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Repulse Returns

Posted on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 2:31pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron

529 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 0930hrs


Mac looked back at the USS Repulse as he walked toward the airlock. He missed the USS Vanguard, but the Repulse had proven herself to be a good ship over the last couple of months.

“Commander, one moment please.” Heron said as he ran up to MacLeod and handed him a PADD. “This is my list of needs for the yard. I made sure to put the port impulse engine at the top.”

Mac looked the report over. All of the small things that weren’t quite right with the ship’s performance was listed. After a moment he needed. “Very good, get that to yard team right away.”

“Yes sir.” Heron replied as he turned and headed back aboard the Prometheus class ship.

Several minutes later, Mac was in Ops with Cross and Metsker.

“Enter.” Bremer said as the doors to his office opened. The trio walked in to give their report on the mission.

“Have a seat. Anyone care for a beverage?” Bremer said as he stood.

“Cold water please.” Mac asked.

“An ale would be nice, but I’ll take a coffee for now please sir. Black with sugar.” Metsker replied.

“No thank you sir.” Cross added.

Mike tapped a few buttons on the food slot, then handed out the drinks. “What did you find?”

“We patrolled across the Gorn border, activity was minimal. It appears they are keeping their word, keeping their ships three light years away from the Federation border, effectively creating a DMZ.” Cross reported.

Mike nodded. “Good. How about Cestus?”

“We delivered the requested supplies to the Starfleet facility. We also met with the USS Sentinel and assisted in the deployment of a new long-range sensor array and several dozen defense satellites. We also transported down the replacement Security personnel.” Metsker reported.

“Any issue with the defenses?” Mike asked.

“No sir, all deployed and positioned.” Metsker replied.

“How about debris still in the system?” Mike asked.

Metsker nodded, “Yes sir, work is ongoing with salvage operations. The 223rd Fighter Wing is patrolling the area while the USS Lawrence and contracted civilian vessel SS Multan are conducting recovery operations.”

“How about the Repulse herself?” Mike asked as he took a sip of his raktijno.

“She’s a good ship.” Mac replied. “She needs a little work, mostly tweaks, but we did have some issues with the port impulse engine cutting out and causing us to go in circles.” Mac smirked. “With a little work, she’ll rival the USS Vanguard.”

Bremer nodded. “Good.” He then paused before added, “The Vanguard was officially decommissioned a new vessel commissioned to carry on the name. Ross Class. She’ll be a good successor to the name.”

Mac nodded. The Vanguard had been his first command, so he was a little attached in a way any commander could be with a ship. They had seen several adventures together, and she always brought the crew home.

“Get some rest, I’ll read the rest on your reports. Good work, all of you.” Mike replied with a smile.

The threesome stood. “Thank you sir.” Mac replied for them. After that, they turned and left Bremer’s office.



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