weapon.

As the phaser fell, Westmoreland head-butted Bremer, but stumbled more than Mike did…he’d forgotten Bremer was half Klingon and thus had a very hard head. James shook his head for a moment before taking a swing, but Mike had already took a step back into a defensive position. James then lunged at Mike again, but it was a faint. As Mike deflected James’s strike, James grabbed Mike’s holstered phaser.

Mike quickly grabbed James’s hand and arm again, trying to get the weapon away. As they struggled, James pulled Mike closer. The former Starfleet Officer turned Pirate tried to pull his arm free, and as he did his thumb pressed on the trigger and the phaser went off.

Both men stumbled as the phaser fell. Mike looked at the burn on his uniform from the heat of the phaser’s discharge, then he looked up into James’s eyes, they were wide open and starting to turn glassy. Mike took a step back as James grabbed his chest and slumped to the deck.

Mike tapped his commbadge, “Medical Team to Section 1A, Level 32, Junction 110-Beta.”

James looked up at Bremer standing over him, he started to open his mouth, but nothing came out. After a moment he exhaled as he body went limp. Mike looked down on the dead man he once called a friend. He didn’t want James dead…he needed him alive, he needed answers. Now, he was just left with questions he hoped R’nard’s investigation of the explosion would help answer.

Mike waited for Medial to arrive. The Med Tech was accompanied by a Security Officer. Ensign Grooms picked up Mike’s phaser and handed it to him. “Are you all right sir?”

“I’m fine.” Mike replied to the Security Officer. They watched the Med Tech scan James Westmoreland’s body with her tricorder and confirmed he was dead.

“Get him to the morgue…I’ll be in the Brig.” Mike ordered as he walked away. He picked up the small Type-1 phaser Westmoreland had been carrying. Mike wanted to check on the investigation into the death of the prisoner Pavlik as well the Brig Officer that had been watching him. He felt he already knew the answer, James Westmoreland had been the assassin, and the explosion had been a diversion…and if Captain Hammond hadn’t been there it could have been much worse, but he needed to know for sure.


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