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New and Unexpected Arrivals

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 10:29am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Luke Conway

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 1030hrs


Mike stood in Ops near the middle of the room and watched a formation of ships nearing the station at warp. After a few minutes the ships dropped out of warp as they approached Starbase 400. Most of the ships were now a part of the force assigned to SB400 itself.

USS Sutherland (Sutherland Class - NCC-91800)
USS Europa (Luna Class – NCC-80104)
USS Venture (Sovereign Class NCC-75306)
USS Warspite (Ross Class - NCC-91563)
USS Swiftsure (Reliant Class - NCC-90212)
USS Thunderchild (Akira Class – NCC-63549)
USS Pathfinder (Constitution III Class - NCC-80008)
USS Akagi (Excelsior II Class - NCC-91944)
USS Ladny (Gagarin Class - NCC-91067)
USS Alpino (Reliant Class - NCC-90213)
USS Tempest (Excelsior Class – NCC-40195)
USS Clamagore (Miranda Class Refit – NCC-22601)

And the last ship in the formation was the Miranda class USS Tikhov NCC-1067-E, the new Federation ‘seed ship’ that Engineering, Science, and Medical personnel would readying.

“Starbase 400 to the Starship Sutherland and group. Welcome. We have docking bays available, please stand by for docking instructions.” Bremer said over the comm.

After a moment, a reply came. The voice was one Mike hadn’t heard in years. “Starbase 400, this is Captain Brunel aboard the USS Sutherland. Thank you for the welcome, we’re standing by.”

“Was that…Tony?” K’Temoc asked.

Mike nodded. Antony Brunel had been Mike’s XO aboard the Pegasus-A during the Dominion War. He’d been a Captain then too, twenty-five years ago.

Mike sent a message to Admiral T’Lar to personally look over each ship’s status once they docked. They had all already been assigned to SB400’s task forces with the older USS Clamagore and USS Tempest assigned to the Reserve TF which was assigned to defensive patrol around SB400 and the Kaleb star system.

Draven looked over at Bremer. “Each ship just has a skeleton crew. Their transport back to Earth should be here tomorrow.”

Mike nodded.

“After twenty-five years, should Captain Brunel be an Admiral by now, at least a Rear Admiral?” Conway asked from Tactical Two.

“A highly decorated Captain.” Bremer replied.

K’Wor looked over at Conway from Tactical One and just shook his head in disgust at Conway’s question, then looked back to the senior officers. “Once they dock, is he coming up here?”

“He’ll have to, to transfer command codes at least.” Draven replied.

K’Temoc leaned in closer to his brother, “Want some Marines up here?” K’Temoc smirked.

“No.” Mike replied with a smirk.

About thirty minutes later one of the turbolifts arrived at Ops and the doors opened as Antony Brunel stepped out. He looked around for a moment then spotted Bremer.

Stepped out, Brunel paused after a few steps. “K’Wor?”

K’Wor stood, “Captain Brunel.”

Tony looked the young man over, remembering him as a little kid. “Lieutenant now, congratulations.” Tony’s tone was cold, but he was sincere.

“Thank you sir. Good to see you again.” K’Wor replied.

Tony nodded, then continued walking. K’Wor didn’t remember Brunel as cold, he remembered him as a few laid back officer that was hard working while being friendly and even joking at times. Thinking back, K’Wor slowly sat back down as Conway eyed him and shook his head, thinking he was ‘kissing up’ to a superior officer, not realizing they had known each other so long.

A few steps later, Brunel was standing behind Bremer. “Captain Brunel, reporting. Sir.”

Mike turned around to look at his old XO and friend. He extended his hand to shake Tony’s, but instead Brunel just placed a PADD in Mike’s hand. “Computer, transfer all command codes for the USS Sutherland, USS Europa, USS Venture, USS Warspite, USS Swiftsure, USS Thunderchild, USS Pathfinder, USS Akagi, USS Ladny, USS Alpino, USS Tempest, and USS Clamagore to Fleet Admiral Mike K’Wor Bremer. Authorization Brunel-9-5-Gamma-Epsilon.”

After a few moments the computer beeped. “Command codes transferred.”

Tony turned to walk away, “Tony” Mike said. Brunel didn’t respond as he took a step. “Captain Brunel.” Mike then said.

Tony stopped and turned around. “Sir?”

“My office.” Mike said as he turned and started toward his office. After a moment, Brunel followed.

K’Temoc started walking toward Bremer’s office too, but Mike held his hand up to say ‘no’.

Once the doors shut, Mike took a deep breath. “How are you Tony?” Mike asked as he stepped behind his desk and looked back at Brunel.

“Well.” Brunel replied, coldly.

“Is something wrong?” Mike asked? “You never usually act like such an ass.”

Brunel stepped forward angerly, then paused a step from Mike’s desk. “Is that all? Sir?”

“Dismissed.” Mike said after a moment.

Tony turned and left the office while Mike stood at his desk. After a moment he slammed his fist down on it in frustration.



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