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Presidential Orders Pt4

Posted on Mon Feb 20th, 2023 @ 2:02pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Heath Carter

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Cutlass
Timeline: MD1, 1250hrs


The USS Cutlass dropped out of warp where the USS Louisville had been attacked.

“Scans are…well there’s a lot debris.” Carter started. “Most are from the Louisville, however she did take a bit out of both her attackers. However it looks like the tug had to clean a path.”

Roebuck walked over to tactical to look over the scans Carter was seeing. “Damnit, they’ve scattered debris all over the place.”

“It might not matter.” Archer spoke up. “I am picking up an ion trail leading in the general direction of Remu, and another intermixed with plasma toward Free Cloud.”

“That confirms the report from the Louisville.” Kanan added.

“There’s something else here, an energy signature I’ve never seen before.” Carter added.

Roebuck gazed at the readings. “Me either, but it’s on board the ship heading toward Remu, so that’s where we go.”

The Ensign at Flight Control nodded, then turned the Cutlass toward its course and started to move off.

“I’ve beamed pieces of debris not from the Louisville aboard so we can further scan in route. It might make identifying the attacker easier.” Kanan stated.

“Good.” Roebuck said as he walked back to his seat. “Ensign, engage, maximum warp.”

The Saber Class USS Cutlass shot away at warp in a flash.

About an hour later, there was a beep on the bridge from tactical.

“Commander, I’m picking up debris ahead.” Carter reported.

“Take us out of warp.” Roebuck ordered as he looked up at the screen.

“It’s from a F17 speed freighter.” Kanan reported.

“Judging by the amount of debris, I’d say is was a whole ship, minus the pieces we have in our cargo bay.” Archer added.

“Damnit!” Roebuck said. “What happened?

“Looks like she was destroyed by another ship. I’m picking up residual disruptor and phaser signatures. I’m also picking up fain traces of protomatter.” Carter reported.

“There is a subspace wake.” Kanan added. “Bearing 085 mark 101…heading for M’talas.”

“Judging by the decay rates, this happened less than an hour ago.” Archer added.

“Set course.” Roebuck ordered. “Kanan, pull up everything we have on M’talas Prime.”



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