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Presidential Orders Pt5

Posted on Wed Feb 22nd, 2023 @ 10:58am by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Heath Carter

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Cutlass
Timeline: MD1 1345hrs


The Cutlass was on the way to the M’talas system at high warp. Their suspect’s ship was destroyed in what looked like a encounter with another vessel. Who or why, they didn’t know yet. Was the suspect killed in the attack, or aboard the other ship, they didn’t know that either.

“Commander, you have an incoming transmission coming in. It’s marked priority. It’s also encrypted.” Archer reported.

Roebuck stood, “I’ll take it in the ready room.”

Once the doors closed, Roebuck tapped commands into the display on the desk. “Computer, decrypt the transmission using ‘sundry’ codec, authorization Roebuck-8-4-Epislon-Gamma.”

After a moment, the computer beeped and the face of Federation President Donavon appeared. “Commander, how is the investigation going?”

Roebuck went over the data they had uncovered and the details of their investigation so far, including the ups and downs.

“And you have no idea who the other ship belongs to?” The President asked.

“No Mister President, however we’re proceeding to M’talas in hopes of learning more.” Roebuck replied.

“What about the other ship that attacked the Louisville?” The President asked.

“I have an asset in the area of Free Cloud who is looking into that.” Roebuck replied.

President Donavan looked puzzled, “Who’s the asset?”

Roebuck shook his head. Seven of Nine wasn’t Starfleet and didn’t think the President would approve. “I’m not at liberty to say at this time sir, but I do have complete trust.”

“Alright Commander. Please report when you have more.” President Donavan replied.

Roebuck nodded. “Yes sir Mister President.”

The screen flashed to black as the channel closed.

Roebuck sat in the chair behind the desk as he thought about the situation and their next play. “Computer, bring up information on M’talas.”

The computer beeped and the data started to be displayed. M’talas Prime was called ‘a vile place’ and is considered the epicenter of organized crime in the Alpha Quadrant. However, Starfleet had just broke ground on a new Recruitment Center there in one of the districts.

Roebuck tapped his commbadge, “Kanan, report to the ready room.”

A moment later the Intel Officer stepped in.

“What do you know about M’talas Prime?” Roebuck asked.

“Not much. I do know if there’s a place you want to get lost in, it’s either ‘Dreggs’ or M’talas Prime.” Kanan replied.

“Intel have anyone embedded there? Any contacts?” Roebuck asked.

“No, not now anyway.” Kanan replied.

Roebuck slouched his shoulders for a moment, then straightened back up. “I’ll recommend we get someone there to the President. For now though, when we arrive in orbit I want you, Carter, and myself to be ready beam down in civilian clothing if we can locate the attacker’s ship.”

“Commander to the Bridge.” Carter said over the comm.

A moment later Roebuck and Kanan stepped back onto the Bridge. “Report.” Roebuck said.

“I managed to tap into M’talas Prime’s comm-net. A small ship just requested a landing pad. I traced the transmission, it’s from a ship about a hour ahead of us on the same course we’re on.” Carter reported.

“Must be our attacker.” Kanan guessed.

“Keep an eye on that ship. I want to know the landing pad and when they arrive.” Roebuck added.

“Commander, I finished looking over sensor readings of the destroyed F17. Something was off when I first started going over the readings. I figured out why. The F17 was destroyed from within. It wasn’t a self-destruct, something inside the F17 exploded during the skirmish. I also found parts of a docking seal from another ship.” Archer reported.

“So the two docked. Thief and buyer? Something happens, the F17 pulls away, rips the seal, they’re fired on, sometime inside destabilizes and explodes destroying the F17. Decaying isotopes suggest it was at least one tricobalt device that exploded.” Kanan said as he looked over Archer’s shoulder.

“Can you confirm how many tricobalt devices were destroyed?” Roebuck asked.

“No sir, too much of the vessel was vaporized, so the teracochranes were pretty high.” Archer replied.

“I wonder why the safeties weren’t engaged?” Carter asked.

No one knew that answer, but they hoped to find some answers on M’talas Prime.



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