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Meeting the USS Visionary

Posted on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

489 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Visionary-Main Bridge
Timeline: MD1, 0845


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman was standing in his office onboard Starbase 400, deep within the core of the station as he read over several reports that came in the previous night.

As he watched the coming and goings of several officers within the labs outside of his office, Coleman's PADD beeped with a new message. Opening the message, it was a mission report from Admiral Bremer and Starfleet Science Council asking for a new task force be put together.

The new Task Force was going to be put together and would include a new Sagan-Class starship called the USS Visionary. The ship had come out of the Borg Reclamation Project that the Romulan Empire had let outside scientists work on. Thus, a lot of the information that was brought back was used by the Federation and Starfleet to build various new starship classes like the Sagan-Class.

Coleman finished working on a few reports and decided to head over to the Visionary to see what he would be working with on this new mission. Heading down to Docking Port 30, where the Visionary was being held for the time being within the docking ring.

Walking up to the access port, Coleman put his hand on the comm panel and waited for the computer to recognize that it was truly him. The computer took those few seconds and finally said, "Recognized: Coleman, Nicholas. Lieutenant Commander. Chief Science Officer. Welcome to the USS Visionary."

With that, the doors to the access tunnel opened and allowed him to walk into the ship and take it all in. Coleman walked inside and looked at some of the new amenities that the ship offered as he walked to the Turbolift, calling it up to the Bridge of this new ship.

It felt as though it took several seconds less to get up to the Bridge than it would have on any other ship or starbase. But, Coleman wasn't prepared to see what he saw when the doors parted way and allowed him to walk onto the Bridge for the very first time.

Coleman was awe struck and enjoyed walking onto the Bridge. Control panels lining every wall and three command chairs in the center of the Bridge for the Commanding Officer and the people that they wanted with them. Coleman walked over to the Captain's chair and took a seat in it as he watched some of the repair technicians working on the various bits of the ship that just needed tweaking.

However, Coleman knew that there was a mission at hand and knew that mission required a crew. So, he pressed his combadge and said, "Coleman to Vashir and K'Lar. Mind coming over to the USS Visionary and meeting me up here in the Conference Lounge when you get a moment?"

Coleman was ready for this mission and knew that it would be a fun one.


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer
Starbase 400


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