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New Face

Posted on Sun Aug 16th, 2020 @ 8:53am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Sickbay, USS Mercy

OOC: Sorry it took so long to get this out


Hades looked up as Carolyn walked in. They hadn't spoke since their words but he was glad he'd reported in. He'd specifically asked to have her present as this was a new face. Carolyn would then go off to her ship, something he was not happy about. Hades had been quieter then usual this morning. Last night's talk with Kalani had stirred feelings that had bee dormant for a while. He sighed. It was getting harder and harder to live in both worlds.

"Carolyn, thanks for coming. We have a new doctor joining us."

Sidestepping some technicians making some last minute runs to the transporters to distribute supplies, Carolyn arched an eyebrow in surprise. “Talk about a baptism of fire,” she observed. “I thought you called me to explain why every replicator keeps giving me that disgusting tea when I try to order coffee...”

He grinned. "Oh daughter of mine that was all me. Coffee is bad for the baby."

“And me without coffee is bad for everyone...” she quipped.
Alekelia kept nervously glancing at the PaDD in her left hand while her right kept absently checking her black with metallic blue streaked hair. She was nervous and she had to tell herself mentally to take deep breaths. Too much short breaths would chill her, just like a dog panting and she did not need to become sleepy. She had been to these before but still each meeting was different.

The sickbay of USS Mercy was just ahead and reminded herself to stand straight as though meeting a Mother of a House. She still remembered the wacks from such meetings not being proper enough. "Don't curtsy, do not keep your head bowed," the reminder went through her mind.

She made an odd rolling shrug before walking through the wide double doors which made her wings rustle slightly. It was one of those absent gestures amoung her kind. The doors parted and she stepped in.

She glanced around quickly trying to pick out senior officer pips and announced, "Alekela illm Meaho'ōla, reporting as requested." She admonished herself as she pronounced her name as she would at home with the sing song tones knowing full well that most had trouble with it, especially her House name.

Hades looked up. "Welcome, we were just speaking of you." He motioned for the bio bed. "I'll pull up your file."

“Yes, welcome aboard,” Carolyn chimed in. “This is Dr Hades, our CMO and commanding officer of the Mercy. And I’m Dr Corrigan, assistant CMO.”

"Pleased sirs," Alekelia responded neutrally. She glanced between the two, the one called Hades was taller that she by just a bit with brown hair and deep ice blue eyes. Doctor Corrigan was shorter than she was by about the same amount Doctor Hades was taller than she. Also brown hair and blue eyes.

Alekela had noted the gesture from Doctor Hades toward the bed and she moved there. "If it is alright sirs, Alekela is just fine. I find most have trouble with my Guild affiliation name and it is not actually a surname as such." This time she took the sing song nuance out of the name, so it came out as Ah,leeee,keee,leee,ahhh.

Hades gave a nod. "Of course." He repeated the name as she had said it. "Tell me. Do you have any issues that you wish to focus on before the exam begins?"

A little sheepishly Alekela handed her PaDD that she had brought over. On it was the official permission for her to access the medical replicators for her need to replicate blood. It was not large, but it is her prime protein source and she had learned that the hematophagia of her species was something that many found difficult.

"This is the only items doctors," she said. "Otherwise I am in good health."

Hades reviewed the PaDD and then handed it to Carolyn to Review.

“Healthy and arriving just in time,” Carolyn mused as she took the PADD. Allowing Hades space to work she scanned the file, having to admit the woman would definitely be one of a kind aboard any ship or starbase. Which was never a bad thing.

“We usually don’t throw you in at the deep end on your first day but unfortunately we need all the hands we can get. I’ll authorise the replicator access as soon as Dr Hades signs off on your physical.”

"Yes doctor," Alekela replied and then added. "The Mother always said: 'E hana mau i kāu maikaʻi loa. ʻO nā mea āu e kanu ai, i kēia manawa e ʻohi ai ʻoe.'." She then switched to Federation, "It means something like: 'Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.' I will do my best sirs."

Hades finished off a couple notes and then handed one to the new doctor and one to Carolyn. "Authorization complete. Let's get to our stations. It's almost time to get home to the Starbase."

Alekela was a bit surprised. She figured that there would be a complete scan but obviously things were on a very tight scheduled so perhaps at a later date.

"Yes Commanders," she said.

Hades stopped. "My apologies Doctor. We're in a bit of a pickle. Once we get back to the station we will do a detailed scan." He looked at Carolyn. "Doctor Corrigan stay back."

“Glad to have you aboard and just call if you need anything, you’ll have some of our most experienced staff with you so make use of them,” Carolyn offered the new recruit before heading towards the office. She waited, leaning back against the desk for Hades to join her.

Alekelia did not tarry. She already had the assignment to the Sutherland and only made a quick nod to the senior officers before heading for the transporter room.

“Am I getting coffee privileges back?” Carolyn asked hopefully as Hades appeared.

"Only if it has no caffeine." He paused. "Carolyn...there is so much I want to say." He paused. "I know you don't understand why I didn't want you on the Mercy but just know that I wanted you safe. I plan to take the Mercy into battle. I want you secure and safe.." He paused. "This..." he motioned. "All this will be yours soon."

"Please don't say that, especially not right now," she said quietly. "I wish you would reconsider whatever plan is in your head right now for this ship. You have a granddaughter to meet, remember that and I will see you, Ariana and everyone else back on 400."

He smiled. "I will do my best to be there." He stepped up to her and placed a gentle kiss on her head. "You are the best daughter a father or father-in-law could as for. Thank you for loving my son and for giving me my first grandchild.“

“Ha, I think you have enough daughters to deal with as it is, make sure you keep Skye out of trouble,” Carolyn reminded him as she headed for the door, “I mean it. Be safe. Who else can I fight with?”

Before he could answer she ducked out the door.



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