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What Is Going On?

Posted on Sun Feb 19th, 2023 @ 6:17pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

372 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: SB400, Docking Bays
Timeline: MD1 - 1130hrs

Deela was checking out the ships to make sure everything was fine. There were 13 new ships and Deela was going to check each one out. As each ship docked, Deela visited them. Everything seemed fine. The last ship to dock was the USS Tikhov. Everything the was fine as well. As she was leaving the ship, she passed some of the crew members on their way to that ship.

Out of all the ships she visited, the USS Ladny was the most interesting to her. It was sleek, angular vessel and the two large warp nacelles had two sets of split warp coils which which improve efficiency and allow the ship to alternate between them to sustain high speeds longer than other ships of its size. If she ever lost the Essex, she'd love this one.

Deela went back to the USS Ladny and just toured the ship. She was impressed and enjoyed just checking out engineering. She had conversations with the skeleton crew, asking them their opinion of the ship. The opinions were very positive. Deela needed to get back to OPS so she left.

On her way, she was met by Alex who had a familiar expression on her face, "Hi Alex, I know that look. What's up?"

Alex took a breath, "You haven't heard?"

"I've been checking up on the new ship arrivals like Bremer asked me to do, so no, I haven't heard anything."

"There's been a security alert for someone named Mörderin. According to the ship gossip, this guy assaulted Bremer, knocking him out, when he was trying to apprehend him."

"Bremer!" Deela was very concerned, "Is he okay?"

Alex shrugged, "I haven't heard anything about that."

"Hmm. Well, thank you for letting me know. I had better get back to OPS and find out if he's in Sickbay or what." She started to walk away, "I'll talk to you later. Keep an eye out for this guy."

"Already doing that." Alex watched her long time friend walk off. Deela had changed so much since Jack's disappearance. She noticed the change right off. She wished she could help her friend but it wasn't in the cards. Alex left to help look for this guy, Mörderin.


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