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First breath of the rest of your life

Posted on Mon May 18th, 2020 @ 3:40pm by Lieutenant Xalanth

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23

For the tired security officers manning the checkpoints at the docking modules the sight of the end of the queue was a welcome one. They'd been on their feet all day as the replacement crewmen, marines and pilots filled into the starbase from the squadron of three freshly arrived ships.

For Xalanth who had the worst luck to be stuck at the back of the line, the wait had given him time to think. His two hearts beat inside his chest at a slow rhythm as he maintained the calm aura of one trained in the legions of his people. The lizard's thoughts were with the rest of his soul now so far away across the vast ocean of space.

T'para and Leilani his first and seconed mates were staying with the diplomatic mission with his people as well as his daughters Yazar, Travla, Lersi and Amrar. This war zone was no place for children. Yet still, he missed them. Yazar would soon be undergoing the right that would mark her as an adult among his people. The hike into the deep desert to find a yarvem and to return with one of its fangs to turn into the hilt of your fang knife was a rite he knew all to well. His father would be accompanying her and he knew the draconian special forces operative would die to protect his granddaughter, but still he wonder.....

He worried about his first born just as he worried about all of his daughters.

Fulvia his third mate and mother of Amrar was already in the war effort, part of some Starfleet intelligence undercover operation that he could never hope to get information off. He prayed to his ancestors and her's to keep her safe in these dark times.

The sound of the buzzer to step forward brought him from his thoughts as he gripped the old dragonian legionary bag strap as he stepped forward. Knowing the drill by heart he'd already drawn the short fang blade he had clipped to his leg, his bag and placed his personal phaser in the side scanner before stepping forward.

It took mere moments for the scanner to do its work comparing his bio to the one recorded in the federations database. The tried human female office gave him a polite smile as she indicated he could pass as she handed him his personal effects along with his temporary quarters. All the way at the bottom level crew quarters. He resisted a groan as he strapped on his weapons and pulled his bag over onto his back before he started on another long walk.

He briefly stopped at a free replicator and got himself some cold water downing it in his races rather unique way of drinking before he joined the queue for the turbolift. After another long wait that allowed the lizard thoughts to wonder again. It was a long time before he stepped through the quarters to the four-person room he’d be temporary sharing. He nodded to the three of them as he took the free top bunk as he began typing out a message to his family. He could at least let them know he had arrived safely.


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