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Medical emergency!

Posted on Mon Jul 5th, 2021 @ 2:01pm by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Xalanth

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1 1400 hrs


The Sickbay doors slid open with a flurry of activity, Kah’lyn was barely conscious in Croesus’ arms as he carried her inside.

" Do what you can but I don't want to lose Kah'lyn." yelled Croesus as he lay her on a bed.

The doors slid open again as Fulvia half-dragged Xalanth through the door. His body was a mess with the cocktail of combat drugs in his system was causing no end of problems and you didn't need the blaring alarm from his suit to know that. " Move it you red bastard you are not dying on me." She yelled at him with all the concern of a wife for her husband.

Croesus also worried for Xalanth as he was beginning to like that damn lizard.

A nurse ran to Fulvia side. In a sense of humour that the universe had she was one of the Romulan republic POW's Xalanth had saved from the Thorlians. A few words in romulan escaped her lips as she looked at the scanner. " How many drugs has he taken?"

" Far to many," Fulvia replied as they managed to get him onto a biobed.

" Okay let's start pumping his stomach." the nurse said as she ran off to get the pump.

“Hold that idea” A young female doctor who’d just finished with another patient appeared at Xalanth’s side. “I want a complete blood screening, we need to know what’s in his system so we can reverse it.” She looked at Fulvia. “Is there anything Xalanth can’t have? Anything that would be harmful to your species?”

" No, his species can take just about anything." She said at her husband's side tightly gripping his hand in her own.

“Right” She nodded and walked over to a nearby tray of hyposprays bringing one back and pressing it to Xalanth's neck. “This should help to reverse the effects but it’s going to take a while. I’ll be right back.” She motioned to a Nurse to keep an eye on Xalanth, before rushing over to Kah’lyn. “Can someone tell me what’s happened.”

Croesus watched from the hall at this point but moved in closer.

“Foetal readings are all over the place Doctor” the nurse looked at Kah’lyn’s readings. “Mother’s blood pressure and heart rate are rising rapidly.”

Cassandra nodded. “Right, these readings suggest she’s been given something that’s forcing her body to reject her child. We need to stop the process now, before it’s too late!” She paused for a second before grabbing two separate hypo’s and injecting both into Kah’lyn. She looked to Croesus. “If this works it’s not going to be pleasant to watch.”

" I am not leaving. But save Kah'lyn please. " Croesus replied.

“I will do my upmost to save both Kah’lyn and her child.” Cassandra looked at Croesus. “I take it you’re the father?”

" Yes I am." Croesus proudly replied.

" Doctor..." the Romulan nurse who's name tag named her as Pallen who hurried over. " What if we moved the child so her body can reject the drug easier. "

Cassandra nodded. “It’s possible, we have the facilities here to do a fetal transfer to an artificial womb. It may give the baby a better chance.” She looked to Croesus. “As you’re the father and Kah’lyn is unable to give consent I need yours. I can try temporarily transferring the baby to give Kah’lyn a better chance, the decision is yours.” She looked to Pallen. “Please check on Xalanth, I want to know how he’s progressing.”

Pallen did so. Xalanth was shaking, but he was stabilizing as the drugs broke up in his system. Unfortunately, his gut was also now deciding to empty his stomach to help, but now meaning he could choke on his own tongue if they weren't careful.

" Doctor would a biological womb be better," Fulvia asked

“Perhaps” Cassandra nodded. “But right now I don’t have the option, or the time to choose and prepare another female to take the baby. Plus I plan on transferring the baby back as soon as Kah’lyn is fit enough, it’s better for the baby in the long term to be with his, or her biological mother.” She looked towards Xalanth. “Nurse... anti sickness meds for Xalanth, now!”

Pallen nodded as she gave Xalanth another injection. The lizard seemed to settle through his life signs and his breathing was still very low.

“Commander...” Cassandra looked at Croesus, “I need your permission to transfer your daughter Commander.”

" Of course save them both if you can. " Croesus replied with a tear streaming down his felt cheek. This had finally broken his resolve.

Cassandra nodded. “Right, let’s get this done!”

~ A tense few minutes later ~

Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief, the artificial womb was working as it was intended, and Kah’lyn’s condition was stabilising. “Commander...” she smiled as she appeared at Croesus’ side. “I’m glad to say all went well, your baby is doing fine. Kah’lyn’s condition has stabilised, I’m happy that they’re both out of danger. Kah’lyn will need a few days rest and recouperation then we can look at transferring the baby back again.”

Croesus exhaled as he was worried.

" When can I see them?" Croesus asked

“Whenever you’d like” The young woman smiled. “I’m sure Kah’lyn will be happy to see you there when she wakes up.”

Walking over to Xalanth Cassandra offered a smile to Fulvia, “It looks like your husband’s condition has improved slightly, he’s going to need to stay in Sickbay for a day or two so we can keep an eye on things.”

Fulvia nodded as she gripped her mate's hand. To her relief he responded by squeezing it in reply a weak look spreading over his face. " They safe?" He enquired.

“You’re all safe” Cassandra smiled as she appeared at her patient’s side. “Now I want you to get some rest, you almost killed yourself you know!”

" Just doing my...." he began before he fell back into a long deep sleep.



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