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Who to marry us

Posted on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 1:43pm by Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell
Edited on on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 1:44pm

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Quarters of Ezekiel Bagwell and Anna Woodhouse
Timeline: MD01 1200 hrs

"How do you feel about me asking Admiral Bremner, my CO?" Ezekiel asked, curious to see how Anna would respond? He wanted her blessing, and not step on her toes, by not asking her, for her feedback.

Anna thought for a long moment. “That would be a good choice.” She smiled at him. “And fitting as well.”

"Fitting you say?" Ezekiel called out, a little surprised by her answer. He wondered what she meant by that.

“Admiral Brenner has been a rock for all of us and I know he will be sincere as well as someone who cares about us and our future.” Anna explained.

"Have you given any thought to who can walk you down the isle?" Ezekiel asked, with a concerned look on his face. He knew she was an orphan. But she had a lot of long term friends, that could do it.

“I was toying between Sam and Dustin actually.” Anna confessed. “Our crew is the closest I have to family and most of the other friends I have are serving elsewhere.”
"You want to keep this in the family, huh?" Ezekiel asked, with a big grin on his face. He was a little surprised, that she did not choose one of the friends they had made over the years.

“Did you have someone in particular you thought would be able to come here?” Anna asked him. “I was thinking between Sam and Dustin because we’ve all become a family.”

"Honestly not sure, I just wanted you to know we have options if you want someone not from our crew to do it." Ezekiel said, with a smile on his face.

“Honestly,” Anna smiled. “I was leaning towards Sam. We are good friends and it just feels right.”
"Your call, you know I will support it." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face.

“Sam it is then.” Anna smiled widely. “Well I have to ask him first. He could always say no.”

Ezekiel was a little surprise, he had assumed it would have been one of the mentors of Anna's past. However, Sam was a good choice, and no doubt he will do the job. In Ezekiel's eyes he did not see Sam saying no. "That wont happen, I am pretty sure he would feel honored to walk you down the isle."

“I am sure he will.” Anna agreed. “But Nothing is certain.” She grinned. “Maybe he won’t want to be in the spotlight.”

"The spotlight will be on you, not him." Ezekiel pointed out to her. No one was really going to care who gave away the bride, they would be focused on the bride.

“That is true.” Anna said with a grin, her eyes full of humor. “Maybe we should elope!”

"NOOOOO." Ezekiel said, with a big grin. "This is our day, and on that day we will have our magical moment." Ezekiel said to Anna.

Anna laughed. “We are having our wedding. It will be the best day of our lives so far.”

"Yes, it will be. But we still have yet to discuss the honeymoon." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face. They needed to discuss it.
“What would you like to do?” Anna asked him. “She had some ideas but could they get a break?”

"Spend every moment with you." Ezekiel said, with a big grin. That was his idea of a sweet honeymoon.

“I want to spend it with you.” Anna smiled back at him. “What about somewhere we can be alone as much as we want but also maybe go into town if we feel like a night out?”

"We need to pick a destination." Ezekiel pointed out to her, but he was not sure where he wanted to go. To him, it did not really matter. As long as they were together for that week.

“Let’s look at what is close enough for us to get the most out of our week.” Anna suggested. “And still be somewhere we will enjoy our time.”

"That's my main criteria." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face. He really did not care what they did. As long as they were together.

“Any ideas?” Anna asked him. “Some possibilities we can talk over?”

"I will need to think about it, in more detail." Ezekiel suggested to her. The first thought on his mind was going to Risa. But then again, everyone goes to Risa.

“We should look some places up.” Anna suggested. “Then choose from there.”

"I like that idea." Ezekiel said, as the scene starts to fade away. Deep in his thoughts, he knew he needed to talk to Admiral Bremer as well, about marrying them.

Anna was already planning to start searching for places but first she needed to talk to Sam.

She was looking forward to their marriage. They were taking the next step in their lives. Anna couldn’t explain the how or why but she felt inside that once they got married the other things like a baby would fall into place.

"Have you met Vice Admiral K'Metoc Bremer?" Ezekiel asked, wondering if they both should talk to the Admiral together.

“I haven’t.” Anna replied. “But that is a good idea. It will look better if we both go together. He may want to talk to both of us anyway. Marriage is a big step for some.”

"It's a big step for all of us, and I can tell you. That I am ready." Ezekiel said, with a big grin. He was very happy to be marrying Anna.

“So am I.” Anna said with a smile. “I love you with everything I am. I am looking forward to our lives together.”

Ezekiel had a big grin on his face. Thinking how lucky he was to be marrying Anna. He could not wait to tie the knot and say 'I do', to her. Now he just needed to get his family to the station asap, so he can marry this pretty lady, and spend the rest of his life with her. As Ezekiel starts to think of plans for the wedding, the scene starts to fade away.


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