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Fighting It Out

Posted on Tue Feb 21st, 2023 @ 11:03am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Luke Conway & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo

1,094 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 1315hrs


Mike was laying on the sofa in his office trying to rest after his encounter with Mörder. He already received a report of the fight on the Promenade between Vercetti and Vito with Mörder, and he knew any moment his door would open. It wasn’t enough that the assassin for hire was on Starbase 400 and somehow eluding his Marines and Security, again, but now he had to deal with what amounted to an adolescent family squabble.

A few moments later, the doors did open and K’Wor, Conway, Vito, and Tom entered. Mike slowly sat up. “Tom, Vito, how are you?”

“I’m fine. He sucker punched me, knocked the wind out.” Tom replied.

“I’m okay. Neck’s sore, but I’ll be fine. He’s strong, a lot stronger than the average Human/C’hakilian.” Vito replied.

K’Temoc entered Mike’s office and looked at everyone gathered.

Mike nodded as he stood. “And you two, what the hell is going on between the two of you?”

“He…” Conway started.

“He…” K’Wor started.

Mike shook his head, “The question was rhetorical.” He eyed both his son and his nephew. “You two have been at each other since Conway arrived aboard the Pegasus-C. Most of it, petty rivalry BS. Come with me.”

Mike started out of his office and after a few steps everyone followed. Mike led them to the transporter pad in Ops and once everyone was standing in place he beamed them to Level 811 and inside Holo-suite 20. It was already running a program, a sparing ring.

Mike pointed to the center of the ring. “You two.” He looked at K’Wor and Conway. “You want to fight so bad, go. Fight it out.”

“You WANT us to fight?” Conway asked as K’Temoc looked over at his brother puzzled.

“I want you two to work it out, but since nothing else has worked maybe you just need to beat the shit out of each other.” Mike replied. “No points, no rules.” Everyone could tell Mike was angry by the use of so many colorful metaphors.

K’Wor eyed Conway for a moment, then removed his phaser and commbadge and tossed them aside. After a second or two Conway did the same. The two then stepped closer to each other and took up fighting stances.

“You sure about this?” Tom asked Mike.

Mike shook his head, “No, but I’m out of ideas, options, and patience.”

Conway threw a punch which K’Wor dodged. K’Wor returned it with a kick, and Conway blocked it easily.

“Stop pulling you punches and hit each other!” Mike yelled.

K’Wor and Conway eyed each other. Conway threw another punch which K’Wor blocked. As he did he stepped forward and kicked Conway across the face causing him to stumble. Conway glanced at his father and uncle as he checked the corner of his mouth for blood. Getting his balance back, he turned to K’Wor again and stepped forward. He swung with a left, then right, then connected with a left followed by a quick kick to K’Wor chest that sent him backward and down.

K’Wor quickly got to his feet and went on the attack. He punched with his left followed by a kick, then another punch. As Conway tried to defend, K’Wor countered by blocking the punch high then delivering two quick punches to Conway’s ribs.

The two continued to exchange blows for several minutes before Conway got the upper hand with a leg sweep then a quick kick to K’Wor’s face as he tried to roll out. Staggered, K’Wor made it to his feet. Conway came in to try and end the fight, but he was too aggressive and K’Wor was able to sidestep the move and use Conway momentum again him. He tossed Conway down then followed with a two punches to the face. As he drew back again he let out a vicious yell. Conway’s eyes widened but instead of a strike, K’Wor held his fist back while his face relaxed from one of anger to one of guilt.

“Why…why didn’t you finish it?” Conway asked.

“I didn’t want to.” K’Wor said as he stood up and slowly helped Conway to his feet. Both of them breathing hard.

“I never wanted to fight you, but your sarcasm…” K’Wor added.

“I’ve, never been able to get close to people, protective wall I put up since I was small. Then when I got here you seemed so smug. But, it wasn’t you, it was me. I was so used to being alone and doing things myself, working as a team was foreign to me. I was jealous. Then when we found out we were related…I still didn’t feel like I fit in and it made me angry.” Conway explained.

“There’s enough blame for us both. I never gave you a real chance.” K’Wor added.

“So that’s it? You’re done?” Mike asked.

K’Wor and Conway shared a glance, then a smirk, then looked back at the others and nodded.

“Good, because it you two were still fighting when the baby gets here…” K’Temoc added then stopped.

“Baby?” Conway asked.

“K’Temoc smiled. We found out during the anomaly crisis, but Danielle and I wanted to tell you together, and with her at Daystrom for the last five months we haven’t had a chance. She’s supposed to be back next week, so act surprised.”

“I’m going to have a brother!” Conway smiled.

“Yep, say it just like that when Aunt Danni is back.” K’Wor added with a smile.

“Or sister.” K’Temoc said smiling.

“Nah, it’ll be a boy.” Conway replied as he hugged his dad. K’Wor patted Conway on the back as Mike smiled and put his arm around K’Wor.

“Feel like a third wheel?” Tom said to Vito.

“Yep. Let’s go get a drink.” Vito replied.

“There’s a bottle of Swaford whisky calling my name.” Tom said as he and Vito left the holosuite.

“Now, I want the two of you to go get cleaned up, you’re still on duty.” Mike said after a minute.

Conway and K’Wor gathered their stuff and left. Mike and K’Temoc both took deep breaths, then the brothers shared a smile and left the holosuite too. One crisis down, one more to go.



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