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Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 8:52pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Fulvia

586 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Docking Bay
Timeline: MD1, 1920hrs


Xalanth feet made a clang against the floor as he ran and gently moved past the crews of the Starfleet vessels that were in the docking bay's. His moving the seas of shnara into docking bay 3 had caused a jam with two of the federation ship's having to wait while a passage ship was unloaded.

His yellow eyes kept darting to the passenger's vessel as he ran almost causing him to run into the station commanding officer. " Sorry, sir." He said straightening himself up as he pulled the padd out. " You aren't going to believe what I've found on the seas of shnara sir."

Mike paused, "What did you find?" Admittedly, Mike's mind was elsewhere, but Xalanth seemed excited or concerned.

" Human remains along with several clumps of unknown machinery. Were currently...." the lizard began before a high pitched clicking noise made him look around. Several red blurs shot into eye sight causing the lizard to fall to the ground as they jumped on him. Three smaller dragonians were hugging him tightly as the word " Daddy" echoed around the docking bay.

Mike smirked.

Xalanth returned their hugs tightly as he held his hybrid daughters close to him. Each was wearing the red robes of his tribes young and seemed to be crying in happiness at being reunited with their father.

"Sorry, sir." He said as he stood up still holding his daughters. " There ship got moved up. Only found out they were arriving ten minutes ago." He said apologetically.

Mike nodded, "What's your next move?"

" We're getting the remains up to medical for examination, the machinery off to engineering and I've sent a runabout to get the drone which mined the rock back." the lizard explained.

"Nice work." Mike replied. "While we're gone I want you to remain here, take charge of the investigation, and have a full report ready for me when we return in a few days."

" Yes sir." Xalanth said still holding his daughters. Behind him walked three other beings. The smallest was another hybrid though her height came up to her father's shoulders. She looked like a female version of her father only with deep blue eyes and clear signs of Vulcan ears around her ear sockets.

The other two were humankind from the features a Vulcan and a beatazoid Not that anyone in the fleet wouldn't recognize the two of them both having been on the recruitment posters at the academy. Both of them gave Xalanth a warm smile though they kept there distance seeing who he was talking to.

" Sir may I introduce my first, second and my eldest. This is T'para, Leilani and Yazar." Xalanth said trying his best to gesture to them, but that was made impossible with the small girl clinging to his arm.

Mike nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He knew Xalanth would want time with his family, so he gave another respectful nod.

"Go spend some time with them." Mike added with a smirk.

" I will sir." The lizard said as he held his family close. Looking over to Yazar he gave her a warm smile. " It's lovely to see you again Yazar. Come on give your dad a hug your not that old."

The young lizards face lit up as she hugged her father. " Love you dad."

" We look forward to working with you when you get back admrial," Tpara replied with her Californian valley girl voice.

Mike gave a reassuring smile as he turned and headed for the Pegasus.



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