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In Search of Jack

Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 11:11pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes

642 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: SB400
Timeline: 2000 hrs

Deela sat in her office going over the mission details after making arrangements for her kids. She asked her yeoman to watch them.

A call was patched thru from where Jack was on a mission. She hadn't heard from him, so she had put out an inquiry as to where he was and why he hadn't contacted her. He usually talked to her every other day but it was now four days since she heard from him. She wasn't one to worry but Jack knew that she liked consistency.

"Admiral T'Lar. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I'm sorry to say but we've lost touch with him."

Deela raised an eyebrow, "You lost touch with him? For how long?"

The figure on the other side of the comms frowned, "It's been two days since anyone has seen him. I just found out about it myself. Why we weren't notified is beyond me. I'm just as upset as you are." She sighed, "I'll start a search for him. He has to be on this planet somewhere."

"It is unacceptable." Deela never got that upset, at least not as of late, "I will be conducting the search myself. I can't go but I will be sending a search team to find him."

"My apologies Admiral that I don't have any other information as to his whereabouts." She felt horrible.

"He went missing on your watch. You had better hope that we find him." Deela cut the communication.

Deela looked for Starfleet officers who were in the area that she could trust. She needed to call in a few markers. Captain DaSilvor was one of those people she could count on. The computer beeped. Deela sat down again.

The face of DaSilvor appeared on screen, "Admiral T'Lar. What can I do for you?"

Deela frowned, "Jack is missing and I do not want to leave the search to those idiots. I know you are near Starbase 400. Do you have anything going on right now?"

"Yes I am and no, I'm not doing anything." He had seen that look before, Are you calling in that favor I owe you? I was wondering of you were ever going to collect"

Deela didn't smiling, "I am.

He sat back in his chair, "Okay. What do you need me to do?"

"Find him for me. I know where he was last seen but unfortunately, something takes precedence. I've got this big mission that I have to go on."

DaSilvor shook his head, "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, it's happening all over again." He leaned in, "Am I right?"

Deela sighed, "It has crossed my mind."

DaSilvor sat back again, "I knew it." He paused for a moment, "I would be happy to look for him. Just give me the coordinance and me and my team will conduct a search."

"Good. I will send you all of the information I have." She paused, "One more thing. If you could stop by Starbase 400 and pick up two crewmembers that I would like to help, I would be grateful. "

"I could do that." He smiled, "Don't worry. We'll find him."

"Hopefully, I can join you at some point. Keep me apprised of what you find." Deela trusted his former crewmember.

"I will." DaSilvor disappeared from the screen.

Deela called in Ventar and Sykes. When they got there, she explained everything. For the first time today, she smiled, "I trust both of you and would like you both to join Captain DaSilvor to help find Jack. Kisha, you have had training in other areas and you are experienced."

"I remember him. Okay, we're in." They were almost in unison.

Deela thanked them before they left to get ready. She had to get going. She packed a bag and made her way to the Pegasus.

(to be continued)


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