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Sedaria, Part Two

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 1:26am by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

1,725 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Endeavor - Holodeck
Timeline: MD04 - 0700


(Continued from Part One)

Part Two:


A watchful sentry sees a distant glimmer of light. It flashes in rhythmic patterns as he watches. He removes a beacon from his waist and flashes with the same patterns. He turns and presses a communicator speaking into it.

"Alarm! Governor Zelik! Zelik approaches!"

The sentry's call is heard the length of the prison. Sedaria dries her tears in no time and hides her pain once again as armed guards rush about her and fill the hallway with activity. They all take formation on the grounds of the prison compound and after a short while the gates are opened to an evil and wicked man. He, who imprisoned many, among them, her husband Florek, Governor Zelik.

Zelik came into power two days after Florek was arrested. Zelik was a petty, evil and corruptible man. He was perfect for what Commander Lisa Oxford had in easily controllable pawn. Zelik had always wanted to lead a cause, or an organization. Zelik wanted to lead *anything* as long as he had control and respect. Florek knew that Zelik could never lead a group of people being that greedy and corrupt. So, he never advanced him and Zelik resented him for it. Zelik sold out many persons to the Dominion as in informer. He also sold out the Cardassian Freedom Movement when he turned over Florek to them. Now, he was appointed "Governor" of this region by Commander Lisa Oxford and given charge of the prison in the mountains called, as fate would have it, Gaoler. When Zelik discovered, to his delight, that his old enemy was imprisoned within its desolate walls - he was as happy as he ever was.

As he stepped from his transport, he surveyed the compound and the detachment of guards. Sedaria hated him. Not for the reasons she should have. She did not know that it was Zelik who had turned over her husband to the Dominion that night. If she had..."hell hath no fury as that of a woman..." might be an appropriate phrase. As it was, she stared ahead at nothing, hiding the pain that stuck in her throat. She did not notice when Zelik stopped and spoke to the group."

"I need a volunteer to go into the city of Sevae and learn what is to become of the
Federation...maybe even start a few rumors. Step forward if you think you can handle the job."

Sedaria was in the front row and when she didn't step forward, as all of the others did, she stood out. Now Zelik, was feeling the euphoria of his imagined power and said, "On second thought, I don't want anybody too eager for the job. This is a mission of tact and delicacy.” He stood in front of her, “You, guard, what is your name?"

"Liek, sir."

"Well, step forward. (smiling) You just volunteered for me."

Zelik instructs Liek to go into the city and find out what the Federation is planning to do. Make contact with fellow CFM'ers at this address (handing her the address) and gather supplies as best he can.

"You understand then? Use no transporter. I don't want any un-welcome guests learning of our location - least of all the Federation. Don't fail me Liek. Now go!"


With not so much as a transport the road is long and windy through the mountains to the city. From where Sedaria stands now, she can see the city below and plumes of smoke from the various riots that must be going on. She travels further along the road all the while feeling confused about what to do next.

For month now, she has only known that a number of prisoners were arrested and detained here at Gaoler the same night as Florek. She does not know if he is here but she has great hope that he is among them. For months her only will to keep going is that faint glimmer of hope. Now, it sustains her again. She says to herself, "I have the strength to...I have the strength to...keep walking. Oh, Florek, I vow that I will find you. If it is the last thing I do in this life; I will find you."

As she walks, she remembers everything that Commander Oxford had said to her. She was confused. Do I trust the Federation? Do I not trust them? Why did she lie to me? The road widens here at the foot of the mountains and a short distance off she can see the remnants of the power construction site. As she gets closer, she can see people moving about. Mostly Cardassians, but mixed in are a few Starfleet people. On the right side of the road outside from the construction site is a large mound of bodies. The dead from the plague that the Federation unleashed - at least…that’s what Governor Zelik would have the people believe. The last thing he wanted was Starfleet coming in here and “helping”.

And so, he, Zelik, had released into the city’s water and into the air using aerosol canisters, a very powerful and highly selective nerve toxin that affected Cardassian’s only. Zelik was hoping the Federation was to be blamed since he had stolen the canisters and the aerosol agents from the Federation. Zelik knew it would incite the people to rise up, expel the Federation and it’s humanitarian role and Cardassia would be ripe for corrupt control again…or so he thought.

(thinking) "...WAIT! That's not true. The Federation has nothing to gain from killing us! Why would they still be here picking up and caring for our dead if they were our killers...something is not right." Sedaria thought to herself as she walked.

Sedaria is now among the crowd that is walking among the sick and the dead lying on the ground. She covers her mouth in horror as she passes the mound of bodies and the sick and dying. She sees that the virus spares none. Children, the elderly even healthy young men and women. As she looks in horror on the scene before her a rage inside her builds.

"So, it *is* true. It only affects Cardassians...the Starfleet people are just fine...they're just fine!" Frustration and rage flood her mind and she lashes out at the first Starfleet person she can find. She screamed, "MURDERS!"

The Marine lays down another body to the growing mound. The fires that burn the dead glow with an evil red and yellow light. The flames lick the bodies with a hungry greed and eat at the dead with a white hot vengeance. The black plume that rises from the funeral pyre rises high into the sky as a testament to the mad labor below. He turns when he hears the cry, 'MURDERERS!' to see a slender guard grab a Starfleet security guard. David March was so tired he didn't know if the guard was stationed to the ship in orbit or from Captain Chambers retinue. The Cardassian guard had a knife to the human's throat. In a moment, it looked like another life would be added to the pile.

"MURDERS!" Sedaria screamed.

"Let him go, lady.", the marine sentry David March said.

Sedaria heard the voice. Steady. Stern and a little tired.

"Nobody orders me! Who said that?!"

A Starfleet male came forward. His uniform was that of a Starfleet marine. It was matted with blood, covered in filth and the COMM badge was missing, having fallen off from carrying numerous bodies back and forth. The green shoulders were stained with sweat and the front of the uniform had the stink of the diseased. They had spit and vomited on the uniform as he carried them either to await death at the hands of overworked medics, or as he carried them away to the funeral pyre.

"I did. I'm asking you to let him go. Will you do that?"

"Why did you *DO* this to us? Why?"

"Look, I'm just a guy like weapons...nobody's gonna get crazy okay? Just you and me...we're just two guys having a talk."

"I want an answer...(COUGH)...right now!"

"I don't know. Okay, that's my answer. I'm not a medic I..."

“I don't care what you are. You're Starfleet and you're killing us!"

But even as she spoke those words, she didn't believe them. She pushed this human hostage away and he fell to the ground. She then walked up to this...human...and was going to enjoy cutting his heart out but she began a coughing fit.

"What's your name? Huh? What's your name?"

Overcome by grief and the horror around her Sedaria falls to the ground dropping the weapon. Her eyes fill with tears and she collapses. David rushes forward kicking it away. He bends down to wipe the dirt from her face and she slaps him across the face saying, "Is this how it ends then? Why? Why?"

"Come on soldier...let's get you to a medic. You've got the disease."

"My name...Sedaria. You asked me my name."

"You're a woman? What are you doing? Cardassians don't allow..."

Looking at him with his matted brown hair, his dirty face and his bloody fat lip. She takes the leap of faith that once so ennobled this people. Sedaria, has that quality, that rare and unique gift of faith. She knows...she *knows* she can trust this man.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"1st. Lt. David March Starfleet Marine your service Sedaria.”

She was smiling...she was right again. Her instincts serve her well. "I need your help. David March of Starfleet."

Breaking character for a moment, Tahna says, “Computer, pause program. Computer Arch!”

The holographic programmer’s interface appears as the holo-novel pauses.

She types in a few commands to skip the latter part of the second part of act 2. Tahna never was one much for “love scenes”. Besides she wanted to get to Curfall’s reconstructed third act.

End part two of three


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor


LTJG. Tahna Meru
OPS – Transporter Specialist
Starbase 400
PNPC - Plumeri


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