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Pegasus, Departing

Posted on Thu Feb 10th, 2022 @ 9:52am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Percy McWire & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: USS Pegasus-C
Timeline: MD1, 2200hrs



Lt Commander Croesus nudged his new wife and co-ops officer to get to their station.
" Listen up Kah'lyn at home you can be boss but here I am. We can not be late for duty." Croesus urged as they exited the Pegasus turbo lift.

Kah’lyn smiled as she walked alongside her husband.
“We won’t be late for duty Croesus, that I promise! Besides I never thought I’d get a call to go off station at this point in my pregnancy, it’s exciting!”

" We do have an adequate sickbay Kah'lyn. I worked on their medical scanners a few years ago." Croesus chuckled.

“I know, and I’m not planning on giving birth for another three to four months.” Kah’lyn grinned. “Just don’t expect me to fit in any small spaces!” She motioned to her rounded stomach.

Croesus laughed as he considered Kah'lyn trying to crawl through a jefferies tube

Draven arrived aboard the Pegasus with Roebuck and Ramata'tar. All three went to the Bridge to get the ships ready to depart. Draven logged in at Intel and uploaded some data. Roebuck took the Tactical station behind the CO's chair and checked over the ship's defensive systems. Ramata'tar walked to the aft stations and stood in front of the Mission Operation position and typed in a few commands, then he walked back to the primary turbolift and stood beside it as a guard.

Admiral T'Lar finished her personal business and boarded the Pegasus. She hadn't planned to go on tis mission but Bremer asked her to join him and have his back. She really wanted to go find Jack herself but it wasn't possible. Worrying was a waste of energy. She enlisted the help of an old crew member of the Essex back in the day. She trusted him and knew that he'd do his best to locate Jack. She made her way to her quarters and prepare for this mission, one that she wasn't crazy about. After getting settled, she made her way to the bridge.

As Mike arrived aboard the ship he was met by Tom and Vito.

"Everything okay?" Mike asked.

"I stowed a few things in cargo hold three." Tom said.

Mike nodded, "I don't want to know."

Tom smirked.

"Since the Cercatore di Tesori won't fit in the Pegasus shuttle bay, we need a runabout." Vito said.

Tom added, "We don't want to get stuck on Free Cloud if Bjayzl or 'the Caitian' get angry."

"That bitch is crazy." Vito added.

Mike gave a nod. "Someone is going to kill Bjayzl one day." Mike then added, "The crimes she's committed or ordered." He shook his head. "Who's 'the Caitian'"

"No one knows his name, but he's an up and comer on Free Cloud that's known to be ruthless." Vito replied.

Mike paused for a moment, "We have two Delta Flyer class aboard the Pegasus, take one of them."

"We'll need to dirty it up." Tom replied.

Mike nodded. He didn't need to say more, he knew Tom and Vito could take care of themselves, and if they heard anything that could be of use during the mission to The Artifact they would pass it along.

Several minutes later Mike arrived on the Bridge of the Pegasus. He looked around a moment then took a seat in the CO's chair, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Ariana stepped onto the bridge of the Pegasus, “My apologies for my late arrival Admiral.” She smiled as she walked across and took her seat.

Mike gave a respectful nod. "Not late." He added with a smile.

Deela entered the bridge, taking note of who were at their stations before she took her seat to the right of Bremer, "What did I miss?"

Percy arrived on board the Pegasus. He first went to his quarters to put his duffel bag there. =^= Percy to commanding officer. Where do you need me, Sir?=^= he said not knowing whether the Admiral was already on board.

Mike tapped the combutton on his chair, "Bridge engineering station please."

=^=Understood Sir. I‘ll get on my way=^= said Percy.

A moment later he arrived on the bridge manned the engineering console. He tapped it to activate it. Then he he checked Ships system.

Mike looked back at McWire, "Systems check, please."

"All system diagnose check lvl 3 came out clear, all system ready for departure, Sir‘ Percy responded.

Croesus nodded as well from OPS.

"Bridge to all departments, stand by to depart." Mike said over the comm.

"Umbilicals released. Increasing speed to one quarter impulse." Branson reported from Flight Control.

A few moments later the Pegasus was passing through the open space doors and slowly moving away from Starbase 400.

"Hold at the outer marker until the other ships form up on us, then we'll slipsteam to SB74's outer marker before making the turn toward SB718." Mike remarked.


OOC: Mission Map -


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