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Drinks and Anger

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 11:22am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Luke Conway & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo

893 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 1045hrs



K’Wor watched Brunel leave then saw his father step out of his office looking angry. With nothing going on from a tactical standpoint, he got up and walked over.

“What’s what Tony?”

“Mind your station Lieutenant.” Mike coldly replied to his son.

K’Wor looked puzzled, then hurt as he walked back to Tactical One and sat.

“That’s what you get for being a kiss-ass.” Conway quietly snickered, but K’Wor heard him and turned to face Conway. However before he could reply Mike walked up.

“Sorry K’Wor, I was out of line there.” Bremer said. “Tony recently found out that I spoke against his promotion to Rear Admiral ten years ago. I’m not at liberty to say why exactly, but since then he’s been passed over three more times and he blames me.”

K’Wor nodded as Conway quietly turned back to his station.


Leaving Ops, Brunel went to the Promenade. He needed a drink after his brief exchange with Bremer. As he walked he saw ‘Quark’s’ and started to head for there when he caught ‘Good Fella’s Bar and Grille’ out the corner of his eye and he turned to go there instead.

Walking in, Brunel was met by Vito, “We’re not open for another hour.”

“I just wanted a drink and a bit of convocation with the owner.” Brunel replied.

Vito glanced back as Tom stepped out from the back. “Tony?”

Brunel smiled at Vercetti. They had know each other aboard the Pegasus during the Dominion War and had kept in touch ever sense…mostly with Brunel asking Tom to send him special wines and whisky throughout the years.

“What the hell are you doing on Starbase 400?” Tom said as he shook Tony’s hand. “Vito, you remember Brunel.”

“I do. Been a long time.” Vito said, also shaking Brunel’s hand.

“Ship delivery, 400’s new support vessels.” Brunel said.

The three walked in and up to the bar. Tony and Vito took seats while Tom went behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of Vat 69 whisky. “Something from home?”

“Thank you.” Brunel replied as Tom poured three glasses.

The men toasted, then took a shot. “I thought you’d be an Admiral by now.” Vito commented.

Tony slammed his shot glass down and nodded to ask for another. “Me too.” After Tom poured another, Tony quickly shot it too.

“What’s wrong old man?” Tom asked, pouring everyone another round.

“Bremer. He recommended against my promotion over ten years ago but couldn’t be man enough to tell me or why.” Tony replied as he drank his third before pouring himself another.

Vito slowly sipped his second while Tony finished his forth and poured his fifth. Tom on the other hand, set his shot glass down. “I’m guessing you just found out.”

Tony nodded. “Yeah, Admiral Jarovik told me when I was assigned to bring the Sutherland and other ships here. I know he wasn’t supposed to, but ever since then I’ve been passed over and over again.” Tony went to take another shot when Tom stopped him by grabbing his arm and setting the shot glass down.

“Did he tell you why Mike spoke out against you?” Tom asked.

Tony nodded. “Partly for how I left the Pegasus in the middle of the Dominion War. I know, it wasn’t proper, but to recommend against me so many years later.” He shook his head.

“What else?” Vito asked.

“USS Miami.” Tony replied.

Vito and Tom looked at each other, they had no idea what Tony was talking about.

“I was put in command of the USS Miami just after the war. We were on a patrol along the Cardassian border. We spotted a Cardassian ship crossing into Federation space. We intercepted, they armed weapons. We fired.” He paused as he took another shot.

“We didn’t know til later that the ship carrying repatriated POWs to DS9.” Tony set the shot glass down. “Starfleet was spread thin to say the least, so they asked the Cadassians to send a ship. We weren’t told about it so we thought it was an incursion. Why the hell did they raise shields and arm their weapons?” Tony reached for the whisky bottle but Tom grabbed it first and slowly put it back behind the bar.

“I submitted my report to Starfleet. Mike was in command of the Forth Fleet at the time, and since the incident happened within their operational area he received the report. The Cardassians claimed the ship only had shields, weapons had been removed as part of the agreement when transporting POWs. Our scans only picked up Cardassians aboard, but they claim there was over five hundred Klingon and Federation POWs.”

“What happened to the ship?” Vito asked.

Tony looked up at Vito eye to eye. “We destroyed it.”

Tom lowered his head and shook it.

“They accused me of reckless negligence, took my command. They were so busy trying to protect the peace that I was used as a scapegoat here. Starfleet never looked into it.” Tony said as he laid his head on the bar.

“Vito, let’s find Tony some available quarters.” Tom said.

Vito nodded as they helped Tony to his feet.



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