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Time for an old fashioned rescue

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2021 @ 10:36am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Fulvia

1,385 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1 1300 hrs


~ Main bridge. ~

Xalanth had never been good with calculations and though he did manage to beam into the station's main bridge he was around two meters in the air. He fell hard nearly landing on the ensign who dodged as he fell with a crash smashing the consol to bits. Staggering to his feet he batted away at the duty medic who had rushed over with a medical kit. " Time for that later get me commander Croesus and a full strike team now." He yelled loudly.

Staggering over to the security station he teleported his armor onto him letting the onboard systems pump his body full of pain killers and stimulants. Breathing heavily he grunted in pain. He needed his pills as every shadow he passed his body was trying to pull him into it. No no time for it. Have to think Kah'lyn doesn't have much time.

Croesus received the summons and quickly tapped his comm badge.

[ Xalanth? Where are you ?] he replied.

" Bridge." Xalanth hissed through his gritted teeth.

There was a gasp from the bridge crew as the warbird cloak dropped as the fighter he had rigged jumped to warp inside the great beast blowing out it's the chunky belly. it wouldn't be going anywhere in a hurry as it's plasma leaked into the void.

" Take that you bas$£%$d." Xalanth hissed before he remembered he was on an open channel.

" Give them Hell. I'm almost there " Croesus replied

His body pain receptors being separated by the cocktail of drugs in his body the lizard stood up as the security team arrived. Including his thrid who upon seeing him ran to his side.

" Husband, what happened?" She said opening her helmet's visor so he could see her terrified grey eyes.

" Picked a fight with some romulans who took my pills. " He jokily replied giving her a reassuring smile. He could see her open her mouth again before she closed itk nowing she wasn't going to win this argument. " I'm not leaving your side."

" I know. Now let's get Kah'lyn back." He said leading half his team to the transporter padd.

~ Romulan ship ~

Aboard the ship in Miru’s Quarters Kah’lyn was in pain. The doctor’s work was doing its job. She heard Xalanth’s voice over the comms, a small smile of recognition indicated the true Kah’lyn was still underneath the programmed exterior.

Beaming onto the romulan bridge the lizard had barely materialised before his TR100 was firing sending two Romulans to the floor before they could even draw their weapons.

" Spread out and secure the vital area's of the ship." Xalanth barked to his team as the second half and Croesus began to beam over. " Be carful though i have no idea what bits of this bucket are still intact."

" I have to find Kah'lyn." Croesus declared as he began ravaging through the ship. " KAH'LYN???"

" She's in the first officer quarters watch out for Reman's." The lizard yelled into the comms as he and his team began clearing the ship. Large amount of the crew were still shocked from the bottom of their warbird being blown out from under them. " Miru were are you, you bastard ." The lizard yelled into the open channel.

Croesus unsheathed his dak'tagh and was ready for what ever was ahead. It was not long before he found out as two Remans awaited him.

tlhIngan Hol Croesus yelled as he engaged them.

Kah’lyn heard a commotion from where she lay on Miru’s bed, the pain she was in was telling her something wasn’t right. Dragging herself up off the bed she made it to the living room before crumpling to the floor. “Cr... Croesus!?”

Swashbuckling through guards Croesus found the room. His own blood dripping he ran to Kah'lyns side.

" WE ARE HERE NOW" he yelled. Cutting the iv lines he scooped Kah'lyn up and proceeded past the downed bodies to find the others.

Xalanth dropped another romulan as he and his team made their way towards the one shuttle bay of the warbird that was still intact. Seeing a familiar Romulan running across from him the lizard yelled out. "Miru stand and fight you coward." He yelled as he ran after him.

Miru paused in the corridor to look back at Xalanth. “You’re too late Lizard! We have what we wanted, you can’t stop that information now!” He grinned. “As for Kah’lyn... it’s too late to stop what’s begun! Her mind is fragmented, her loyalties are no longer with your Starfleet!” He laughed.

" Your ship's dead and your crew will be in custody within moments. The star empire will abandon you and your men and the lot of you are going to rot in deep freeze. " The lizard said calmly as he aimed up a shot and fired. A smile spread over his face despite the pain as the bullet landed right in Miru right buttock.

Miru clutched at his backside as he tried scurrying away, he wasn’t going to give the Lizard the satisfaction of taking him anywhere! The only person that truly worried him was still in the brig, his own Captain that he’d removed from duty.

Kulminut one of the few romulan security officers still on his feet fired his disrupter from his corner hoping Miru would run faster. Why had he sided with him they were both going to be dead because of this.

" Hey." He heard just as someone in a red coloured federation battlesuit roundhoused kicked him across the face sending his gun flying. " You hurt my husband you bastard," Fulvia yelled with all the anger of a woman scorned.

Xalanth kept chasing after the Romulan captain. Adrenaline was flooding his system overriding the pain burning in his body. Leaping he landed hard on the Romulan with a satisfying crack as one of his legs broke. " You are under arrest. " Xalanth yelled angrily right into the Romulans ear.

~ Meanwhile ~

Croesus paused and looked down at Kah'lyn.

" YOU better not die on me."

Kah’lyn offered a weak smile as she looked into Croesus’ eyes. “Why...did you come for me? I... betrayed you!”

" Because I love you." Croesus answered.

“I... love you!” Kah’lyn smiled briefly before losing consciousness.

Fulvia and Kulminut were engaging in a flurry of punch, kicks, and grapples as they fought. How a terran woman could fight so well was beyond the romulan
as he resorted to drawing the lizards blade and aimed a stab right at her heart.

To his utter shock, her hand was on his wrist twisting painfully until the blade was against his neck. " You think you could kill me with my mates own blade. " She hissed menacingly as she brought her free hand round knocking the Romulan out.

Bending down she picked up the blade and tucked it into her own scabbard next to her own fang knife. Noting the room across from her she opened it finding herself in the brig. An older Romulan was sitting in one of the cells looking heavily beaten.

Terrh had found himself on the other end of Miru’s treachery, and his own weakness, the love for his daughter. “I take it... you’ve come for my daughter?” He looked towards Fulvia.

" You could say that. " Fulvia said as a loud groaning sound echoed from the warbird. " Your ship's dead and you are under arrest for attempted kidnapping, brainwashing, attempted forced abortion, and numerous other crimes. Please face the wall with your hands on your head."

A grunting sound echoed as a very angry Miru was dumped outside the brig door. His arms were now secured behind his back " Got the bastard. " Xalanth said weasing as he did so.. He was leaning heavily on his rifle as the drugs left his system."

" Where is Terrh?" Croesus asked.

" In custody." Fulvia said as she finished hancuffing his arms behined his back. " As is Miru. Miru's going to need some medicle attention he appears to be missing part of his backside.

" No...more.....than...." Xalanth said breathing heavily as he tried to keep his balance before he partly collpased against a wall.

" Xalanth." Yelled Fulvia as she ran to his side. " Fulvia to sickbay medical emergency." She said into her coms.



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