Lieutenant JG Miaxi Etaalu

Name Miaxi Etaalu

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 19 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Apr 8th, 2022 @ 12:01pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3
Weight 130
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Miaxi is small but wiry, with long black hair that, when on duty, is French braided. She has wide black eyes and a small nose and mouth.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unam
Mother Keelona
Brother(s) Aared, Keslen
Sister(s) none
Other Family Uncle Areh, Aunt Jeeya, Cousin Konrin Ver (father’s side)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Miaxi learned rough and tumble from a young age, thanks to her brothers, but she also forged her own interests. She can be very stubborn at times, when it comes to her own personal preferences, but has (mostly) learned when to be obedient.
Strengths & Weaknesses Miaxi is a skilled fighter in hand to hand and a good shot with a phaser. She is less skilled on the tactical side of things, having little experience and difficulty in picturing tactical overlays.
Ambitions While most people have ambitions of captainhood, she wants to become an elite security officer. She is interested in training with different combat paraphernalia and learning more about being a part of small strike teams.
Hobbies & Interests Ju-jitsu, piano/singing, gardening
Languages Betazoid, some human, Federation Standard

Personal History Miaxi is from Delaria, on Betazed. When she was four, the planet was invaded by the Dominion. While she doesn’t remember very much of it, she has been told that all her grandparents and most of her mother’s family were killed in the uprising that followed. Despite this tragedy early in her life, she grew up the much beloved only daughter in her extended family, and is very close to her mother and aunt. She had no female cousins to play with, so engaged in more solitary pursuits, studying piano and working in the garden. With the invasion in the back of their mind, her parents encouraged both her and her brothers to try martial arts, and all three of them were enrolled in ju-jitsu class. Miaxi stuck with it for a decade, becoming skilled in the art.
Delaria’s spaceport was a curiosity to her, and she would sometimes see men and women in Starfleet uniforms coming and going as she hung out there with her friends. Over the years, her interest in Starfleet grew, and she decided to see if she could join the organization. Her parents supported her, deciding she was stubborn enough that she would find a way to go with or without their support, and that Starfleet had helped them throw off Dominion control. Her family all helped her study for the exams, and journeyed to Earth with her early to see a little of San Francisco before she had to start.
Miaxi was a serious student, and had no real trouble at the Academy, although at first it was difficult being away from her family. She graduated and was assigned to the USS Specter. Her first two years were spent patrolling the Badlands, supporting DS9, and defending key planets. In 2393, with the ship badly ageing, it is decommissioned and she is reassigned to the Independence.
As Miaxi learns the ins and outs of her new ship and makes new friends, there are whispers of war. The Klingons’ civil war seems to be coming to an end, but the Typhon Pact is becoming more aggressive. The Independence is in the Ninth Fleet, and are sent to patrol the Federation side of Breen space. When war breaks out, the fighting becomes fierce, and the Independence ends of fighting both the Breen and the Tzenkethi. At the end of the war, she is reassigned to Starbase 400.
Service Record 2387-2391 Starfleet Academy
2391 – 2393 USS Specter (Akira Class, refit)
2393 – 2397 USS Independence (Sovereign Class)
2397 – Present: Starbase 400
Simming History : I started simming in 2001 when a friend asked me to join a Babylon 5 sim he was starting, knowing I loved to write. I soon joined another sim called Star Trek: Legacy, which has been running for a similar length of time to your own game. When my friend left for the military, I took over the B5 sim, which ran for several years more. I wish I could remember how many sims I have taken part in; as a bored college student I must have signed up for 4 or 5 at least, but many of them did not last. Some, I recall, were very large player wise, and I was unable to find my place in them, and so I did not stay in them long term. I continued simming until 2007, using yahoogroups as a listerv. Today, I am running Star Trek: Legacy, with a small group. We each write several characters. I play on two Discord sims (one run by the guy who plays Grian, and one run by Diversity Fleet), and have played on a Nova based sim which lasted about a year.
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Commander Namia Grian recommended the sim to me.