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Sedaria, Part Three

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

4,204 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Endeavor - Holodeck
Timeline: MD04 - 0700

Continued from Part 2


“Computer? Resume program”, Tahna said.


Sedaria was resting on a low bed that had been set-up in the room. She had just finished relating her tale of woe to the assembled people. When David had learned just what was going on he called Lt. Col. K'Rag. K'Rag, Sgts. Hunter and Harding as well as the entire Marine compliment had been re-assigned to this location to assist the medical staff at the outbreak site of this lethal virus. Security forces were dealing with the Food Distribution Center in nearby Sevae. Sedaria was being treated by Doctor Carlos himself. The good doctor and his petre dish may yet save the day. The Doctor offered no guarantees - only that it would slow the virus down. He administered the medicine as the others continued.

"Those are some strong accusations you have made against the legally appointed governor Sedaria." The Klingon Marine said to her.

"I only tell you what I know. But from what your Marines witnessed here on the construction site; I would say it is true. There was a conspiracy to overthrow the weak Cardassian government and...and I don't know to what end."

"The Captain must be made aware of this.", K’Rag said. He stepped away and informed Captain Chambers of what he had just learned from the woman.

Sedaria stood and feeling a little better said, "I need to return to Gaoler prison before I am gone too long. I don't want to arouse suspicion. I will rescue my husband from that awful place!"

"Begging your pardon ma'am. But, you don't know that he's alive? Isn't that right?”, David said to her.

"If you mean have I seen him? Then no. I have not. However, I believe in my deepest heart that he is still alive. I was going to have a guard duty shift in the political prisoners wing, possibly even feed them all when all of...this...started. I KNOW he's still alive and I'm going back with or without your help Starfleet!"

"If we show up too soon then you may never escape. You, your husband Florek, all the prisoners may die."

Then, a Cardassian Legate enters the medical triage tent and a Starfleet Captain. It is Legate Dhemon, an older general that has worked alongside both Bajoran and Starfleet staff since the departure of the Dominion. He steps inside and says, "That's true Lt. Col. K'Rag."

"I have just arrived in the city and I have seen firsthand the devastation from the virus and nerve toxin. If this is indeed the work of Zelik…there will be severe consequences. Please, tell me what's going on here?"

Captain Chambers, a thin and tall Catian says, "Yes, what is the meaning of all this?"

K'Rag and the others step out of the tent at the Doctor's request. K'Rag relates the entire story to the two officers. After a long discussion, a plan is devised. A plan that involves the Federation and the Cardassians to work together. While neither side *really* trusts the other at this point; Sedaria's courage gives them all hope. With Florek freed by the Cardassian government and the Federation the peace process could be greatly strengthened and future terrorism by the CFM might be avoided. Legate Dhemon feels that this would be good for Cardassians when they learn of Sedarias' faithfulness, her loyalty and her determination and struggles against the Dominion. Captain Chambers feels that this will go a long way in restoring the Cardassian people's faith in the Federation and in the mission to help all Cardassians. In the wake of Commander Lisa Oxford's damaging work - it would go a long way to restoring people's trust.

And so, it was decided that Sedaria would return to the Gaoler prison and report that Legate Dhemon, seeing the sickness and death at the hands of the Federation wants to immediately see Governor Zelik. And that he would be making an inspection of the facility. This would excite Governor Zelik, eager for an opportunity to display his power to the Legate. When Legate Dhemon arrives he would free all the prisoners and Sedaria would finally know if Florek was alive or dead. If he was dead, then she could finally mourn. But if he was still alive, at long last they would be reunited.

The plan was related to her and a tracking device was implanted in her. A COMM link was established and she was given a site-to-site emergency transponder for a quick beam-out. After many questions, she accepted the risks and made one final request. "Lt. Col. K'Rag?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I have a request."

“What can I do for you?"

"I would like Lt. March to accompany me on the road to Gaoler."

"But, if you were discovered with a Starfleet marine. Would that not be suspect?"

"I trust him. He was the first I trusted. I want him with me along the road. He won't be in any danger. I know the road well and I know where the sentry is stationed. I think that he should go along to make sure there are no surprises...don't you?”

The Klingon did not like the added risk but he could not fault her for asking for some protection. "It would be prudent. Let me send you with someone who is not so tired."

"No, why not ask him? If he declines, I trust your second choice? Agreed?"

"Agreed. Lt. March?"

The young Marine officer appeared, "Sir."

"I've got a job for you."


They had been walking most of the night and they were in a few kilometers the sentry would be able to see them. Along the way, they talked. Sedaria spoke mostly about how Cardassia was before the war. What she would do after this was all over. She talked about what drove her to seek her husband these past three years. The importance of trust, the value of loyalty, the persistence of faith. David admired this woman's strength. She was truly amazing. He wondered if all Cardassians were this formidable?

They walked the dirt road in quiet contemplation. He said after a time, "You are a remarkable people. You are survivors."

"It was not always so. We were once remembered for our art, our literature, our social justice. Things that seem so foreign now...just like you human."

"Am I so foreign to you? I may look different. But, I think we have a lot more common than you might think."

"Such as?"

"Such as freedom. Both our peoples cherish it. We both would fight and die for it."

"There are some of my people that think the Federation exists so that its citizens should supply it with wealth, power and fleets of starships with phasers. Weapons of war and conquest. With Cardassia being the first jewel."

He looked at her, "And what do you think?"

"I think that all those starships and all those weapons and all those things exist to supply those citizens of the Federation with freedom. To guard it. To protect it. In and of themselves, they are only tools."

They walked a little further and then she said, "Here you should wait for the others. The sentry is just beyond that first bend."

"I'm going with you.” he said.

"That's not the plan." she said

"Suppose something should go wrong in there. My people and yours will need to know that. You need me in there."

"You can't get past the sentry!"

"Then I'll be your prisoner. That outta get me inside."

"Don't be stupid! They'll interrogate then kill you. It won't work."

"It has to. You see those columns on the mountainside? (motions) Those are transport inhibitors. Somebody's got to deactivate those or the whole plan is off. Maybe while they're interested in can disable the system?"

"Those haven't worked since the Dominion was here. Nobody even knows about this place anyway. How can you be so sure they're transport inhibitors?"

"Pretty sure. Are you willing to take even that chance that they might be working? Can you do it? Can you disable the system before Legate Dhemon arrives?"

"Yes. I think so."

David extends his wrists together with a set of binders in his hands.

"I'm trusting you Sedaria. That trust doesn't come cheap."


Sedaria meets with Governor Zelik and relates to him how Legate Dhemon is planning an inspection visit of this facility. She also told him how she captured a Starfleet Marine and how it might be useful to have him as hostage and to present him to the Legate. Greedily, and stupidly, Governor Zelik agreed. As she anticipated, he grew more and more excited that the Legate was coming here. What was not expected was what followed.

Zelik was a rotund, greedy and overbearing pig of a man. He was haughty and proud. He reeked of self-indulgence and self-gratification. He was vainglorious and sought to return Cardassia to the “bad old days” which is exactly how they got here in the first place. His voice was grating – he was grating. But Sedaria held her disguise and the fool never knew she was a woman.

He called, "Guard, assemble all of the most dangerous prisoners, especially the ones that might cause a problem during Legate Dhemon's visit and bring them to the central courtyard. I want you to kill them all. Vaporize them. Understood?"

"Sir? Right now? Is that legal?", the guard questioned him. Zelik stood up and slapped him across the face, humiliating him.

“I will make it legal. Yes, right now. Now GO!", he bellowed.

Knowing that she had not yet discovered if Florek was alive or not and needing to buy Lieutenant March more time, Sedaria thought quickly. She said, "Governor Zelik. Might I suggest that, as an act of your generosity, you allow the prisoners a few minutes in the open air. Maybe in the courtyard?"

He turned and scowled at Liek, "Why would I do that and what do you care?"

"I don't. But imagine how impressed the Legate would be when he finds that this facility is run with such precision *AND* the inmates are "HAPPY"?"

He thought about it and laughed. “You have a sadistic streak to you Liek….I like that. You might have a future here yet, Liek. I like your thinking. Offensive. Very well see to it. But I want them back inside in 15 minutes."


It is the first sunlight they've had in a year! It feels wonderful! The 50-60 prisoners stand around stunned or in awe as the walk slowly around and breathe in the sunlight and the fresh air. Sedaria scans the faces of the inmates, hoping against the odds that she might even catch a glimpse of her beloved, her dear Florek. She does not. Lt. March is also nowhere among the inmates. She knows that both her husband and this Starfleet marine would be prized in Zelik's eyes. He wouldn't let them roam freely about. And just as quickly as the moment came; it was gone. They were again herded like so much cattle back into their cells. Most went back without putting up a fight. Truth is; they were too weak to put up a fight. When Liek left on his mission there was no one to feed them. They were starving. Zelik satisfied that he had done the right thing now called to Liek.

"There. Now, Liek, are you satisfied? They were just as ungrateful as I told you they would be. Now, come inside. I want you to meet my most prized possession."

As Sedaria entered another guard passed her by. He spoke.

Grabbing Liek by the arm he said, “I hope you're happy with yourself! I was supposed to
assist with the executions. Thanks to you and your idiotic "compassion" I am standing watch for the Legate. This is not over Liek, you cross me again and I'll see to it that you're a guest here!"

Sedaria did not know it at the time, but Governor Zelik had posted this guard to announce the arrival of the Legate.

She pulled her arm away and said in her best gruff voice, “Get your hands off of me! I will do as I please and you can try and stop me. At the end of today we’ll see who’s left standing.”

She followed Zelik down long dark hallways that were barely lit. It smelled very badly down here. It reeked of death and despair. It had an oppressive, heavy darkness to it and she wanted to throw up. At last, they stepped into a row of holding cells as slivers of light high above them cast thin skeletal light on the wet floors.


Zelik murderously barged into the room and said, "Come here Liek, I want to introduce you to our head jailer. Razek this is Liek. He will be assisting you with the execution of today's prisoners. Now come along you two. I want you to meet public enemy number one."

Zelik took a set of electronic keys hanging from the wall and led them down a dark passage. It was moist and wet down here from the underground water supply and it smelled musty and very old. It gave Sedaria shivers to think about all of the atrocities that had been committed in this foul place over the years. Soon that would all come to an end if their plan worked. Zelik stopped at the door and looked at the both of them.

"No one knows about this prisoner except myself, a member of the Obsidian Order and our friends in Starfleet who want to Cardassia back as an enemy. Now the two of you know about him. But as of today, he will exist no more. Razek, I want you to kill him. Liek, you make him dig the grave. want to dig it yourself." He laughs an insane laugh that makes her blood run cold. What could one man do to deserve this?


The door swings open and Zelik and Razek both grab lanterns to chase away the darkness. The room is filled with all manner of insects and rodentia. They scurry away as the light from their lanterns spills into the room. A small square allows daylight to enter the room. In the corner shackled to the wall is one man. He is totally disheveled. He is talking to himself and as Zelik shines the light in his face, the eyes stare blankly back at them.

Sedaria takes a step closer to look at the man, what could he have done? She almost collapses when she recognizes Florek! Her husband! Oh! Great day! This very day! Her heart breaks as she looks upon the man. Her head swims with emotion as she is tormented by her desire to embrace Florek or to keep her identity concealed a while longer yet.

Governor Zelik gloats, "My old friend Florek...huh..huh..huh."

Sedaria thinks to herself, "It's true! My beloved!"

Zelik kicks him, knocking him over. "I should have killed you when I had the chance rather than turn you over to the Dominion."

Sedaria realizes and thinks to herself, "It was you! You monster! You did this to him!"

Zelik spits on him, "Kill him. Immediately. I want it done before the Legate arrives. I am going to check on our other prize...the Starfleet human."

Zelik leaves and hands the phaser over to Razek. Razek proceeds to unlock the chains that bind Florek to the floor and then helps him to sit up.

Razek is an old, worn out man. Beaten down by life, a wretched creature who is as much a fixture of Gaoler as the rats. "Liek, get him some drink and a morsel of food. (sneers at her) It's the HUMAN thing to do isn't it?” He laughs and grabs Florek by the hair.

Sedaria is permitted to offer Florek a drink and a morsel of food. He is still lost in his delirium but the drink and the food bring him back. Sedaria lightly strokes his beaten face and her heart is breaking at this sight! The broken man, looks at her with eyes that have wept and seen such pain these past three years.

He can only whisper, ""

After three long years of waiting, of not knowing for sure if her husband was dead or alive, she strokes his face in her hands. And for the very first time in ages speaks the first tender words of love to her husband. Her eyes fill with tears as she longs to hold his broken body. She lovingly and tenderly looks into the eyes that inspired a generation of Cardassians and the once proud face of the man she loved then and the man she loves, with all her heart - at last!

Suddenly, Zelik bursts back into the room with a crazed look in his eyes, "I've changed my mind! I will kill him myself! But I want him to know who it is who has beaten him!"

Zelik reveals a long dagger with which he will slowly kill Florek by cutting his throat and watching him bleed to death. Suddenly, a cry from the sentry is heard.

The voice of the sentry cries, "Alarm! Legate Dhemon approaches! Legate Dhemon approaches!"

Zelik makes him stand up, “Look at me Florek! Do you recognize me? It is Zelik. I
remember you! You said I would never amount to were wrong old friend. It is you who hasn't amounted to anything. And now, I am the one who will end your miserable life. Step aside Liek, Razek. I will take care of this myself!"

Florek seeing the man before him says, "...Zelik. is that you? Am I always were a fool Zelik. you might kill my body...but you will never kill my spirit."

"What a tender moment! Enough talk! Step aside I say! I'm going to do what I should have done long ago!"

Sedaria can contain herself no longer. She throws down her soldier's uniform and unbuckles the breastplate. She casts aside her disguise and her heart is overcome with grief and she throws herself between Zelik and Florek crying out loudly, "First, kill his wife!"

Florek sees her and recognizes her, "Sedaria!"

Zelik now recognizes Sedaria and is dumbstruck. Only for a moment though. As Razek and Zelik stand in disbelief a cry is heard from the sentry.

The sound of transporters can be heard as Starfleet and an entire platoon of Marines are beamed onto these horrid grounds and this fetid place. The sentry yells, "We are invaded! Starfleet is here!"

The sound of the transporters can be heard even in the midst of the surrounding din. Governor's Zelik's chance for revenge is almost gone. He lunges at them both attempting to stab either one and misses as Sedaria strikes the knife from his hand and it clatters to the floor.

Zelik gasps and cries, "Razek! Your phaser. Give it to me!"

Just at that moment, Lt. Col. K'Rag, Lt. March and three Marines from the Starfleet vessel in orbit step inside the dungeon-like room. K'Rag is the first to speak.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Drop your weapons!"

Zelik falls to his knees and cries aloud. His dream of revenge gone. Razek drops the phaser. K'Rag calls on his COMM badge.

=A= Legate Dhemon, this is Lt. Col. K'Rag. I have found them. Sedaria, Florek and Lt. March are all safe. Governor Zelik is also no longer a threat. This situation is...under control. K'Rag out. =A=

The three Marines fan out and arrest Governor Zelik and Razek removing them from the solitary confinement and into the central courtyard. A loud shout erupts from the prison as cages are opened and prisoners are set free. The cry echoes down the canyons and rough cliffs and if someone were listening; they might have heard the joyous shouts all the way into Sevae.

Sedaria and Florek have embraced and are both weeping tears of joy. For the first time in three long years a strong bond of love and hope…and now utter joy is restored.

Florek, tears streaming down his face kisses her hands, holds her face, embraces her and weeps with a loud voice. "Sedaria, oh my dear Sedaria! Why? Why have you done this? You risked your life for me...for a fool like me?"

She, with tears as well, but with joyous eyes filled with love and kindness and composure says, "I could do no other. I love you so and I have always loved you Florek. You taught me compassion. Not pity, not anger, not shame, not impatience, not intolerance, not rejection, but compassion is what my love for you has done this day, my Florek, I love you so”

She then helps him stand and motions to the Starfleet personnel and says, “And not I alone, but these kind and generous people cared for me enough to enter into my world and share in its danger and its glory alike. Surely they are the bravest, in knowing all this they went out to meet that danger."

At this point, Tahna stops the regular story and switches into the music mode. “Computer? Play the historic performance as detailed by Curfall.”


The scene changes to the operatic performance of the play. Lady Amia Costanza has just thanked the Starfleet Marines. The audience for this aria can’t wait for her to sing. Applause erupts as the first bars of the aria are played. As the music starts, Lady Costanza truly steals the show.

Every Fontalan knows the words and the music to this aria, many have tears in their eyes for what it means to them. The music is alive and busy; it’s not sad or slow at all. At the da capo, the audience stands, and they sing along which is tradition. This is also Tahna Meru’s favorite part. Even though she as a Bajoran would have the right to hate Cardassians, she doesn’t. Because this is her aria too. She resonates with every part of it.

The power of music moves everyone. Lady Costanza takes the hand of her husband Florek and takes the hand of the Klingon Starfleet Marine and holds them both. As the aria ends, there’s not a dry eye in the house. Shouts of “Bravo!” erupt as well as dozens of roses being thrown to the stage. Amia, a true professional, graciously accepts the long and enthusiastic applause. In fact, a picture of the poet D’Arrotta and another of Metastasio are illimunated and wreaths of red roses are draped on the pictures.

It is such an emotional scene that Tahna lets the rest of the historic performance play out. She sits down to watch.

After a while, the applause subsides and people retake their seats and Lady Costanze continues. She plays Sedaria now. She takes Florek’s hand. They embrace again and help each other out of that dismal place into the brightly shining sun. With all its radiance and brilliance, none shone more hotly than the face of Sedaria. She was glowing.

K'Rag was talking with March as a Marine medic tended to his swollen and bleeding lip, his busted up eye and his cuts and bruises at the hands of the jailers. Sedaria came to him, K'Rag, Captain Chambers and Legate Dhemon. Not knowing what to say or how to thank him she simply clasped his hands and looked at him. Her eyes said it all. A profound and deep "Thank You."

Surveying the prison and deciding that such a place, with such horror and so many painful memories should forever be destroyed Legate Dhemon, turned to the Starfleet Captain and said, “Captain Chambers, I think that we have made progress here today."

Dhemon then turned to Florek and Sedaria, “What you have done here today Sedaria is restore the faith of the Cardassian people. Your story needs to be told time and time again so that we never forget.

When the program ended and the familiar Holodeck gridlines returned, Tahna stood there and wiped a tear away. Her grandparents had been imprisoned by the Cardassians in such internment camps. But, no one rescued them like this story. However, she remembered how grateful her mother was when the Federation agreed to administer Terok Nor, later renamed to Deep Space Nine. In thankfulness to those days, she committed her life to being one of “the good guys” and this was one of her favorite stories that had almost been lost to history.

“Computer, save program and end.”

End part three of three


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor


LTJG. Tahna Meru
OPS – Transporter Specialist
Starbase 400
PNPC - Plumeri


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