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Presidential Orders Pt2

Posted on Mon Feb 13th, 2023 @ 12:16pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Jean-Luc Picard

749 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: USS Cutlass
Timeline: MD1, 0915hrs


Roebuck arrived on the Bridge of the Saber class USS Cutlass and walked to the CO’s chair.

“Ship is ready to depart.” Carter reported from Tactical.

Roebuck nodded, then noticed the man at Ops. “Mister Archer?”

Nick turned to face the Commander, “Yes sir. Mr. Valentine took ill this morning and I volunteered to take his place.”

Roebuck gave a nod, “Welcome aboard.”

“Commander, I have that call ready for you, on screen.” Kanan reported from Intel.

Roebuck stood, “On screen.”

A moment later the screen switched from a view of inside Starbase 400’s docking bay to the face of Chris Rios.

“This is Cristobal Rios.”

“Mister Rios, my name is Commander Jon Roebuck of Starbase 400.”

“I know who you are. Security Investigations.” Rios replied.

Roebuck nodded. “Can you confirm your location at approximately 0300 hours?”

“Of course, on Earth. I have a meeting with Starfleet Command today. Admiral Picard can confirm if necessary.” Rios replied. “What’s going on?”

“However the whereabouts of your ship, La Serena?” Roebuck asked.

Rios looked concerned. “La Serena is in the possession of Seven of Nine right now. What’s she done with my ship?”

“Do you know how I can get in touch with her?” Roebuck asked.

Rios glanced to the side for a moment as he was in thought. He then tapped in a few buttons on his display. A moment later Seven of Nine appeared on screen in the pilot seat of La Serena.

“Rios? Commander?” Seven replied, surprised by the forced communication Rios initiated.

“There she is.” Rios said with a smirk as Picard stepped behind Rios.

“What’s going on?” Seven asked, defensively.

“Seven of Nine, I’m Commander Jon Roebuck, Security Investigations aboard Starbase 400. Can you confirm your location and the location of La Serena at about 0300 hours today?”

Seven paused as she focused her eyes on Picard.

“Seven?” Picard asked.

“Well, it’s no secret. I’m in Fineris Rangers territory, repaying an old debt. I can send you logs and a subspace ping to verify.” Seven replied.

Roebuck glanced back at Kanan as the ping and logs came through. After a quick review Kanan nodded back at Roebuck.

“Thank you.” Roebuck replied.

“Commander. What’s going on?” Picard asked.

“I’m not at liberty to…” Roebuck started, then thought for a moment. He knew Picard was an honorable man. He knew Fleet Admiral Bremer trusted him, and he realized he could too. “At approximately 0300 a Federation Starship was raided near XFY. They took several Hellfire torpedoes, Tri Cobalt Torpedoes, and equipment specially designed for the Sagan class starship. One of the ships used by the attackers was a F17 speed freighter.”

“And you thought I had something to do with attacking a Federation Starship?” Rios asked, feeling insulted.

“No, however I needed to eliminate the most unlikely people first. Yourself and Tom Vercetti here at Starbase 400.” Roebuck replied.

Rios and Picard both nodded, they understood.

“Do you require my assistance?” Seven asked.

“Not at this time. However, if you heat anything.” Roebuck replied.

“I’ll be in touch. Seven out.”

“I know a few people. I’ll ask around too. However, if I could suggest, find Toskin Loka. He has a F17 and a rather nefarious past. Last time I talked to him he mentioned a Cardassian planet that he found a cache of Federation supplies that had been hidden there.” Rios added.

“What planet?” Roebuck asked.

“Umm, Remu III.” Rios replied. “There had been a crashed Federation ship or two there following the Dominion War. He had sold what he found there and made a lot of latinum, he might be after another big score.”

“The USS Universal and USS Pegasus-A.” Picard added.

Roebuck’s eyed widened a little. “Thank you both. Please let me know if you find out anything else. Roebuck out.

Roebuck took a seat as he thought. After a moment, he gave out orders. “Ensign Vosk, take us out. Once we’re clear the system take us to slipstream on course for the attack site. We’ll see if we can find any evidence there that the Louisville missed while she was under attack. While in route, Mr. Kanan and Mr. Carter I want all data relative to the Universal and Pegasus-A losses, Remu III, and this Toskin Loka person.”

The Saber class ship backed away from her docking port and started toward the open space doors of Starbase 400 while Kanan and Cater started digging for information.



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