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It begins...

Posted on Sat Jun 26th, 2021 @ 8:13am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Xalanth
Edited on on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 5:39am

2,413 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1 1030 hrs


Her medical over Kah’lyn offered Xalanth a concerned smile. “What now Xalanth? Do I go and see Croesus and tell him I’ve betrayed him!” She looked obviously upset. “He’ll hate me!!”

" He will understand. It's not been your fault. I'm going to get a security team and drag that first officer into a cell. Screw it if it causes a diplomatic incident." He replied doing his best to keep his temper under control.

“Are you err... are you...” Kah’lyn paused walking.

" You okay?" The lizard inquired.

It took a few moments for Kah’lyn to answer, which was all the buried programming needed to take over Kah’lyn’s personality. “What? I’m... sorry!” She offered a smile. “A bit of a headache, I get them from time to time when I let myself get overwhelmed. I can get you aboard the ship, I want that... son of a bitch Miru arrested!”

" We will, but I need to get a team together first. We can then board the ship and drag that guy back here." The lizard said trying to calm her down.

“We don’t have time for a team Xalanth! Miru is supposed to be taking the ship out on it’s normal patrol route soon. My father has plans to stay here. We have to go now!”

You could have mentioned this sooner Xalanth began to think before realizing her state she probably wasn't thinking correctly. " Okay, we'll have to go now. " He said thinking of how he could do this. " You said you could get me onto the ship."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Ohh I can do that easily enough, you’re my bodyguard. Unknown attackers boarded the station trying to kill you & Croesus, orders are no one goes anywhere alone including me!” She grinned. “Let’s get over there.”

" Okay let's do this." he said drawing his phaser.

~ Romulan ship ~

Beaming aboard her father’s ship Kah’lyn followed Xalanth down off the transporter PADD before reaching for her phaser. Seconds later she was pointing it at Xalanth.

The security chief heard the plastic strap against the holder material a split second before the beam left the phaser. He swerved around taking the blast in the shoulder. " What are you...." He managed to yell out before he saw the blank look in Kah'lyn eyes. She wasn't in the driving seat. How had he not noticed he thought as he brought her good arms shoulder round knocking the phaser from her hands.

He let out a roar of pain as a disrupter slammed into his back from the romulan transporter technician. He could smell the male's fear as he bore down on him trying to ignore the pain coursing through his chest until two more disrupters slammed into his side from the two security steppings through the door.

" I'm going to kill...." He managed to hiss out before he collapsed from the pain.

The warbirds security chief Kulmiut would be lying to himself if anyone asked if he was impressed by the lizard's raw strength. Three disrupters for over ten seconds even Klingons couldn't handle that. Holstering his disrupter he contacted his captain before approached the downed lizard and began searching him.

Miru and his entourage walked into the transporter room surveying the downed Officer. “Well done Kah’lyn, I’m proud of you. As your father will be.”

Kah’lyn flinched as she looked down at Xalanth, her true self seeing a friend down and in need. “Wait! You... you can’t just...”

Miru snapped his fingers and moments later Kah’lyn was kneeling on the floor clutching at her head. “You will learn to do as you are told!” The reman stood behind him was concentrating hard, taking over Kah’lyn’s mind once again. A few seconds and she was lying unconscious on the floor next to Xalanth. “Take her to the doctor, it’s time he started the treatments to rid my future wife of that... thing she’s carrying!”

Kulminut was amazing at how many knives and phasers this guy was carrying as he dropped a sixth knife onto the floor. What was in the lizard's the last pocket though was a puzzle to him as he drew a pill bottle with a timer on it. The pills appeared to be bright blue and glowed translucently. " What do you want us to do with this sir?" He asked Miru as he picked up the lizards ankle blade before tucking it into his belt he was keeping that for himself.

“Dispose of it!” Miru waved his hand. “Take this... thing to a cell and have the doctor treat his wounds. He’s no use to us dead... though he’ll wish he was.”

~ Sometime later ~

Miru arrived at the cell staring at Xalanth. “Did you really think we’d be so stupid? This has been planned for a very long time, and you are not going to stop what is to come. Kah’lyn will be mine, and she will bear me many fine children as she is meant to do!”

Xalanath body hurt like hell as he tried to sit up. His body felt like hell and he could barely make out the words from the romulan. Even still he managed to hiss out. " We live in a galaxy with legal prostitution, holodecks, and several very open species and you still can't get a woman. You are by far the most pathetic creature I've ever met and I deal with ferengi." he hissed out in hallow deep chuckle.

A few moments later the door opened again, “Ahh Kah’lyn my dear” Miru held out his hand.

Walking over to Miru, Kah’lyn took his hand. There was no emotional recollection of Xalanth at all.

“Now you see” Miru smiled as he kissed Kah’lyn, a passionate kiss to show how obedient she was to him. “It won’t be long now...” he placed his hand on her stomach. “This... abomination will soon be expelled, and Kah’lyn will be free to carry my children! Just as her father promised! If you’re wondering where Terrh is... we’ll just say he got too soft. He’s locked in a cell of his own.”

Kah’lyn stood for a few moments before she suddenly bent double clutching her stomach.

“Ahhh you see... it already begins!” He motioned to the guard’s. “Escort her to my Quarters.” Miru looked back at Xalanth. “A few hours, that’s all it’ll take and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.”

A deep chuckle escaped the lizard’s throat as he leaned back against the cell wall. " In a few hours, you'll be begging me not to let her break your neck, and there nothing you can do to stop it. Kah'lyn i know you can hear me. Fight him with all the strength you can. "

Kah’lyn’s eyes met Xalanth’s for the briefest moment, a glimmer of the woman he knew inside. The look said ‘help me’ before she was escorted away by the guards.

Xalanth moaned as he dropped to the floor in the corner of the cell before taking a Vulcan meditation position. They'd taken his pills and he knew what would happen soon. Using all the training his first had taught him he sat and weighted trying to steady his breathing and hoping he would remain awake through the pain. it was Kah'lyn only hope and she and her husband would do the same for him and his family as he began a chant of his people.

The guard on duty scoffed at what the lizard was doing as he returned to his seat. Time for another long boring shift guarding the brig. He wondered what the lizard was doing. Returning to the padd he was reading the guard lost himself in the erotic he purchased.


It was half an hour later that the lizard felt the change coming. The alien abomination fused into his very body began to creep back into life as it did to him what it was built to do. He could feel his body began to rip and tear as he felt himself being sucked into the shadows and that black space where no light came. Letting out an inhuman scream of pain that probably woke the whole deck and startled the guard from his thoughts in an instant the security chief vanished.

The guard sprang from his feet as he looked up and see the prisoner vanish before him. What the hell had just happened. One minute it had been screammmm............

The guard let out his own hushed scream as a scaled hand reached out from the shadows behind him before closing over his mouth and slammed him into the desk. Stepping out of the shadows Xalanth eyes, nose, and ears were bleeding from the pain as he finished his shadow walk. Every step had felt like his body was being torn apart and rebuilt a thousand times over.

" Where friend." he hissed into the guard putting all of his pain into the hold. He could feel the guard’s arm breaking in his grip a look of utter terror on the romualns face.

“She.... she’s... in the... SubCommander’s Quarters.” The guard shook with fear. “You won’t... reach her it’s... guarded.”

The sound of a bone snapping echoed around the room as the lizard's grip didn't let up. Bringing his free hand round he landed hard on the guards head knocking him to the floor. He'd live, but his arm would hurt forever. Breathing heavily the lizard dragged the gaurds body over to the locker using the gaurds handprint to open it. Even with the pain he smiled as he took a pair of reman wrist blades, a heavy disrupter, an armoured vest and several hyposprays of a reman combat drug know as MX3. Stabbing one of the hyposprays into his neck his breathing listened as his body became dull to the pain.

First priority was to stop the ship. Remembering his training sims against the romulans he left the room letting the door slam behind him. He encountered one Romulan in the corridor who was down before he could even scream with a heavy thump from the butt of the heavy disrupter. Stopping to pick up the disrupter the lizard made it to the wall pannel where he knew the main power conduct ran. Pulling out the guts to the disrupter he set it to overload before jamming it into the pannel nice and tight.

Three minutes till it went bomb.


On the bridge, there was a large thump which brought Kulminut out of his thoughts. " Report." He barked at the bridge staff.

" Power conducts has blown sir. Damage report teams are enroute." Yelled the engineering officer.

A bad feeling went through the security cheif soul. " Get someone down to the bridge and check on the prisoner and send more guards to the sub commander." He yelled unwillingly ending his warbird in the process.


Xalanth hid in a storage room for two minutes before making his neck move. Hopefully, with all the guards distracted and the internal scanners down he could make it to the engineering.

Miru was stood outside his quarters when the extra guards arrived. He had a feeling their guest was causing chaos. “Watch her! No one gets in there!!” With that he headed for the bridge.

Xalanth was causing chaos as the ships wide com started blaring out fires of the republic a heavy metal song by the Romulan republic rock band Daughters of the warbird at a beyond loud volume.

With the words Empress Sela is the cheapest whore on Ferenginar blaring in his ears Xalanth stepped into engineering. The terrified look of the engineers at what looked like a nightmare straight from hell stepping through the doors was almost worth the pain.

One tried to be a hero and draw his disrupter which got him a disrupter to the chest for his trouble.

" Anyone else want to be a hero? " Xalanth grinned as he yelled at the terrified engineers. A few had already dropped to their knees with their hands on their heads. " Good. Now everyone out I have work to do." He yelled making sure one dragged their fallen companion.

The comms channel opened again. " Hello, there most pathetic Romulan in the galaxy and the crew of the IRW £"$" we hope you are enjoying today's random acts of violence." Xalanth’s mocking tone ozzed from the comms.

Miru cursed, this was one unwelcome guest he would see the last of if it killed him. Taking his personal guard with him he headed for engineering.

Xalanth was working furiously bringing up a few blast doors to keep the guards occupied as he worked. He'd only have one shot at this. With a bleep from the computer, he smiled as his plan was put into effect. A disrupter blast flew past his head as the guards finally broke through the door.

Drawing the two disrupters from his belt he fired twice back as he dashed across the room and threw himself into the maintenance shaft and vanished from view.

Kulminut cursed to himself as the lizard escaped. He'd have the men punished for their bad shooting. Looking around at the mess of what was left of engineering a smile still spread over his face. " Sir." He said snapping around as Miru stepped into the room. " The lizard has escaped, but he's only done....." He began before the computer voice crackled into life. " Emergency fighter launch in twenty. nineteen...eighteen"

With a look of horror, he looked over at the smashed remains of the flight control. " That clever bastard." He failed to not say out loud.

Down in one of the ships transporter room's Xalanth winched as he finished typing in the beam in coordinates for the station's bridge. " Hold on Kah’lyn help is on the way and Miru i'm coming for you, you bastard." He said into his comms before he beamed himself off the ship.


Down in the ship's hangar bay the three scorpion fighters' warp engines had begun firing into life partway raised onto the launch deck they had been turned into makeshift missiles aimed right through the bottom of the romulan ship.


{ TBC }


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