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Who Am I?

Posted on Mon Feb 20th, 2023 @ 4:49pm by Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Robert Harper & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Lieutenant Thomas Locke & Mörder

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 1255hrs


Mörder dropped out of a Jefferies tube access on Level 111. The corridor was empty as he leaned against the wall. He was in obvious pain. He walked several meters and found an aid station. He opened the med kit and found a dermal regenerator for his broken arm and cut lip suffered in his fight with Bremer. He also took something for his head pain.

Mörder then realized he was on one of the Promenade’s mid levels. He found a C’hakilian restaurant and entered. It was automated, so he ordered something to eat and sat in a corner alone. He watched a handful of people pass, but no one even looked his way.

After he took several bits, he pulled a small PADD from his pocket. He displayed his personal information and read off his name, ‘Karsun’. He thought about the name he’d been called earlier, ‘Mörderer’ or something? He was a tailor who lived on Vega and had been going to DS6 when his ship was damaged. Or did it suffer a malfunction? He couldn’t remember, this thoughts were fuzzy. He remembered being on a Bolian freighter. He need to go check his things that were onboard still, maybe they had more information.

Elsewhere on the Promenade, Tom and Vito were walking back toward ‘Goodfellas’ after speaking with the Bolian ship’s owner. They had confirmed they helped a man fitting Mörder’s description a few days before and confirmed the story about a damaged ship.

As they walked, Vito saw a man exiting the escalator on the Promenade’s main level. “Tom, it’s him.”

Tom looked over. “Let’s go.”

The two walked over and stood on either side of the man as he waited on a turbo lift.

“How are ya?” Tom asked.

Mörder nodded. “Hello.”

“Enjoying your stay on Starbase 400?” Vito asked.

“I, I just got here. My ship was damaged.” Mörder replied.

Tom nodded. “You look like you’ve been hurt, do you need medical aid?”

Mörder realized he was favoring his left arm a little and adjusted his shoulder. “Oh, it’s just sore but I’m okay. Must of hit it on a bulkhead.”

“During your fight with Bremer or on your ship?” Vito asked as he turned to face Mörder.

“Who?” Mörder asked.

Tom turned to face Mörder too. “The Starfleet Admiral you attacked earlier.”

Mörder clutched his head with his hands as he learned over in pain. Then with a single move he pivoted on his left foot and back kicked Vercetti while grabbed Vito’s neck and squeezing. Tom stumbled back and fell as Vito tried to break the choke hold. He hit Mörder’s arm to break the hold but Mörder’s grip tightened. He then punched Mörder who let out a sadistic laugh. Mörder then punched Vito and broke the larger man’s nose. Mörder then slung Vito to the deck over beside Tom as he stood.

“I’m took old for this shit.” Tom said as he rushed forward. He sung at Mörder who ducked away. As he turned back the punched Tom in the left side of his mid section, knocked the breath out of him.

“Yes you are.” Mörder replied with an evil smile.

As Tom grabbed his chest, wheezing and trying to get air, Vito was up again and rushed forward. He tackled Mörder and punched him several times in the face. Mörder finally freed a hand and blocked a punch. He then kicked Vito off of him as the turbolift doors open.

Vito was tossed into K’Wor and Conway who were responding to a call for Security, knocking all three down. Mörder jumped to his feet and looked around before taking off running.

“Get off me!” Conway said trying to get from under Vito.

K’Wor was able to get free and checked on Tom, calling for a Med team.

“You let him get away!” Conway said, finally getting to his feet.

Running in from another direction was Metsker, Locke, and Harper. Harper went straight to Vito and helped him to his feet as Locke and Metsker looked around the area to make sure the area was secured.

“You had one job!” Conway yelled at K’Wor as Tom finally caught his breath and stood.

“Shut up, back of you. You sounds like teenagers pointing the finger at each other. There’s enough blame to go around with your bullshit.” Tom struggled to say as he breathing stabilized.

Metsker walked over with a med team that finally arrived. “Both of you to Admiral Bremer’s office, now.”

While and K’Wor and Metsker were both Lieutenants, Metsker had been in rank longer and was senior.

“Go.” Vito said to both of the young men.



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