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Presidential Orders Pt3

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 5:25pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Heath Carter

422 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Cutlass
Timeline: MD1, 1045hrs


The USS Cutlass was less than an hour out of Starbase 400 and on course for the location of the attack on the USS Louisville. Carter, Kanan, and Roebuck had already gone over all data received from the Louisville attack as well as the data related to the USS Pegasus-A’s battle with the USS Universal at Remu III in 2375, as well as the Pegasus-B’s visit to Remu III years later when they stopped a pirate group ran by former Pegasus crewmember Jon Westmoreland out of Remu.

“Riso was right, this Toskin Loka person is a smuggler, pirate, and is know to not only trade weapons and other black market goods, he’s also believed to of been a part of two murders at a Starfleet comm relay while attempted to get access to Starfleet communications codes just last year.” Kanan described as he read.

“Any information on his ship?” Carter asked.

“He was using a stolen Danube type runabout during the comm-sat raid, but seems to bought a F17 Speed Freighter from someone named Bjayzl on Free Cloud.” Kanan replied.

“Think she’s behind the attack on the Louisville?” Carter asked.

“Seems she was killed recently, by none other than Seven of Nine.” Roebuck replied. “So if Bjayzl was behind it, she’ll never see the spoils.”

“What were the courses the Hawk Class Raider and F17 took away from the Louisville?” Carter asked.

Kanan looked up the information, “The Hawk went in a general direction of the Feneris Rangers territory, the F17 right for Remu III.”

“Open a channel to La Serena.” Roebuck ordered.

“Channel open Commander.” Archer replied.

“We meet again Commnander.” Seven stated as she appeared on screen.

“We’ve learned one of the USS Louisville attackers maybe heading your way aboard a Hawk type raider. We’re sending you all the data we have on the vessel.” Roebuck replied.

“Data received. I’ll be on the look out, I’ll also have some Rangers I trust looking too. What do you want me to do if we find them?” Seven asked.

“Detain them and call me.” Roebuck replied.

Seven nodded. “La Serena out.”

“Commander, we received a message from the Louisville, they updated their pervious report. Both the Hawk and F17 took hits to their weapons arrays and impulse engines. The Hawk’s was also leaking plasma when at impulse.” Kanan reported.

“Send that to Seven of Nine.” Roebuck replied. “How long til we reach the attack site?”

“A couple of hours sir.” Archer reported.



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