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They Want What Now?

Posted on Tue Feb 1st, 2022 @ 2:13pm by Commander Robert Stark

329 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 112 - A Trip to Remember
Location: Starbase 400, R&D Office
Timeline: MD1 - 1115hrs


Commander Stark was re-reading a message he just received from the Director of Starfleet R&D.

"Something wrong?" Lieutenant Commander Wayne asked as he walked in.

"Starfleet R&D just wanting the impossible, again." Stark replied.

Wayne walked over to read the message. "So they want to phase out the PADD."

"Read on." Stark said.

"And they want to add a holo-emitter to the comm-badge so the badge can now also work as a holo-PADD." Wanye said as he read.

"That's going to require a re-design of the comm-badge, increased power cell, addition of a holo-emitter, and the addition of a micro-storage in case the it's disconnected from a ship or starbase's network." Stark added.

Wayne nodded as he started thinking.

Both men decided to go to Level 1122, and one of R&D's smaller labs, often used for tinkering and new ideas before they went into full scale work.

"We could use the same micro-holo-emitter from the mobile emitter for the EMH and EEH." Wayne said after looking up specs.

Stark nodded. "Yeah, it would fit inside a comm-badge...most of the mobile emitter's size is for program storage. I think we can also work on the comm-badge's transmitter. If we can reduce it's size by just ten percent, it'll free up room for a micro-storage unit."

Wayne nodded, then left the room, a few minutes later he returned with an un-issued comm-badge. He pulled the front off to expose the internal systems. "I think, we need to redesign the badge itself."

Stark activated a holo-display and started playing with different design features for the comm-badge. Once he had one he liked he 'opened' it to see how much internal volume they had. "It's about a seven percent increase in internal space. If we can downsize the transmitter, I think we'll have enough room for the micro holo-emitter and micro internal storage. Then we just need to improve the power cell."

Wayne nodded. "Let's get to work."



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