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Incoming information

Posted on Thu Apr 26th, 2012 @ 8:57pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 78 - Colonial Uprising
Location: Science Lab Three and Ops-Starbase 400
Timeline: After 'Continuing the investigation'


=Science Lab Three=

Commander Colemand had returned to duty after getting some much needed medical attention for his burn wounds. Once he had gotten back, he overheard Lt. Gilmore and Rogers talking. He walked over to them and asked for a status update on some of the samples that they had been running before the minor mishap. But, after a moment, the two ladies looked at one another before Lt. Gilmore took a step foward to say something.

She said, leaning a little bit forward, "Sir, we've just got an incoming subspace message from Captain Lee and K'Temoc's teams on the Yorktown. The pilot of the Runabout was apparently killed before they got anything out of him. They said that the pilot was killed at point blank range and they sent the information back to the station to be further analysed. But, they said they might know who the pilot might have been and thus, they wanted our teams on the station to double check."

Coleman leaned back before saying, "Who was the pilot then? Was it someone we know, like a former crewmember on the Starbase or something?"

Rogers then spoke up and said, "No, not a former crewmember, but they said he might be someone that is related to a former crewmember. They said the pilot might be a relative of Commander Winters, sir."

Coleman looked up into space for a moment before he turned back around to the two science officers. He sighed and said, "Let me contact Admiral Bremer about this. Start working on double checking the information, but before we get this information out to anyone else, let me talk to him first."

As they both nodded, he walked over to a comm panel and keyed in Admiral Bremer's office and waited for a moment.

Mike was in his quarters. Janice was always laying in bed and their small children were tucked into their beds sleeping. He had just removed his uniform and sat on the edge of his bed. As he layed back, the comm beeped. Letting out a deep breath, he sat back up.

“Who is it?” Janice asked, half asleep.

Mike sat back up and looked over at the monitor, “Not sure, it’s being rerouted here from my Office.”

Bremer slowly stood up and walked over to the desk. He put his left hand on the desk as he leaned forward, taping the comm with his right. “Bremer here.”

Commander Coleman said, "Sir, we've just recieved some information and samples from our teams that went looking for the Sydney-Class runabout, Sir. If some of the information that they sent over is true, which my teams are checking into now, we might have some casue for concern."

Mike looked back at Janice, then back to the monitor. “I’ll be there in ten minutes, Bremer out.”

Mike walked over to the bed and knelt down beside Janice. “I’m sorry.”

She nodded, then kissed him, “Duty calls, I understand. Go save the Quadrant again.” She smiled.

In a soft voice Mike replied, “I’ll be back, as soon as I can.”

Ten minutes later, Mike was back into uniform. As he entered the Science Lab, Gilmore, Rogers, and Coleman turned to face him.

“What do you have Commander?”

"Well, we've just completed a third round of testing on the DNA samples, as well as the other samples that we recieved from the Yorktown. We've confirmed the pilot was a relative of Commander Winters. The pilot was his brother, Sam Winters, and was killed by what appears to be a disruptor blast at point blank range."

Then, Commander Coleman gave the Admiral a PADD to look at with all the information that they had been sent and been given. It also showed all the information that the science team had done before the Admiral came in.

After the Admiral had a moment to look over the information on the PADD, Coleman said, "This is why I thought that you should see this as soon as possible and my team double checked it through all databases we had access to as well."

Mike shook his head. “ Have you told anyone else yet?

Coleman shook his head and said, "Not yet. I wanted to inform you of what we found first."

“Good. Send an encrypted priority one message to Captain K`Temoc and make him aware.” Mike replied, then tapped his comm-badge. “Bremer to Ops.”

“Andrews here.”

“Terran, put the Station on Yellow Alert and have the standby crews aboard all support ships report to their stations.” Mike ordered.

“Aye sir.” Captain Andrews replied, then closed the comm.
Mike looked back at Coleman. “Good work.”

Coleman nooded and then headed back to work on sending the message to the group on the Yorktown, making sure to attach what his team found out on the message.

As Bremer left the room he tapped his comm-badge. "Bremer to T'Lar, meet me in my Office, immediately."



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