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Beauty and the Beast

Posted on Mon Jul 19th, 2021 @ 9:03am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1 1700 hrs


Kah’lyn had been unconscious for a while, her body recovering from the strain put upon it by the drugs she’d been given and the Reman reprogramming. Opening her eyes she squinted at the light for a few moments before her eyes fell on Croesus. “Hey...”

" Hey yourself. Remember me?" Croesus smiled as he stepped closer.

“How can I forget my saviour?” Kah’lyn grinned before her eyes fell on the device at the side of her bed. “Is that... an artificial womb!?” Her eyes widened as she realized what had occurred. “They took our baby from me!!”

" It was necessary to save you both. Once you are more stable the baby can be returned. I would ask how you are feeling but the meds are in place. What do you remember?" Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn frowned. “A lot!” She shook her head. “Up until I... She... I shot Xalanth, I didn’t remember anything from when she... the part of me they created... took over, but I remember watching myself bring down Xalanth! Like I was a passenger in my own body! I just couldn’t stop myself!!” She hung her head, a few tears running down her cheeks. “The other half of me was... is... Miru’s, even after what he tried to do to us.”

" Nooo. We will get all of this cleared out of your head." Croesus replied.

"I hope so Croesus!" Kah'lyn looked at her half Klingon love, "I don't want this in my head! I just want to be happy with you."

" If I have to take you somewhere else I'll do it. I will find you that help. Your father will not win." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn smiled. “I will fight Croesus, that I promise you! No matter what I’ll fight this, and I’ll win! I may yet lose my career over this, I had my head full of information that my father wanted about Starfleet. I don’t even remember if I gave him anything he wanted.”

" We are compromised but we can fix that. Our next step is to see what they do with that information." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn nodded. “That’s if they haven’t already put it to use, if it’s been transmitted back to Romulan space...” she sighed. “I feel like a traitor and that’s exactly what I am!”

" You are no traitor but you may need to be seen by one of our Counselors. They have methods to help. Now you rest Kah'lyn tomorrow is a good day to live." Croesus Klingoned her.

Kah’lyn smiled and nodded. “Indeed it is. I love you Croesus, with all my heart.”

" I love you too." Croesus replied.

Smiling Kah’lyn stifled a yawn. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how I can be tired after all the tine I’ve been asleep!”

" You are tired rest now. " Croesus soothed.

Kah’lyn offered a nod. “Go... find out about the boy while I’m sleeping.”

Croesus kissed Kah'lyn again and headed with Korel to the Roane.

This was probably a trick but Croesus had to be sure .



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