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Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 5:18pm by Lieutenant JG Miaxi Etaalu & Lieutenant Xalanth

727 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Starbase 400

Miaxi considered her options as she left Tactical Ops and headed back to security. She could see if she could find Xalanth, or she could leave him a message. She had no idea how long they'd be gone for, but judging by the words he had spoken, he would not be going with them. She decided she would look for him. She wanted to tell him face to face that she was going on what could be a lengthy away mission. She'd check in at the security office, then locate him.


Docking Bays

"Xalanth." Miaxi stepped up to her superior and friend. "Hello."

Xalanth turned which would have shocked anyone given he was holding three rather smaller lizards that look very much like him. Behind him was yet another small lizard though she came to just up to her quite obvious fathers waist.

Behind him were two individuals that Miaxi would clearly recognise given the betazoid and Vulcan hybrid had been on the academy requirement posters.

" Miaxi glad to see you. I'd like you to meet Travla,Lersi and Amrar." He said nodding his head to the small child-sized lizards he was holding.

"Hello Travla, Lersi, Amrar." Miaxi greeted them in turn.

" And this is Yazar my oldest and my first and second T'para and Leilani." He said gesturing to the older lizard hybrid at his side and to the two Starfleet officers with the bodies of Olympic athletes.

"It's very nice to meet you, Yazar." Miaxi continued. "And a pleasure to meet both of you. It must be good to be back together as a family." she observed.

" it truly is." The lizard replied as T'para and Leilani took a place on either side of him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. " It's nice to meet you Miaxi." Said T'para in a truly shocking accent to hear from her lips sounding very Californian valley girl for one with primary Vulcan features.

Miaxi could not hide her surprise, although she quickly smoothed it over on her face. "I haven't heard an accent like that since I left the Academy." she said, a little wistfully. "Are you visiting, or moving?" she continued.

" Moving in." Leilani responded looking at Xalanth with a look of love on her face. " Our family been separated for far too long."

"That's wonderful!" Miaxi said with a smile. "You're going to need bigger quarters, Xalanth." she gently teased.

" I am indeed. " The lizard said with a grin on his face. " Your leaving with the admiral?" he asked his second in command.

"I am. I don't know how long we'll be gone." Miaxi replied. "I assume from the few words you said you won't be coming along?"

" I am. The ore the ship is carrying is needed for the resettlement program on Bazatis. They need twelve million living pods built for the refugees from Petrorix. I need to get this case sorted ASAP" Xalanth explained. Petrorix had been a nightmare for the Romulan evacuation effort. Mainly as the Romulans had left out the six-thirty million native species on the planet they'd been using as slave labour.

"I see." Miaxi replied. "I have prep work for this away mission, but I might be able to help with paperwork before I leave. I might appreciate an occasional distraction. We're departing at 2200 hours, to give you an idea of my timeline for today."

" That would be appreciated. As you can see I do have my hands full. "He replied with a grin as he looked down at the small hybrids in his arms.

"I'll do what I can. I also have to go over the provided security protocols and find ways of improving on them." Miaxi said wryly. "And pack, although that should take less time. I'll do that, then come back to the security office and get some work done, ok?"

"Of course. Make sure to pack extra power cells for the phaser. Lying is a national sport for the Romulans." Xalanth reminded her.

"Noted." Miaxi said fervently. "Wish me luck. Hopefully we'll all be back here soon." she smiled at T'Para and Leilani. "Lieutenants, I look forward to getting to know you when I return."

" We eagerly await your return." Leilani responded with her noble betazoid accent.

Miaxi gave them all a smile, then turned to leave. She had a lot to do.



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