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This and That

Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 8:51pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar

475 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD1 1800hrs


After the mission briefing, Mike returned to Ops. He sent a message to the standby crew on the Pegasus to get ready to depart. He then went over a few reports and logs regarding The Artifact and the surrounding Romulan area. Colonel T'Smer was the know Tal Shiar commander in the area, and Admiral Verk was the Romulan military commander. He knew both has been involved in the taking of Starbase 400 as well as its defense during the war. Both had committed their ships to stopping the Alliance fleet from retaking the Station, and both had been among the last to retreat from Federation space. He'd never met either face to face, but he was sure there would be some tension.

It was bad enough Mike was having to revisit his past with the Borg, but now two hardened Romulan commanders that hated the Federation were added in. He needed help.

Mike tapped his commbadge, "Bremer to T'Lar, please report to Ops."

Checking on her kids, Deela had just arrived at the door to her quarters when Bremer requested her presence, "On my way." The door opened and her son peeked out, "Yes, she's behaving. Bye mom!" She shook her head and walked off.

Arriving at OPS, she made her way to Bremer. She observed him for a quick moment and could tell that something was bothering him. She gave him an inquisitive look, "You wanted to see me?"

Mike nodded, "Sorry to pull you from your family. What did you think of the mission briefing earlier today?"

Deela gathered her thoughts, “Quite honestly? I am very uncomfortable dealing with the Borg. Although the Borg have been neutralized and disconnected from the hive, it is possible that they could have missed something. And then you add civilian scientists in the mix? With that said, we'd better be as thorough as possible.” She added, “As for the Romulans? My past experience dealing with them, they are not very forthcoming.”

Mike nodded, "Agreed." He paused a moment, "And, with my history with the Borg...I don't want to or believe I'll be compromised, however, I'd like for you to be there too just in case."

“Okay. That should not be a problem.” Deela really hadn’t planned to go on this mission, “With Jack gone, I will need to make arrangements for my kids. Then I will join you on the Pegasus.”

Mike nodded, as a parent he understood.

"Hopefully, we're just being overly cautious." Mike added.

"Overly cautious? Maybe. But we both have done enough missions to know that the probability of something going wrong is, well...” She stopped herself there, “Anyway, as the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Mike nodded. "I'll see you aboard the Pegasus."

He returned to his office to gather a few things he needed.



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